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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Even if it's not a long train....it will drag on the ground and you may trip on it...it might be hard to dance and stuff...so it will just lift it enough to be a the floor level and they usually do it so that it doesn't alter the look of the dress
  2. Jen that is too funny!!! those items are hillarious!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Michelle, thanks that is SO cute and perfect for my wedding! Totally in love with the orange and blue combo. My sister and I are making our OOT bags though and it's funny, cuz we have kinda the same ideas. We bought two hibiscus prints and we plan on lining them in contrasting colors and doing the handles in the same contract color! So, basically, we are making bags that are just like that, only smaller! I will post pics when we have at least one of each print done. But if I didn't have them already, I'd have to buy that bag for myself. Oh yeah I remember you saying you were making your bags...I'm jealous that I don't have that talent! Too funny though that they will end up very similar! Please post pics when you are done...I want to see them!
  4. Oh that's a good idea.... where do I get that I am so lame that I never heard of nice...
  5. Yay!!! Happy Wedding Day!!!! Hope you are having a good time!
  6. The only problem is there really is nothing in there for the guys!!! I actually have more gals than guys but maybe I will throw in a small bottle of liquor for the guys...I think the girls will get the biggest kick out of them anyway so it's fine w/ me to go more "spa" oriented!
  7. Carly aren't your colors orange blue and hibiscus flowers I might be wrong...but I saw this and thought of you... Tropical Tote Bag in Several Colors - Gifts for Women
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by CTHawaii14 Wow. They look amazing. I love the bags. And I think you will do just fine assembling the 3 bags before your sister gets there! Thanks for the vote of confidence! Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen Michelle, you just inspired me to order Burt's Bee's After Sun Soothing lotion and Burt's Bee's lip balm for my OOT bags. I just placed an order online - LOL!!! Thanks for making me spend more $$$. LOL!!! Jen...no problem...any time! I was talking to my sister on the way home and she was out buying more stuff for the bags... this is the designer in her: She bought some travel size banana boat sun lotion and you know how the bottle is orange...well, it didn't match the color scheme!!! So she is now thinking about putting it inside an ivory colored little bag. Same with the aches and pain stuff. Funny stuff!!! Here is her latest version... of course the sun block isn't hidden yet!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by angitalia23 Oh Yeah!!! I ordered these last week, they look like quality material! They are good quality...straight from hawaii and they came fast too! Quote: Originally Posted by texasex They are really nice! Where did you get the bag and how much? it's on page one of the thread...sorry don't have the link here at work w/ me Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Your sis did a great job, can i borrow her for mine? Funny!!! I'm sure she will be flattered...
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Yep, 3 guests are getting some stuff plopped in a pretty bag while you head out to the beach. Just include a picture of what it could look like. Or put one of those "some assembly required" stickers on it. OMG!!!! Two funny!! :)
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan It does look like a designer made it. You should see how I wrap presents. Mine are always the last picked when you play that present swap game. But the stuff inside is always cool. I know I'll be assembling them in mexico so ploping a bunch of stuff in a bag is as much as I'll do. If I had a designer sister though I'd definitly let her make my presentation beautiful. They really do look great. You're making me laugh...because my sister doesn't come in until saturday and I have a 3 guests coming friday and one saturday with her...which means I am going to have to assemble at least 3 of these by myself!!! Holy crap!!! It's going to be rough!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Yeah you better give us pictures! I think it looks great. Much prettier than mine for sure. I don't think so necessarily...they are just different. I REALLY like yours...honestly yours is more my style..but my sister is an interior designer so everything with her is neutral colors and presentation... I love the bag but yeah if i did it myself it reflect more of me and it would be colorful and full of toys.. The way she has it stuffed right now I think doesn't have alot in it...she stuffed the bottom w/ stuffing to make the items stick out...
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by angitalia23 Looks good, Where are the bags from? Bags are from Welcome to Ailana Kai It's the 9x5x3 one
  14. To be honest I don't know everything... My sister is so creative like that and so she wanted to take on this task! More power to her! Here is what I believe is in them (geared more toward the females). 1. coconut lotion 2. berts bees foot cream 3. mini pumas stone 4. pink soap (colors are brown and pink) 5. a set of 2 sachets with a porcelin starfish tied to it (on sale at pier one this week) 6. We will add flip flop playing cards 7. imodium, bandaids, etc... 8. newsletter w/ welcome message 9. I think I will put my starfish wine topper favors in there (so guests don't leave behind at wedding) 10. a couple postcards 11. maybe some sun lotion or aloe Still trying to finalize but I'm a total visual person so she had to mock one up for me to see if I like it! She even found pink and brown raffia at cost plus.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 People may play on the plane on the way home but probably not so much at the actual resort. This is what I was going to say...my sister thought they were a great idea because she went to a wedding in Texas this last weekend and they provided oot bags and had playing cards in there and their flight home was delayed overnight so they spend hours in the airport and she said the cards came in handy... So now I am going to add them. chances are there won't be flight trouble, but if so it would be nice and who can't use cards at home??
  16. Morgan's thread made me think that maybe I should post my sisters mock bag and see what you gals think??
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus well you can fill the pinata up with all sorts of adult stuff. the bridal shower i photographed this last weekend had a peni-ata filled with condoms and candy... you could do a pinata in the shape of some breastessusss for the guys and fill it with... OH WAITTT.. brilliant idea.. little bottles of booze. THE PLASTIC KIND of course so they wont shatter.. put condoms and candy in there as well I like the plastic liquor bottles...the guests will be of all ages so i think the sexual items might be too over the top... Quote: Originally Posted by happygilmore I threw a Jack - n Jill Party for my best friend and her husband and to help ease things along, we had music, drinks and our two games were 1) the match game - we had great questions and people loved it. The best being "when I walk up his _____ is on my _____ we got some really creative answers! 2) put a number or shape under a few chairs and if they are sitting on that chair they got a prize - not to girly and not to long! those are good games and just two is good..
  18. I say the dress is beautiful!!! I love it! As far as size...I say go w/ the 10. As mentioned already, boobs loose weight first and if it fits with the 10 but you just need to add fabric, then the 12 will most likely be too big up there and then you will need to pay to have the whole thing taken in...
  19. So my mom and sister want to throw us a coed shower/pre-wedding get-together. FI isn't in love with the idea and but is okay with it if we don't do games because then it's like a party! My mom on the other hand understands this but just loves doing games. So my sister suggested we could either pull the girls away for a game or two. I thought we could do lame games like door prize or people talk about at the weddings where the dj says everyone stand up and then asks questions about relationships to eliminate people and then the couple married the longest gets a prize... My mom thought that to involve the guys, since we are doing a mexico themed party that maybe we can have a pinata for them filled with guy stuff So questions are? 1. What do you all think about the ideas already and if we should do any games 2. What advice do you have to make it a little more interactive?
  20. I just hear the word donkey and I can't stop laughing!!! The simplist things!
  21. I too am a fat cow....a depressed fat cow! I have complained about this in a couple threads already but I have been going to the gym 4 days a week with a trainer for 2 of them for 8 weeks now and in the beginning I lost 2 lbs per week and now it stopped and I keep fluctuating between 6lbs lost and 8lbs lost... I don't want to complain because I'm happy w/ 6-8lbs, it's better than nothing, and I can see muscle definition and my clothes fit a little looser but not enough for a whole size yet... So I'm freaking out because for the last like 3 weeks at least it's been fluctuating and I can't get it back down... any advice??
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