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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. We are going to do most pics before and sneak away for about 15-20 min during cocktail hr to have a few sunset pics...
  2. Hmmm...interesting..see I thought it might be too good to be true. I was corresponding w/ earth sea and sky vacations and I just asked them the other day who the actual transport company is and they said transcabo...maybe I should contact transcabo directly and ask them. It annoys me because I asked this question like 4 times to verify and they assured me that the guy was on call and if we needed to make a couple trips thats fine because I don't know how I would fit all the people in one car anyway.... Thanks gals...I will call (instead of email) transcabo directly.
  3. I have tried weight watchers in the past and I too swear by it...I am kinda mixing that w/ eating more protein and fiber, etc... I realize some people's bodies are different, because I have never been one to drop more than 3 lbs per week and even when I starved myself for 4 days (I think I drank liquids only) I barely lost a pound or two...it's just my body I think. I am doing it all..I spend 1.5 to 2 hours in the gym 4 days a week and I circut train and do cardio and abs... I have to say that as of today I am down 2 more lbs...so that's 6 lbs total now in almost 4 weeks...it's still slow but it's coming off...and I honestly believe that if I didn't go to Vegas that weekend and slip a little then I would be down 8 lbs. Other than Vegas, I haven't cheated at all... so anyway, I am just going to be patient and stick to my plan and it should all work out. Plus I have kept night time eating to protein only and I barely even eat dinner because I don't get home form the gym until almost 9pm...so we will see...
  4. I have iritable bowl and I believe that dairy helps stir it up...but I haven't yet changed the way I eat because of that because I love milk and dairy products...I just deal with it and all the people who know me know that I may just have to leave at the split of a dime to take care of business... i know this doesn't help much but I'm just lazy. I would suggest though not being lazy like me and maybe lookin into the pills the girls mentioned or other methods to make the impact not so bad....
  5. Happy Birthday Tammy!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and get everything on your list!
  6. Your photography isn't so bad! The wedding was beautiful and everything turned out good...how exciting. Thanks for sharing!
  7. Maura what a mess! I am so sorry and I really don't know what to say that hasn't already been covered. keep us updated and if you need any help let us know....
  8. Not sure how I missed this....but your pics are awesome and your dress is absolutely beautiful!!!! You look very happy!
  9. Everything looks great!!! I can't believe you are off and running already! Have a wonderful trip and wedding!!!! Congrats!
  10. I just saw those while I was there this weekend...they also had at the store a pack of 6 white finger starfish for 12.99 I think...I want to use the sugar starfish...but for those who want the white finger ones...that might be good...
  11. sorry, I am no help but I just wanted to say that seems like a cool idea...so if you find out anything, be sure to post about it.
  12. *UPDATED-I JUST WENT AGAIN AND STAYED SOMEPLACE DIFFERENT* Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Ah...Vegas!! I love Vegas! Usually go at least once a year... Venetian: Loved it! It's all suites and I just love the atmosphere! Plus I really want to go to Italy so I am bias. Friends aunt paid so I haven't stayed there again because I can't afford it. Bellagio: Absolutely my favorite of the upper class hotels! I have stayed here twice. Once work paid for it for a conference and we just stayed there this april for my sister's 30th B-day! MGM: It's okay...nothing great! The pool is awesome though! It's in a good location on the strip. I want to stay at their new towers... New York: This is another favorite!!! It's reasonably priced and the rooms are nice. Central location. Fun environment. OMG...the Americana Cafe has the best Macaroni and Cheese!!! Add some Jalepenos too it and it's YUMMY!! Especially at 2 or 3 in the morning! Imperial Palace: DO NOT STAY HERE!!! Although it was dirt cheap...it's not worth it. It's definately an older hotel! The smoke is really bad. The elevators are so slow we had to take the stairs and the water backed up in the bathtub...GROSS!! However...the dealertainers are pretty cool!!! So don't stay here...but stop by and gamble a little!!! Stardust: Not the best place. It's on the old strip which is a LONG walk to the new strip and it's also older and smokey...The rooms weren't bad...but again, it's worth spending a little more to stay at a nicer place and closer to the new strip.... Ceasers: I loved Ceasers too!! The rooms were great and the hotel is like a maze...you can get lost...but same with any of them really! Bally's: We just got back from Vegas and stayed here this time. It's in a good location, and the rooms are huge but they aren't the nicest. We were in the old tower so that is probably part of it. I would stay there again if I was going cheap...but definately not my favorite. Plus they don't have 24 hour room service nor do they even have a restaurant open 24 hours...you have to go next door to the Paris (but they are connected). Also, their check-out time is at 11:00a and they charge you for a late check out! I have never had to deal w/ this! Tropicana: Haven't stayed here but on one trip we stayed at mgm and friends stayed here and at the time which was about 5 years ago...the rooms were pretty dated, but the pool is awesome!!! flamingo: Also haven't stayed here, but friends have so I got to check it out. Again, rooms are pretty dated, but huge and they are in a good location and they have the best pool area! My friend got married in the garden area and it was just lovely and a little secluded too so it wasn't like kids were doing donuts in the pool while they were saying their vows! I try to stay at a new hotel each time I go. My goal is to eventually stay at them all! They are so fun! I have to say too...in all of my travels there, I have found that southwest vacations has by far the best deals!!! You pretty much pay for the hotel and get your airfare for like $40 a person!!! I wouldn't go any other way. Only bad thing is you can't to the 24 hr online boarding because it's not ticketless... Sorry so long!!! LOVE VEGAS!!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild For those who have stayed at the Hard Rock or Palms, is the fact that they are off the strip a huge deal? I.E. would we regret that we had to catch a cab coming and going, or is it a fairly easy thing/short ride to catch a cab? I personally am cheap and would like to walk as much as I can...but honestly that's during the day...at night if it's cold or too hot I would prefer a cab anyway. I think they are nice hotels and worth stayin at, just bring alot of cash for cab fare. Cabs themselves are not hard to find..they line up at each hotel so that isn't a problem....I guess it just all depends on what things you had in mind to do while you are there...I am guessing that a cab ride from Palms to the middle of strip like bellagio would be about $15 one way.
  14. That is really pretty....plus I think it will look really good w/ your dress!
  15. Wow...I just read this for the first time and I'm so sorry you had to deal w/ all this! I agree, doctors suck and I have no faith in them....I'm glad to hear that you did get to the bottom of it though and hope you are feeling better now??
  16. Cool...I found the one I had and it was in prevention magazine a few months back...looks like august. It's the same one essentially. It says absDiet for women flat and firm results in just 3 weeks....the power of 12 and certain ab exercises....
  17. the abs diet...is that in a little tiny magazine that came out a few months back...I think I have that...I need to pull it up. i remember FI and saying that it sounded good and easy to follow...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 Michelle, You might want to check out sparkpeople.com I have had great success with the online food diary. It keeps track of your calories, fat, protein, etc. I thought I was doing a good job of self monitoring, but really wasn't. There is also a water intake measurement. There is a workout calculator that totals how many calories were burned during your workout. I need to use that page more than I do! I find that if I have to write everything down, I don't eat what I know I shouldn't. This was a really bad weekend! Saturday I ate out all 3 meals! I'm scared to enter it because I know it was a million calorie day! LOL In 3 weeks I've lost almost 10 pounds, really just by monitoring my foods. Lots of fresh vegetables and low-carb items. I think it was Alyssa that mentioned you need at least 1200 calories to lose weight. I'm in a 1200-1500 range. Wow congrats on your 10 lbs!!! I am doing everything you are doing...I have signed up for sparkpeople but still trying to figure my way through it. I am eating 1200-1400 calories a day, mostly 1200 and I am not eating very many carbs and if so it's in the daytime. I know everyone's body is different...but for the most part on a regular basis when I am not dieting, I eat about the same things as I am eating now...since I have dieted all my life, I always make a conscious effort at least during the week to eat about 1200 calories a day. Whereas some people like my co-worker who was skinny to begin with, lost 20 lbs toward the later part of last year. But she used to eat fast food like 3 meals a day everyday and 2 sodas a day, junk food snacks...I mean she ate like crap and I know from experience that when you eat so bad and then change to eating so good you loose alot faster in the beginning... So who knows...I will figure it out and I won't give up...
  19. Thanks for the confidence...I hate myself that I can't even be happy for the little bit that I have lost, I mean it could be worse and I could have gained... I guess it's just the fear of the unknown...I know that for me losing 5 lbs or even 6 is doable...but it's been awhile since I have lost so much and this time it is just so much more important that i actually accomplish it so I am being so hard on myself..I guess I should wait and freak out in march or april if I'm not seeing results huh? :0
  20. congrats Tami...i missed this earlier... I agree with the tv's on the machine at the gym. Mine has them and it's a life saver!
  21. those are cute! so was it already a first aid kit and then you added the front decor, aspirin and lip balm? or did you buy empty containers and then put all the bandaids in as well?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka I aways have weight issues. We're really hard on ourselves too... Michelle you need to celebrate those 3 pounds. let them encourage you to loose more not the oposite. IT will come just be patient. I know its hard and easier said than done. Looking at your ticker...you got 3 months to go. 3 months is PERFECT! Seriously just keep on yourself and you'll melt away the pounds. Stay strong girly!! Thanks!! I just tend to be a negative person... UGH Okay starting today, I'm being positive...
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv When I lost weight last year ... I didn't see/feel any results in the first few weeks .. but then BAM it was like all of a sudden. SO definitely give yourself more time. My trainer did say 6 weeks before I will see any real results, so I'm gonna trust her and keep working on it! lol That's good advice...thanks! Patience isn't my best quality. I'm curious thought...I know there is a thread on breakfast foods...but what do you girls eat throughout the day like a sample days meal...to give me an idea if I need to drastically change my diet....
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