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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you have a great day!!!
  2. Kay~ It's been just about 30 days since your wedding...I know you were going to be gone for like 3 weeks...but I was wondering if you were back yet!!!! I am dying to here all about your wedding and see pics.... I bet it was a lovely time!! Congrats!!!
  3. I hope you had a great wedding day!!!! Can't wait for you to come back and tell us all about it!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by coreyphil I'm glad you like it ... It was a happy diversion from studying last night! Here's what I think is funny - I pulled it up by searching "San Patrick" and "Desiree" ... not sure by what combination, etc. - but it only comes up on foreign websites! I know that Pronovias / San Patrick is a huge international company ... and there is apparently a Pronovias "Desiree" coming out in the 2008 collection according to one of the Ebay Retailers. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a picture of it anywhere ... I'm wondering if it will be the same dress ... like they market it in the US as a Pronovias? (which may be why the dress shop had difficulty finding the one you tried on before ...) Anyhoo ... my girlfriend is going to call the shop here that carries San Patrick and talk to the girl who she worked with when she bought her dress! Sara is super-nice and maybe she'll be able to answer some questions! I'll let you know what I find out! In the meantime --- I also really like the Exclusive dress, too. Maybe altering the back would be possible ... Corey...thank you so much!!! you don't have to do all that...but I did briefly today type in the san patrick 2006 collection and stuff came up but work sucks and I actually have to work so I couldn't look!!! I am going to look now for a little bit...before I start studying!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen That's so funny. Did you ask them at the bridal store if they could alter the back of the Exclusive dress to get rid of the train and be more simple They should be able to do it for you. I'll look online to see what I can find for you. Well here is the thing...I was so annoyed with those Bit***!! My appointment was at 5:00pm and I guess they close at 5:45...well it was very obvious that they wanted to get out of there because the stupid girl who got me started before the main girl (who wasn't the lady I used last time. and she was nice) didn't even so hi and she made it very obvious that I was putting her out!!! UGH! So I did ask that actually, and she said the beading could come off but they weren't really sure if they could flatten the other part because they weren't sure how it was hymmed...my friend thought that they could just let the hym out and it would fall flat because it's gathered up and releasing a hym should do that... I know nothing about any of this...I'm so not domesticated! The other shop that has this one are much better about bringing their alteration lady out to look at it....
  6. I love it....I wanted one of those too... I have to get on the ball and get mine all together.... Great gift Jen!
  7. Oh...and Jen I forgot...I tried on your dress....and LOVED IT!!!! It was perfect...it really did have everything I wanted, except the price! My friend said I like that that other one the best...and I told her no!! I didn't know it was yours until I had it on...
  8. Oh...and Jen I forgot...I tried on your dress....and LOVED IT!!!! It was perfect...it really did have everything I wanted, except the price! My friend said I like that that other one the best...and I told her no!! I didn't know it was yours until I had it on...
  9. Thanks Jen....no it doesn't confuse me more...thanks for your opinion.... What I was talking about in the back was that it looks to me like a fishtail. I'm just so simple and for me to have all that...just doesn't feel like me...it's not a complete deal breaker...but I would rather go with a dress where I can find the same kind of front...and then more of a simpler back... It just seems like so much material and I didn't really want a train and I am not sure how well that train would alter off since it has so much detail, etc... I can't find that one online either because I didn't get a good pic of the whole thing from top to the end of the train.....
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Heidi!!!! I hope you have a great day...you deserve it!
  11. Okay Corey...I just saved the pic to my pic collection and it said desiree...it must be the same one then!!!!! OMG...I need to find that dress!
  12. Thank you so much!!!! I don't think that is the exact same one...but I think it's similar to another one I tried on the first time that was too small that they told me was pronovia (makes sense now) and that they couldn't find anywhere the other day whenI went back... I love this one though!!!! When looked at the san patrick website, I couldn't find anything besides the 08 collection....how did you find it!
  13. Thank you so much!!!! I don't think that is the exact same one...but I think it's similar to another one I tried on the first time that was too small that they told me was pronovia (makes sense now) and that they couldn't find anywhere the other day whenI went back... I love this one though!!!! When looked at the san patrick website, I couldn't find anything besides the 08 collection....how did you find it!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Amy...yes, I did try on the maggie and I did really like it... and so did almost everyone on this forum! However when I tried it on again yesterday...it was so tight and not nice like I remembered it...I know I didn't gain weight and they swear they only have one sample of it...but they had their heads up their butt (they really annoyed me) so who knows....I just wasn't feeling it anymore! I went to Davids Bridal again this afternoon...and I found two I liked but I still like the other two better...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh they are both really pretty, but didnt you try the Maggie Sottero dress?? Its very similar to the St. Patrick and more affordable. MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - SSM5049 Amy...yes, I did try on the maggie and I did really like it... and so did almost everyone on this forum! However when I tried it on again yesterday...it was so tight and not nice like I remembered it...I know I didn't gain weight and they swear they only have one sample of it...but they had their heads up their butt (they really annoyed me) so who knows....I just wasn't feeling it anymore!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN David's Bridal - Bridal Gowns BR1009 Side-Drape Embroidered Dress I have not had much luck finding dresses with that combo. Let me know if you would like me to keep looking. Trust your heart when looking. Thanks!!! I will....I just need help making decisions...I mean I know I will ultimately make the decision...I just love feedback!! I like to hear other perspectives...I did see that DB one online and I liked it...but I can barely decide on ones that I have tried on...I would not be able to pick one that you can only buy online.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by coreyphil First - you look beautiful in both. They are both really flattering on you ... simple, but elegant! (which is harder to find than you would think!!!) I think that St. Patrick and Pronovias are the same company ... so I completely understand about the material - that is what I loved about my dress. It was the only one I could think of wearing all night! I didn't think that #1 looked "poofy" - in fact I thought the way that it "v's" in the back is really pretty! I was also going to see if you've checked the St. Patrick website for any trunk shows in your area. I bought mine during the Pronovia's trunk show and it was 20% off ... Also - if we can track down the exact style for the St. Patrick - you could check for an ebay retailer that sells that dress ... My best friend bought hers that way and saved about $500. When are you needing to purchase it by? Thank you...I did read somewhere that the pronovia and the st. patrick are the same designer and also called san patrick...i have googled everything I could think of...and not luck.... I guess I should purchase soon...my wedding is in 6 months!!!! It's creeping up on me!
  18. Congrats!!!! What a geat story!!!! It's similar to mine actually! Boys are so cute when they are trying to be sneaky and romantic!!!!
  19. Aw Thanks!! I like sweetheat or just strait across strapless...yes, I like the swooshing waist and I like beading but not overkill...and would prefer if the back is just plain material and straight...not gathered.
  20. Both of those are what i am looking for for the most part...I just can't find the perfect blend....the material and the way they fit are great...if I could find the first one with a back as simple as the 2nd...then i would have found my dress!
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