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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by akh maybe they were just letting you know that the 3rd (the child) would be coming on the trip - maybe they don't intend on bringing them to the wedding afterall. i'd definitely talk to them, just to clear things up - hopefully it's not a huge deal! Good point ann!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Hmm, from my understanding the original poster isn't saying people can't bring their children on the trip, just doesn't think it's best to bring them to the actual wedding. And it's not because she doesn't want kids there, just thought it would be unsafe. I personally wish people would have brought their kids to our wedding. No one did! I was bummed. I edited my response above. I realize they aren't saying they can't bring their children on the vacation...no one can dictate that if they are paying for it and why should they...the vacation would be fun with the kids and I think the kids should go on the vacation with them ( I am trying to persuade my friend to bring her 11 month old...to the wedding too). It's just that in my experience, parents aren't always comfortable with leaving their kid with a hotel sitter (stranger) even for a few hours so it could turn into an all or nothing situation. Sorry for the confusion. My main point (I tend to ramble) was that she needs to do what is right for them!
  3. Okay...so this can really be a sore subject apparently. I think everyone needs to realize that we all have our opinions and what might be right for one couple may not be right for another. In my personal opinion...YES, by having your wedding a destination one where people have to travel they may want to bring their kids with them for a number of reasons (want to vacation with them, don't want to leave them home, etc...) and that is perfectly fine, afterall they are spending their money on their vacation and they get to dictate who comes on their vacation. However, the wedding is a different story. If you choose to not have children at your wedding, weather it's at home, or far away then that's your choice and I think you are entitled to that. In this particular situation it's a result of safety and I completely understand that! Guess who is signing the contract to accept liability if something happens...you are! So you need to feel comfortble and protect yourself! This may be their vacation for the year, but they are taking it because of your wedding that you are paying for etc...If they can't or don't want to abide by your decisions to not have children at the wedding itself, and they don't feel comfortable leaving their kid with a hotel sitter or they can't bring someone with them to watch them for the one night...then I'm sorry but maybe this isn't the vacation they should take this year. It's a hard situation because my fiance and I have been through this a little bit and I'm not the most sensitive person, but the first instinct when planning any of this has been to think of our guests because "they are traveling all this way for us". While I do appreciate that and respect that, at the same time, no one is forcing them to come! Yes, I want them there and yes, I want to cater to them to the best of my ability and make it a nice stay for them, but I can't please everyone and I sure shouldn't have to change a vision I may have had for my wedding day. It's about compromise really! This is just my opinion! So bottom line, I think you should give them a heads up and tell that that you noticed on the response card 3 people and were wondering who the third person was. Don't assume it's the kid at first, let them tell you and then if they say their kid, just reiterate the policy you and your fiance laid out there and they either accept it or they don't.
  4. Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Have A Great Day!!!
  5. I am paying $1000 for 3 hrs for day of wedding. I honestly don't even know what this includes. I mean I have in in my documents but not here near me. I know I get all the pics on a DVD though. I am just hoping 3 hrs is enough. I love photos and I like to scrapbook, but I am not that into pics and i don't want too many pictures. As of now and that could change, but I am having him forgo the getting ready pics and start w/ ceremony, individual pics after and reception...
  6. Everything looks great!! It's wonderful to see everything coming together. I really love the frame and I would also love if you could provide the link to the ebay seller for the frame. I also liked the idea of the cake box for the guests to take extra... great idea...
  7. Lisa...that is the greatest picture!!! I wish I had the fan in arizona a week and a half ago. Long Black bridesmaid dress with an outside wedding at 3pm and pictures outside!!!! Also...you girls are making me nervous that it's going to be really hot?? I don't care so much about myself but do you think it will be unbearable for our guests?? Or is it just hotter because of dancing and stuff!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Kathleen - I searched for this thread from awhile ago... did you receive these bags yet? I'm thinking of ordering them and wanted to see if you liked them and how big they are before I place my order. Thanks!!! Has anyone else ordered the flip flop tote bags from Oriental Trading? I had bought them in the past for something else and they are cute but very small....so if you are not going towels, water, ect....and just doing little items...then you should be okay but you have to know it's not to be used as a "beach bag" because it's so tiny.
  9. Hmm that is good info. I will try it too I think...it's about the time I might be into it....
  10. Yeah..maye is good about sending pics... I'm sure she is cheking email...but I know she is in argentina for the month of september!
  11. I haven't put alot of thought into this yet...but we are getting married on a monday and most guests are arriving on saturday so same thing just one full day there prior to the wedding. I was just thinking we would pick something we want to do like Tammy said and then just let everyone know and if they want to join us then the more the merrier!!! If I tried to coordinate an event and have everyone meet ect...I just know i will be stressed out. It's like planing this wedding...you just can't always count on what everyone says...so I am making it as easy on myself if I can.
  12. In my opinion since I have bought them before...depending on how big the cup is, that might not fit...but the rest of the stuff should be okay...
  13. I posted the first post before reading the rest.... That has got to be the best story I have heard!!!! How clever is he!!! I figured you would get engaged out there but I would have never thought he would hook that up! I agree about capturing the moment...you will have so many pics. I have no engagement pics of that night. congrats again and great pics Leigh!!
  14. OMG!!! Congrats!!! I just knew it!!! You must be so excited!!!
  15. I have used these for a beach party I had a year ago and they are very tiny...but honestly...if you just wanted to put some small stuff in them I think they are cute...If you want them to be able to use it as a "beach bag" you should find something else!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I don't think it's a good mother of the bride dress either. An easy way to suggest it's not the right dress to your sister, is to say you are worried the print won't photograph or film well. I don't think it would. Stripes can look funny on film, so I'd worry about wavy stripes a lot. I think it's a cute dress, but it's also not something I'd pick for a big event. She'll be photographed a lot. It should be special. I also think it looks like a young style. If you mom is young or looks young it could work. the photos are a good point...I think I will use that....no, my mom doesn't look extremely young....
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 Your colors are brown and pink right? Is that dress black and white? Not that the MOB's dress has to match but it might not look right in the pictures. In my opinion it would be too busy. No, it's brown and white....that's why my sister thought it would be good because it went with the colors.. Yes they are brown and pink...
  18. Congrats and welcome!!!! This is such a fun time!
  19. See what happens when you are so passive on some things like me... Thanks for your opinions....I will have to bring it up to my sister. I am visiting her this week. My sister is hard headed and I think sometimes she takes offense to things...maybe not...but maybe I will tell my mom that I don't like it and then she can go try it on and tell my sister she just doesn't feel comfortable in it? I know that isn't the best way to go about it...
  20. Okay, you asked so here is the story...My mom is a very simple person with not much fasion (kinda like myself..) My sister has some good taste she is also fast so when she finds something she gets it before you can blink... On the other hand...FI mom has decent taste but her taste is more "young" and maybe say not on the motherly side more like the teenager/skimpy side. to put it as nicely as I can...She is also very judgemental by the way... So my sister emailed me this dress to see what I thought about our Mom wearing it at the wedding...I said I liked it although I didn't love it. In the mean time, she asked my mom who of course liked it becuase she doesn't dislike anything and figures if my sister is picking it out then it has to be decent...well that's all it took and she bought it shipped it and it's here (only $34 on overstock). Last night FI mom and sister were over and I was showing them some wedding ideas, etc (who by the way have extremely different taste than me and I am not listening to them ). and when FI mom saw the dress...she starting making fun of it!!! So I mentioned yeah I'm actually considering my mom wearing that and then she turned it into this whole thing about what she should wear... So long story...I do also like the style but I don't love the print...and I was already second guessing whether my mom should wear it or not and then this and I am afraid it's just too look at me and I don't know how to tell my sister. Plus my mom hasn't even tried it on yet so maybe she won't even like it Sorry so long!
  21. I have this fear that my FI won't like my dress and he will be disappointed with how I look on my wedding day!! I was thinking that when I begin to try them on...I will take pictures of course and show them to him and then see which ones he likes on me and then pick from those (providing I like it) and then just not show him which one I decided on. This way I will know he likes it and yet it will still be a bit of a surprise
  22. Can't wait to hear all about it and see vics!!! Vegas...how fun!!!!
  23. I don't think they are necessary either and brad thinks he doesn't want one either. He can decide that and I won't care. Hey Shelly do you have a pic of the starfish boutonniere? I haven't seen that?
  24. Those are very nice!!! I like the sheer fabric (I think). Although I don't know anybody who sews like that!!!
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