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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. That is beautiful!!!! I thin it will look great on you! Congrats on checking that off your list!
  2. So I am just tired of it now...I don't know if I'm just too picky or what...but I have 2 that I really like, one is a St. Patrick Desiree?? That's what the place told me but I can't find this thing online anywhere! The other I found first at the store that wouldn't let me take pics and cheaper there and then at the other place and they told me it was an Exclusive 2018...again, can't find that online anywhere... I like the St. Patrick because it's simple and very, very light weight! BUT it's more than I want to spend...I love the front of the "exclusive" one...but the back is a little poofy and weird to me...I wish it was just straight and plain in the back and I would have bought it!!!! here are some pics...I know this is like my third post on this topic...so if you don't feel like giving me anymore advice...I totally get it!!! "Exclusive" Front Back (too tight so doesn't zip all the way..) St. Patrick Front (It looks better in person and it's too big...so it would lookbetter when it's fitted properly) Back
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston miss model me I totally just saved that one from a website to see if I could try on tomorrow!!! I love it, it looks great on you!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Great list Jessalyn! So here's my question to all you brides: DID ANYONE THINK THE CAKE WAS WORTH IT? I know I didn't and the desserts that came with the buffet were actually more than we even needed. It seems like that is one of those things that keeps popping up in everyone's list of "could have done without!" I noticed this kept popping up!!! I thought about that too...and that is why I have asked for the dessert to be removed from the buffet and just make the wedding cupcakes our dessert. People may still be full...but some people wil want sweet cake after food even if full (if they are like me!) I would agree that if dessert is with the buffet and then cake on top...that would be overkill! This is a wonderful thread...I am so glad it was bumped again and sorry i missed it before...
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne lol, true. I agree with Drea - the clue idea sounds fun and all but I think I will just be lame and stick a card in with my gift because it's easier. That is so funny!!! We did the same exact thing at my old job!! My one co-worker and I would try to figure it all out and be all sneaky! It was so much fun....
  6. Wow Jen...what an accomplishment and how generous you are!
  7. So these laughing cow cheeses...are these the little min bon bell ones that are round and in the red wax?
  8. Oh boy...I hope it works...because i am renting the speaker system from Fiesta Americana and I too have a nano. I just assumed it would work. Does anyone know
  9. Corey, It is so hard to eat decent when I am at school!! I go to school every single night except friday because I work m-f during the day. I don't have much time in between classes to eat so bringing soup to school for me is tough...but I have been eating it at work for lunch and it surprisingly fills me for a while! It's the progresso in a can and it's tricky because it looks just like the other cans but in the bottom corner it says ww points 0. Which I thought the whole can was but apparently someone said that it's 2 points if you eat the whole can at once. Which I do! Yeah carrots and grapes are great for school because they hold w/out refrigeration for a little while and you can make it last a while. I have actually been eating pbj's for dinner at school. I know it isn't the healthiest, but pb is a good fat and barely put jelly and I only eat wheat bread...it is like 5 points for the whole sandwich and that's like a meal.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by coreyphil Help! Last week I completely fell of the wagon ... I had just made the 5 lb mark (over 3 weeks)! Somehow with finals quickly approaching, school getting busy with my kids, etc - I just completely gave up - no gym, hamburgers, etc. I couldn't make it to the meeting this morning - so I'm going to give myself this week to try to get back in control! I think in my head because I have until March to lose 10 lbs I'm too easy on myself. OK - I need to check into this forum much more regularly ... it's always good to hear everyone encouraging one another and empathizing with each other! I really want to re-gain focus before Thanksgiving and Christmas put me back where I started! You sound just like me!!! Last week was horrible! I for some reason wanted to eat everything in site and I was doing really good (minus exercise) for a whole month!!! I had lost 6 lbs and I seriously gained 2.5 back in one week! How is it so easy to gain and not to loose!!!! UGH!!! So today I am back on track eating wise again. I just can't pick up the exercise until after finals in 5 weeks!!!
  11. She is adorable!!!! Congrats!!!!!
  12. hopw your having a wonderful time!!!! I guess by now you are married!! Congrats!!!
  13. hopw your having a wonderful time!!!! I guess by now you are married!! Congrats!!!
  14. Jill...everything looks wonderful!!!! I hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful time!!! Can't wait to hear all about it whe you get back!
  15. Great pics!!! I can't wait for more! You look so beautiful!
  16. I think people naturally want to throw a shower and bachelorette party for you...I already have my friends begging me to host them! Plus I have alot of friends who won't be able to make the wedding and this will be a chance for me to spend wedding related time with them...since i won't be having an AHR.....
  17. I am considering video too but have no idea the costs...who is Dino?
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