Quote: Originally Posted by coreyphil Help! Last week I completely fell of the wagon ... I had just made the 5 lb mark (over 3 weeks)! Somehow with finals quickly approaching, school getting busy with my kids, etc - I just completely gave up - no gym, hamburgers, etc. I couldn't make it to the meeting this morning - so I'm going to give myself this week to try to get back in control! I think in my head because I have until March to lose 10 lbs I'm too easy on myself.
OK - I need to check into this forum much more regularly ... it's always good to hear everyone encouraging one another and empathizing with each other!
I really want to re-gain focus before Thanksgiving and Christmas put me back where I started! You sound just like me!!! Last week was horrible! I for some reason wanted to eat everything in site and I was doing really good (minus exercise) for a whole month!!! I had lost 6 lbs and I seriously gained 2.5 back in one week! How is it so easy to gain and not to loose!!!! UGH!!! So today I am back on track eating wise again.
I just can't pick up the exercise until after finals in 5 weeks!!!