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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Wow congrats on your big plans!!! Everything will turn out just wonderful!
  2. happy birthday!!! Hope you have a great day!!!
  3. oh okay....thanks....hopefully I can fix this...I don't think it's that bad to where I can't be seen in public...but you can tell that my roots are a different color (orangish red) than the rest of my hair. the rest of my hair since it had the highlights, it just lightened up the dark and the light... Thanks for all your help Shelly & Erica!
  4. Okay so shades eq by redkin?? Where can I buy this at Target or something? And I need semi-permanent not permanant? I will definately try and have a professional do it but I leave in 5 days and I have work and school full time so my schedule if very limited!!! UGH! I'm such a dummy!
  5. Thanks Erica...i just don't know who can get me in on such short notice...The color I used yesterday did turn the blonde highlights a little grayish...I actually don't think that part of it looks too bad...it's the orange roots! eek! Okay so tomorrow I will call around and see if I can find a professional to get me in....they can still just dye my hair one color right? They just need to do it because my hair needs a color correction? I think I have like 4 or 5 colors in it right now! :0
  6. Okay so I have the worst luck with my hair because I can't find a decent hairdresser and so I just choose random ones at the last minute when I need something done. The quality is never good! anyway...I had my hair highlighted and it was growing out. So I had dark color all over my hair (close to black) and blonde chunky highlights plus the roots were growing in dark but not as dark as the all over color. So no one could get me in today and so I decided to just dye my hair one color again with some box dye that I had at home called "dark blonde" I just rinsed it out and blow dryed it and it's horrible!!! I have redish orange where the roots were growing in and the rest of it doesn't look bad actually, the dark is still there but lighter and the blonde is just way toned down but it still looks highlighted except for the few random parts underneath wear I must not have got too much color on (it's hard to do it yourself). So long story...but my question is...can i get a darker box color and put that on over this mess tomorrow and 1. will it cover it all since it's darker and 2. will it totally make hair fall out because of so many chemicals!!!!? The reason i was so impatient is because i'm in my friends wedding this coming saturday and I wanted to not have the roots growing in and I actually have gray hair (seriouslly) that was growing in and I was too cheap to get highlights again that would probably turn out like crap anyway! OH BOy! PLEASE HELP ME!!
  7. I'm sorry for you loss edna...when you get back in the swing of things, we can help you come up with a way to tribute them both in your wedding!
  8. Congrats angela!!! You look amazing!!!!
  9. Hmm...I don't want a club but I was looking more for a good bar that maybe has some music that people could dance to or live band or something? But I guess Dreams doesn't have it...So we can only drink until 11pm?
  10. So for those of you have been there, do they have like a club or better yet a great bar that is good for dancing and everything? I am just wondering if we want to party at night, do we have to go downtown or will it be just as good to be at dreams bar??
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride I think everything sounds great. You are really organized! The only suggestion I have is to maybe take out the meet and greet lunch since you are having a welcome party and let your guests have Thursday to themselves, but it's just a suggestion. My guests are coming and going on all diffierent days, but here is my mini-itinerary: Thursday Nov. 8th- Rehearsal at beach gazebo at 5pm (just us, our parents, and the bridal party) 6:30pm-Rehearsal Dinner at Mammee Bay (again just us, our parents, our bridal party and their spouses which is 20 people. Mammee Bay could not accomodate all 64 of our guests for the rehearsal dinner so we just decided to do it this way). 8-11pm- Welcome Cocktail Party for all guests at the beach bar SeaGrape where we will give out our OOT bags. Friday Nov. 9th-Wedding Ceremony at Beach Gazebo at 11am followed by pictures on the beach (and maybe have some rum punch served) while the steel band is playing. 12:30pm-Meet outside of lobby to board the 2 tour buses to take us to our reception. 1-4 (or whenever we're done)-Evita's Italain Restaurant-Enjoy lunch (although it's really like dinner with all the food we're having apps, salads, entree, dessert), open bar, and a live reggae band as well as the beautiful hilltop view of the sea and Ocho Rios below. Take the bus back to the resort, change relax a little then head to the beach party. Sat. Nov. 10th-We are climbing Dunn's River Falls. If you would like to join us meet in the lobby at 10am. We can split cabs, the falls are nearby. Entrance fee is $15.00 per person (we worded it like that on the itinerary because a lot of people are interested in this excursion but we cannot afford to pay for everyone so we didn't want there to be any confusion). I really like your idea of having just you guys and your familly and bridal party for dinner that night and then have just cocktails for everyone (welcome party) afterward!!! I am have been trying to figure this out because our budget is small we can't really afford to host a whole dinner and drink welcome party. I thought about just getting everyone together and they just have to pay for their own, but I knew I would feel weird about that... This way, dinner is just for the family and then for drinks after since we are at dreams...it's included anyway and we can all be together introduce, etc...before the wedding day! Brilliant!!!! Thanks!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr I was thinking that I wanted to include a short intinerary shedule for my guests. I don't want to take up too much of their time because it is their vacation, but at the same time, I don't want them to feel bad and think that I've invited them all this way and I don't even have anything planned for them. I was thinking the evening my guests arrive to have a "welcome cocktail party". I will just use one of the poolside bars or sportsbar (really I'll use any space I can find that will accomodate us.....lol) There, I will pass out their OOT boxes (with a chocolate satin wide ribbon instead of the red) Weddings Gowns Gifts - The Knot OOT Boxes will include sunblock insect repellant personalized water bottles granola bars gum candy w/ personalized wrappers tylenol this itinerary mini phone sheet with important phone & room numbers (bride, groom, parents, front desk, etc.) postcards and maybe Jamaican key chains Wednesday, May 7th 12pm – 5pm Arrive in Jamaica 6:00pm - Welcome Party Thursday, May 8th 12:30pm – Meet ‘n’ Greet lunch 3:00pmGet out and enjoy sunny Jamaica Friday, May 9th 10:00 am Rehearsal at Gazebo (FI, myself, & parents) 6:00pm Rehearsal Dinner 9:00 pm - Beach party Saturday, May 10th 4:00 pm Wedding - 4:45pm Pictures 6:30 pm Wedding Reception Dinner – Plantation 9:00 pm Dance the night away Sunday, May 11th Guests enjoy last day in sunny JA 5:00pm Trash the dress photo shoot Monday, May 12th Guests depart and me and hubby begin our honeymoon What do you guys think? Do you think that I'm asking too much time from my guests. I don't want them to feel obligated to attend any events if they don't want too, but i would like to have a little bit of structure to our event. sounds great! I agree about the welcome party and meet and greet...might to too much...BUT you can always word it so that they know you and fi will be a certain place having lunch that day and they are more than welcome to come eat with you so they don't feel obligated but if they haven't planned anything for themselves then they can meet up with you! ??
  13. Jill, I can't think of anything else...of course I probably will after you get back...but thats okay you would probably still know the answer. I can't wait for pics and info when you get back!!! Yes, definately report on the food. We are probably doing buffet of some sort but everything is good to know! HAVE A BLAST!!!! I'm so jealous, but luckily you are such a wonderful person to offer to report back and look for things out there for everyone! Thanks again!
  14. That is such an awesome slideshow!!!!! You look gorgeos and so happy!!!
  15. Jill, Okay...I can always ask these things to them too you don't so much have to be there...but I am wondering.. 1. Does the TV in the living room have like cababilities to hook up your laptop for a slideshow?? 2. Is there a radio/ipod system in the suite and how loud is it? 3. Is there a full size fridge in the kitchen? 4. Do you know if they allow people to be on the beach in front of the suite during the ceremony or is that our private area too... Like I said these are things I can find out so don't worry about asking if you forget.... Thanks...
  16. I haven't used any...but I was looking into the earth sea and sky transportationo they use. I don't know if it's them or if they contract out but I got the info from Cabo Villas website. Basically I can rent a deluxe Maxi van (whatever that is) that holds 14 and rent it and a driver for 12 hours for like $320....this attracted me because I didn't want to get stuck with a time limit as far as the last pick up had to be at 11:00pm or something Plus this is for a long period of time so i can have them keep chaufering back and forth!!! I still have to looking into more exact details but you might want to check it out??
  17. shelly, i am so sorry to hear this!! I wish I could say something to make it better but I just don't have any words that would help you besides I know it sounds horrible, but until all the tests are run, etc...try and stay as positive as you possibly can and People have trouble conceiving all the time and then it takes a while, but boom, out of nowhere they end up prego one day!! So keep your chin up!!
  18. That's awesome!!! Both of you!!! Drea...can your sister get the price listing there for all the alcohol they have??
  19. OMG Jill, I'm so excited you are going and asking if we need anything! As you know I am getting married at the Imperial Suite too!! If you do get to tour the inside of and outside...please, please give me a thorough review of it...I would appreciate it so much!!! A few things... 1. There is this patio area outside the suite that from the main pool patio you walk down onto it and then another set of stairs takes you to the lower patio where the reception set up will be. My fiance has been on google earth looking around the imperial suite (hey at least he is involved! ) Anyway he saw this square patio and thought maybe we could make that our dance floor? I am thinking it's probably too small but we just aren't sure. So I was wondering if you could tell me from seeing it what your opinion is. Dance floor worthy or not? 2. Maybe take pics of the inside of the suite to see more of those areas like the kitchen and stuff that isn't posted from their website. 3. At costco maybe just see if the liquor prices are comparable to here in the states? I know I will have more...but just saw this post and wanted to ask the first couple things maybe... When do you come back
  20. I will be in but I'm not joining until October 8th...I have to go up to washington state the weeekend of the 6th for a wedding that I am in and it's just too hard to travel and do good. So cruch time starting after that...
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr We're using boxes instead of bags: Weddings Gowns Gifts - The Knot Instead of the red, it will be a chocolate satin wide ribbon. Inside, we're including personalized bottled water, gum, sunblock packets, insect repellant packets, tylenol, granola bars and candy with our personalized monogram. Oh...I like those boxes...do you know where to get them?
  22. Heidi...I"m so sorry you are going through this. I am the worst at this sort of thing because I bottle up alot of my emotions...but I know you will get through this!! It will be hard and regardless of your recent lack of connection with your father...it will be hard because those good memories will always be there regardless and those are just what you need to hang on to to be at peace! Good Luck!!
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