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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. I am going to dollar store today at my lunch! they never surprise me...they have everything..
  2. I was also having trouble finding pink glass gems...I finally found some at super walmart but not just pink alone...red, pink and clear so I will sift through the 3 bags I bought and take all the pink out. Howeer, I saw blue alot. dark blue though. I am not sure what color blue you're looking for? The garden stores are a good idea...I didn't think of that. I think Michaels had blue too. I like your idea...it wil look very nice. what color daisies?
  3. So has anyone bought these silk petals yet I want to order some still but not sure if it's worth spending money on real petals...I don't want them to look really cheap!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by naga0066 Has anyone ordered from here? Are they fairly decent quality? After it was posted I checked out the site and I decided that I was sick of looking at fans to find the best price and so I said what the hell. Screw the pink fans and I ordered from this site and bought all white for .50 each! So hopefully in the next few weeks I will have them and then I can let you know how easy/hard it is to order from them... So far I just placed the order online and if you pay by credit card it directs you to paypal.
  5. That is a reallly good idea with the pics... so you bought the laminate tags w/ strings at staples
  6. So I am still confused...do I just buy a shadow box and then put another frame inside of the shadow box or do I just glue/tape the pics I want to the back of the shadow box and then fill the bottom w/ sand? I think it would look cool to pour it into the frame and then have that sitting at like the guest book table or something during the night...
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lyrebard These guys have the natural-colored ones for $.50 each (sold by the dozen): Welcome to Koyal Wholesale :: Your Distribution Partner! - Handmade Raffia Fans BULK oh that's cheap!!! I wonder if they are a good company. My sister thought the pink fans were cute...but if I can get white for .50 each...that is way better...I will put pink ribbon on them!
  8. Great advice...thanks! I am just being so cheap I know... I am going to order them now...what's $20 more dollars in the whole scheme of things!
  9. Okay..I hope this isn't out there already, but I'm about to order fans and I was thinking I would order pink for the girls and white for the guys...but then I started thinking...these things are like $2 each and I know for a fact the guys won't keep them and with that said I don't even know about all the girls but I know at least that the girls will probably use them at the ceremony. So...should I just get enough for the girls and if the guys are hot they can share? Or should I suck it up and just order 10 more for the guys?
  10. I agree completely with the other gals...I am using Tammy too and she has been great with all my requests and taking care of my guests!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by host i answered below...i make information sheets when my clients ask for it but usually they have websites with information on the resort, area, etc. I was just going to respond that I am using Tammy and she has been great! She has been handling everyone on their own unless I involve myself and then that't my fault! Tami I think your travel agent is having you do too much....maybe you can mention it to her??
  12. A friend of mine goes to the same gym as me and said she goes to the cycling class and that I should try it...so it's on thursday nights and I guess it's so popular that you have to get there like 30 min prior to get a spot! That's annoying..but it's worth check out according to all of you. Great job Tami for sticking it out and going...
  13. I really like that dress!!!! That's awesome! I thought about doing mine into a sweetheart too but I didn't know how expensive that might be...
  14. Our plan is to have the ceremony at 5;30 to end at about 5:50 and then have dinner at 7:00p. So we will consider that the cocktail hour... However (and I just posted this in another thread) I am wondering if food during the cocktail hour is absolutely necessary? I noticed some of you aren't even having the "cocktail hour" so maybe it's not...
  15. Okay so for some reason deciding on the food for the cocktail hour is driving me nuts! I am wondering, for those of you who had and who are having a cocktail hour, did you have food too or just drinks? I feel that since the we will eat at 7pm I don't want anything too heavy because we will have alot of food for them and then there is the cheese, fruit and bread table but it's all really weird stuff which isn't typical of our guests and then there is like a fruit and veggie w/ dip station which is what I would be leaning toward, but not sure if that is lame! HELP!!!
  16. That sucks Jen....but I'm glad you said that... that's funny!
  17. I just booked Suzanne's shop for my hair and make-up for my wedding!!! I'm excited because I have another thing to check off my list...I was a little aprehensive about the price...but I really suck at hair and make-up so I feel it's necessary! I am still undecided on the trial. My gut says no, mostly because I am so simple that no matter what they do to me even if I have a picture I will still be a little uneasy about it, so I don't think a trial will help. Especially with the comment about no two are the same.
  18. This is what was on Earth Sea and sky (cabovilla's) website: To me it seems that if you are doing airport transfers or if you want just a basic roundtrip then you can get it but then down below it says "on call" so I will have to verify w/ them... Round-Trip Private Transportation - Round-trip to activities Suburban or Maxivan - $135 Deluxe Maxivan - $150 Escalade - $250 VIP Customized Transportation - On-call private transportation services Suburban or Maxivan 3 hrs - $135 6 hrs - $180 12 hrs - $310 extra hour - $45 Deluxe Maxivan 3 hrs - $150 6 hrs - $200 12 hrs - $320 extra hour - $50 Escalade 6 hrs - $390 12 hrs - $580 extra hour - $75 Grand Marquis Limousine 3 hrs - $360 extra hour - $80 Suburban Limousine 3 hrs - $550 extra hour - $190
  19. That could be true... I just don't want to think one thing and then get there and expect something and then be pissed off.. UGH! See, this is why I love all you gals and guys!
  20. What about Disneyland?? Only about 30 min from lax I think? Grand Canyon is somewhere between LA and Vegas I think? Hoover Dam outside of Las Vegas Definately San Diego... you can go into Hollywood maybe...
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