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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. That is a great idea....so like during the cocktail hour? Because I'm thinking I didn't want appetizers during cocktail hour, just drinks because dinner would be so soon after. and that cocktail hour might get a little boring... Hmm...I am going to have to consider what you did...then once dinner is over..it's just one big party and no more formal wedding stuff!
  2. The FA buffet options are pricey and they have ALOT of food!!! So I am cutting a bunch of stuff out and making it cheaper! Do you guys think this is enough food or should I add more? Buffet Menu ~Starters~ Salad Greens w/ Roquefort cheese & pecan and fruit oil vinegarette Fruit Salad ~Side Dishes~ Cajun-style roasted potatoes Chili Beans Wild Rice w/ Cilantro Seasonal Vegetables ~Carving Station~ Mesquite-grilled Prime Rib with Tequilla and Herb sauce ~Main Dishes~ Chicken in Chipotle Chili and Apricot Sauce Garlic Roasted Jumbo Shrimp
  3. I just posted another thread saying that I will only have photographer for 3 hrs. Which means there isn't enough time for him to be there to do cake cutting. I don't think I care about this really. But Maye said maybe I can just cut the cake (cupcakes actually) before dinner while he is still there and then the waiters can just serve it after dinner?
  4. Just curious....How long did your pics of just you two take? I'm only getting the photographer for 3 hrs (maybe 4) and wondering if an hour is enough time to give for pics of FI and I (we will probably do them before the ceremony) and then maybe the 45 min cocktail we could take a couple sunset and family and friend pics?? I know most people are having their photographer for longer...but FI really hates pics and isn't really into all those posed pictures and frankly neither am I. I don't have the patience...so I just want a few and then alot more of us in action being natural (i think is called candid?).
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah Here's a pic of what I did for my welcome dinner: The menus for my wedding were similar, except they were simpler paper with a fancier font. Those are nice!!!! That is what I am thinking...because I want the color paper to be my color for the table so it's not just white, white, and more white!!! Thanks! Also, my did you get the top part of the menu and the round prong things at like michaels or a scrapbook store? My friend used the same thing when making her wedding progams and I forgot to ask her...
  6. Very beautiful pics!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! I love the one where you are overlooking the city...
  7. another dumb question...but do people sign the guest book before the ceremony or the reception? ours will be within a few hundred feet of each other??
  8. Just curious if anyone is doing this..because I am cheap and trying to cut cost by not having much color or decor...I was thinking about making menus on colored paper to match my colors to put at each place setting, maybe in a pocket folded napkin? if not a menu, maybe something else but I don't know what? Like a thank you note or something?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 Not necessarily! If you put number cards on the tables, and have the name and table number (along with your starfish), there should be no need to have a list. They can just go to the specific table.That does makes sense... You can even make it fun by using different pics of starfish on the name cards and have the people match the starfish pic on their name card to the starfish pic on the table...just an idea... (Hope this makes sense!) that sounds fun...there are so many different types of starfish...
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh I've been to weddings who have table cards (at the entrance) and place cards (at each seat). I plan to only have table cards (starfish). So they will pick up the starfish and then take it to their table?
  11. I guess my thing was that I wanted to do the starfish with the name tag on them and I just assumed that I would place one at each seat. But then I saw them in a picture all lined up on a table and I just wasn't sure which would be better. I feel like if I'm going to have a list at the guestbook table or whatever then why even have individual placecards it seems like a waste. they can just go to the list, find their name and then find their table? but if I really want my starfish then they will have to wander around and fine their name... I don't know...I am the worst at making decisions. Thank you girls so much for all your input!!! I don't know what I would do without this site!!!
  12. congrats!!! They were all so entertaining!
  13. what an awesome job they did!!! What great friends/family you have!!!! Love the pinata!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege You don't have to have one if you aren't throwing it. I'm not wearing one. It seems pointless to me to have an very itchy item on my leg for no apparent reason These all make sense...especially the itchy item on my leg for no reason...I think I might pass! We will have no single people...well maybe 2 so I don't see the point!
  15. Okay to question 1...why do some people wear two? Question 2...if I am not planning on throwing the garter then do I need to wear one?
  16. Okay so I have seen some of the tables with the name placecard at each individual seat and I have seen some where they are all lined up in one spot (not sure where to put them) and then I guess the guests just look for their name and then go to their table? What is the advantage/disadvantage to each way??
  17. That is a great idea and I love it! Thanks. Jill you are funny!!
  18. Welcome Back!!! That's great that you had such a wonderful time and no mishaps that you listed. Congrats on being married!
  19. I know people are posting replies and I can tell there are 2 pages now...but I go to click on page 2 or click view last read and it brings me right to the same front page again...weird. So I can't see what anyone is posting.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Good question...let me check! Starfish Cocktail Napkin Box - Napkin Holders
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by yari2566 That is so cute, where did you find it? Good question...let me check!
  22. Here is a napkin holder I found. I love it...but it's pricey. But it's good for maybe cake napkins or i'm sure it could have some other use...??
  23. Yes Jill I will look at your pics because as a visual person...I can't picture what you are saying. sounds nice though. I thought about the floating candles...that's about all I had!
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