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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv My trainer doesn't want me to weigh myself ... but she asks if I have lost weight -- meaning do m,y clothes fit any differently. I don't care what my weight says as long as I LOOK the way I want to look (although losing some serious LBs is still the goal!). I started working out around the same time you did and I don't think I've lost much weight, if any yet ... but I am seeing a difference in my body. I think my body is a little different...FI says he can notice but I tell him he is lying! Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw michelle, my trainer told me to not weigh myself except for once every other week. he said any time i get the urge, pull out a measuring tape (a fabric one, not the stiff ones) and measure around my thigh, hips, waist, biceps and shoulders --- this will more accurately show your progress. I will have to get my original measurements from the trainer and that way I can measure my progres....w/out the scale... because when you start working out in addition to eating right, you will first gain a little muscle, so the scale wont be an accurate indicator. whats important is that you gain muscle mass to replace the fat mass. let me see if i can find my progress chart and i'll scan it so you can see the proper places to measure. i promise you will not feel as bad about yourself as when you step on the scale. the scale is in out bathroom but i hid it behind the toilet so i cannot get to it as easily haha
  2. Very beautiful and I agree it looks great on you...you are so slender it just flows...
  3. Thanks!!!! I must really suck at doing online searches...I only found one last night and it was like $21 at jcpenny so I was assuming it was larger...thank you!!! if you find more...let me know : )
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH I just searched all over (ebay, amazon, a bunch of other places) and I could find other scents in the same type of bag but not the coconut milk one! it's okay if the scent is different....do you have a link where you found it??
  5. It looks amazing!!! and you got such an amazing deal!!!! That's awesome!
  6. Awe thanks!!! I even looked at khols online and they had some of the other ones that were in the clearence area but of course...didn't have these! UGH... I think I will call the other two stores and see if they have them....
  7. So yesterday I was at Khols and I found these cute little totes w/ coconut milk lotion, and other bath stuff and a cosmetic bag. They were on sale so they only came to like $9 each...the problem is they only had 6! So I drove all the way across town to another Khols to see if they had any and of course...NONE!!! There is one maybe two more stores in the greater sacramento area but I don't have time to go today and they probably won't have them anyway. I might just have to take these back,, but I thought they would cute for the girls and then the guys we can put like a bottle of liquor w/ it or something...most importantly I reallly like the cute little tote because it's small but not too small and it's canvas and clear...but I couldn't find any totes like this online last night... Can anyone help me find either these cute gift sets already assembled or just the cute little totes w/ the clear and canvas
  8. My dad will not be present and so I just thought that I would walk myself down also....I am a very independent person and have been since like age 16. I love to be with other people...but I LOVE to be by myself...so I just thought that I should give myself away!!! Well then my grandmother (who can't be there) said that I should have my mom walk me down. I don't really want this but then figured okay maybe I should and maybe i'm weird for wanting to do it solo. I still haven't really talked to my mom about it, so I don't know her take. But like someone else said, I would much rather have my mom get to see me walk down the aisle. BTW: I do really love the symbolism in FI meeting halfway....If my mom is okay with not walking me down...then i think I will talk to FI about the halfway thing...
  9. So I started eating better and exercising alot (for me) on january 5th and I weigh myself on saturdays..I am only down 3 lbs (barely). I had hoped that with eating less, eating more fiber and protein, and working out 4 days of week and one of those days w/ a trainer that I would loose at least 2 lbs a week! I did go to Vegas last weekend, but I thought I did pretty well eating and drinking and I got sick (from drinking because I didn't eat) so that should have helped! I know it takes time and patience...but it's discouraging! Is anyone else having this problem?
  10. Congrats!!!! It definately counts...it's the binding one! Hope you have a wonderful day!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride08 I like the $50-$100 plus a gift. I'm thinking that I'll give the gift when we first meet to go over plans (and have her be in a helpful mood) and then give the cash tip after all the festivities. That's a good idea!!!
  12. I haven't done mine yet...but here are some ideas that I have collected. This I think I took from on here...but sorry gals, I don't remember who I stole it from. This one I love!!! they have those little flowers (smaller than in the pic) at the scrapbook store and since my flowers are daisies...I may do something like this.... This one is simple...but I love the pocket folded napkin. I won't be doing colored napkins, but I am going to pocketfold it and but the menu card inside and then right where that flower is I will put their starfish name placecard...
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen We are having ours at a Chinese/Japanese place, so I thought that people might like to know what it is. Also, the place only uses white or mauve tablecloths, so I am going to make menus as a way to add color on the white tables. We may also make table runners, but I def want to do menus. Anyway, my point is, I dont think it's necessary, but if it's something you would like to do to dress up the seats. I think it's a great idea. I only been to a wedding once were there was a menu card and it is def a nice touch. I am doing the same thing!! I know the menu cards aren't necessary for a buffet, but I wanted to do them to add color to the tables because otherwise it will mostly be just white... Plus they can't hurt...they will be sitting in their seats before they get up to get the food...so it would be nice to know what will be up there...
  14. When you guys say tipping..is this in addition to a gift or an alternative to a gift??
  15. Happy Birthday!!! Hope Your Day Is Great!!!!
  16. Updated Again 2/12/08 So I found another company called Brown's Private Services and they responded so quick and are much clearer about confirming exactly what I am looking for. Has anyone used them *UPDATED* Originally I posted this as Cabo Villa's Transportation because I found it off their website. I have since talked to them and found out they use Transcabo. I found one thread in a review for them and it was good...but I was just wondering if anyone else has used them and maybe I missed it somewhere Their prices seem so good...too good to be true.. Has anyone used their transportation services that they list on their website? Maye is quoting me alot more to transport guests from dreams to fiesta americana and this company is so cheap! Basically I can hire a suburban for like 6 hours and have them at my disposal (on call) during that time for $180 plus tax...and Maye's quote was like $450 for one trip there and one trip back...
  17. I haven't used him yet...but I have him booked for my wedding 5/26/08. When I first looked at his work on his website I thought it was good but then again I don't know anything about photography and I only had looked at a couple and it was before I found the forum. Then I second guessed myself for a long time because i started looking at others that were better and in the similar price range. But since I already have a deposit down, I figure from the advice of many on here that if I just tell him the style I am looking for then he will know what I want and hopefully listen to me?? I don't think his work is bad...but you do get what you pay for. Pictures are important to me, but I still want want to spend a ton on them. Just look at alot of different ones before you make your decision and and go with your gut!
  18. Thanks everyone!!!! I am going to visit my mom this weekend and talk to her about it.... I like the idea of the mothers getting together and throwing one...but then their tastes are so different and FMIL is so overpowering and my mom is so laid back and let's people walk all over her...so I'm not sure how that would work... I also like the idea of giving all the phone numbers and telling them all to figure it out w/ each other! As far as bridesmaids, it's my sister only and she would just help my mom with the one she throws if that happens. I just want to talk to my mom in person and see who she plans on inviting and tell her that the friends will be going to the one my friends are throwing and if there is enough people then we can have 2 but otherwise maybe she can just help the girls with ideas, or money, whatever.... We will see...
  19. Okay so 2 of my friends who can't come to the wedding wanted to throw my shower because they wanted to repay me for all the showers and birthday parties I have done for their weddings, and babies...so I just assumed that I would have the one and everyone would just come to that one. Well, then I go and ask my mom to give me her satuday availability in april and she tells me that she would like to throw me a shower (which I don't even know if it's okay since she is family). Then FMIL told FI to feel me out (not tell me) about her and his sister throwing me a shower!!! Well he told me and I feel bad because I appreciate the gesture but I don't need 3 showers and really, there is no one for her to invite! So I don't know what to do...I don't want to let my mom down or my friends or FMIL...OMG! I didn't even really want a shower let alone 3!
  20. OMG!!! How horrible!!! I am glad that you bought the second dress though and have that...but like everyone else said, you need to keep on them to get your money back!!!
  21. I am sorry you were a little stressed earlier today...but I'm glad you resolved it and aren't still stuck! I had to say though that it was a little funny and you know you will look back at this thread in a few weeks and laugh your ass off! :)
  22. I think maybe you should consider pics before the wedding and then have the wedding at 6pm... We were told that 6pm would be good because of sunset...but FI thinks that it's not enought time. He thinks that after dinner and everything there would only be like 2 hours to dance...so we are thinking maybe 5:30?
  23. Congrats!!! That's very exciting and we love all you guys do!!!!
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