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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. what is your wedding date?? I am getting married there may 26th. We are doing on consumption. The per hour per person rates were outrageous!!!! our group drinks but not all of them enough to make it worth that price...so we are taking are chances w/ consumption and i think most of the other FA girls did the same...
  2. There are alot of interesting jobs!! I work for a State Farm Insurance Agent and sell and service insurance products! I really like my job though and the whole industry...most people can't say that about insurance until you work for it.
  3. Leia, did you ever figure out your questions... I just asked maye about the trio and how do they know what to play and she said she tells them and I can pick if I want the traditional wedding march (which I don't) or cannon in D. So they play that. I am choosing that because it sounds so lovely and then I will just let them figure out what else they would like to play...
  4. The day pas is like $85 or $90 last I checked and you will need to pay that for each of your guests..it can add up.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen Oh Michelle, I'm so happy you're happy. I know this was tough in the beginning but it all paid off. You look GORGEOUS in that dress and you're right, it fits you like a glove. I don't think you should try to lose anymore weight. You look great now. You may look like a toothpick if you lose anymore. Thanks Jen!! and everyone else! Thanks for the kind words about dieting...but looking good in the dress and looking good in a swim suit are two completely different things..so I have a lot more work to do.. Quote: Originally Posted by ChristinaH That dress is amazing on you and very similar to something I tried on yesterday. But I swear they're all starting to look alike though. If you don't mind me asking, what is the maker of that dress? Just curious because of the discontinued issue you ran into. I am really tired of trying on dresses. It's supposed to be the most fun part of the planning process and it's making me the craziest! I understand what you are going through completely! They do all start looking the same and the process was not fun for me at all! That is why it's such a good feeling to say I LOVE my dress! The maker is San Patrick who is also Pronovia I guess? I never could find it online anywhere...I guess because it was being discontinued...
  6. Happy 3 year! I hope you both have the day off so you can spend all day together and then go to pf changs! I want that... yum!
  7. Thanks girls!!! I wish I would have taken that black necklace off sooner! Now I just need to find some shoes and decide on jewelry...
  8. I will be working today also...It's only 7am here so haven't started yet.
  9. Okay so can I just say that I LOVE my dress!!! This is the first time that I can actually say that without questioning myself!! So I get to the place to pick it up and expecting not to be able to try it on because that is what they told me!! The girl tells me to come to the other side and asks if I would like to try it on and I said really? They told me I couldn't try it on. She said of course you can! So I said well yeah! So I put it on...and it fit like a glove! I was all freaked out that it was going to be too big and I would have to spend a fortune in alterations, etc...and it fit perfect! Mind you I am still loosing weight, but it seems that the size difference are not huge. Then she began putting veils and tiara's and necklaces on me...which was good because I was able to get and idea of what kind of jewelry I would like and I decided that I don't want a tiara...I did however get a veil! I was still okay w/ out it but my mom and sister thought I should really have it and my sister paid for it so I lucked out! Gosh I bable!! Here are some pics. The veil I got is the one w/ the thick cream lining on the outside...it matches the dress perfect! The dress looks white in the pics (from my cell phone) but it's ivory. Don't mind the black necklace that was before she put good ones on me! This one shows the veil...
  10. Okay so my mom and sister are coming down today and we are going to pick up my dress. Well I have known we were going to do this for weeks but I am a scatter brain and I forgot to call and make an appointment at the salon. So of course they are booked and I won't be able to try it on there so I told them I would just pay for it and then take it home and they sounded like I was a weirdo for doing that?? Should I be leaving it there? I don't see why? I'm not hiding the dress from FI (he already saw a picture...I can't keep secrets!) and it was ordered a size bigger plus I lost weight, so it won't fit good which is why i don't see why a "fitting" is necessary. Am I a wierdo for taking it home with me today??
  11. Hey... Well my mom and sister and I are going tomorrow actuallly to pick it up. I forgot to make an appointment to try it on and they are booked now, so i think I am just going to pay for it and take it home and then when I'm ready for alterations, I will take it back there and I will see how much they want and if it's too much I will find another place. I just don't see the point in leaving the dress there...
  12. Good question...I am hoping it will look okay because I was planning on doing the same thing. I am having gerbera daisies and my moh is having a bouquet of light pink daisies and I was going to have a bigger one w/ light pink, but now I am thinking maybe doing either white or ivory daisies for my bouquet to be different.
  13. Leia...that is funny....I think it will be great!
  14. Here is my updated list...I think I am doing pretty good...I hope I am not forgetting anything major.... (the x is complete and the / is partially complete!) To Do List ~Fiesta Americana~ xSuite Booked Sign Contract w/ FA for Food/Beverage Decide on Set-up/Speakers, etc… ~Maye~ Flowers xArrangements for the Alter - told maye what I want - need to confirm xMichelle's Bouquet (6-8 gerber daisies - ivory or light pink) xMOH Bouquet (3-4 gerbera daisies - light pink) xBout (single daisy) xExtra Flowers for Centerpieces (2 on ea side of hurricane - light pink) xTable Runners (Brown) xVases for Bouquets (cylinders) Luminaries for pool ?? Cake xFinal Cake request to Deena xDecide on Flavor Judge xDocuments for judge Music xBook Trio (one hour) ~Photographer~ xPhotographer Booked xPhotographer Timeline Sent to Tomas Review Picture List ~Decorations~ xBuy silk petals for aisle xVotive holders and votives for tables Starfish for placeholders Table #'s - Not sure if need xCake Topper - 2 gerbera daisies xFans for Ceremony /Guest Book Ideas - Scrapbook w/ photos and postcards… xStarfish Bouquet Jewel xScrapbook Floating candles for pool ~Michelle & MOH Attire~ xBuy Wedding Dress Buy Shoes Buy Undergarments Decide on Headpiece Garter ?? xDanielle's Dress Danielle's Shoes Michelle's Jewelry Danielle's Jewelry xBook Michelle's Hair/Make-up w/ Suzanne Morel Salon-Cabo Decide hair & make-up style Vacation Attire Mom's Dress/Shoes/etc… ~Brad & Best Man Attire~ /Brad's Suit - know color and kind but haven't purchased Brad's Shoes Brad's Shirt/Tie/Accessories /Decide Best Man's Attire - good ideas in my head xBrad's Ring Vacation Attire ~Transportation~ /Wedding Day Transportation for Guests - know vendor..not sure services yet Book Transfers for Mom ~Vacation~ xBook Vacation & Transfers Pay Balance of Vacation xBook & Pay for Airfare xPassports xLuggage ~Invitations~ xSave the Dates xWedding Website xInvitations ~Misc~ Organize playlist for IPOD Decide on Welcome Dinner /Seating Chart - partially done Cat Sitter /Wedding Day Timeline - Partially Done Decide on Sand Ceremony/Buy supplies Register MOH/BM/Parents Gifts Vendor Gifts ~OOT Bags~ xBuy Oot Bags Decide items for oot bags - Sister will assemble Welcome Newsletter Luggage Tags for Guests ?? xStarfish Wine Topper Favors Personalized Cd's ??
  15. I think it's good if you aren't stressing...i am not stressing yet either...but I know I will come 1-2 months ahead because I am naturally a big time stresser! I am going to post an updated list...
  16. Okay well I barely drink. I mean if there is an occasion or whatever I will drink...but I might have a drink or two during a given month if that....and I have always been this way minus about a 2 year period about 7 years ago when I went out every weekend....
  17. I love khols!!! it's my new favorite store...we just bought luggage ver the the weekend and got an awesome deal and then got home and got the mail monday and found my 30% coupon starting today...so I was going to try and get a price adjustment, I wonder if they will do it? Maybe I should re buy it online and then return the others... That vacum is an awesome deal!!!! might need that too.
  18. Updated Again 2/12/08 So I found another company called Brown's Private Services and they responded so quick and are much clearer about confirming exactly what I am looking for. Has anyone used them
  19. Not to sound mean because you are venting...but I am glad I am not the only one!!! I am 28 and will be 29 soon and I have a ton of gray hair and I too am not talking about strands...it's patches and little broken ones in my part!!! I box dyed my hair about 3 weeks ago and it's back already!!! In the summer I put blonde highlights in so that it isn't as obvious when it grows in but it is really bad and no one understand unless they have it or you really pull up your hair and show them!! I too think it's genetic and it sucks!!!
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