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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Sorry for your loss! I definately feel your pain! Thanks again everyone...these are great ideas...my grandma didn't have a favorite flower...but I can see if fiance's grandma did...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Bavaro-Princess My grandma also just recently passed away this past week and I have been thinking a lot about how to incorporate her in the wedding and I do have to say thinking about this scenario that you describe here touches me deeply… my grandmother loved every flower but her favorite flowers were the Orchids… I love this idea and if it makes me emotional right now I cant even imagine the day of… Thank you for sharing this wonderful Idea Sorry for your loss! I definately feel your pain!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by heatherjones Is there any jewelry of theirs that you could wear? I'm wearing my Grandma's pearls who passed away when I was younger. ~~ Oh yeah...I meant to ask that too...i have my grandma's pearls (they aren't real) but they are too long and don't go welll with the dress....so I was thinking somehow I could incorporate the pearls elsewhere but didn't know how...maybe in the bouquet or I thought about wrapping them around my wrist a couple times as a bracelet?
  4. As some of you know, my grandmother passed away this week and my fiance's grandmother passed away a few years ago and we were both really close w/ them. So we would like to honor them at the wedding. I have read through all the past threads about this to get some ideas. So here is what I am thinking: We will buy the memory picture frame things that you hang from your bouquet and I will have that on my bouquet for my grandma and then at somepoint before the ceremony I will give my mom a flower (not sure what kind) with one of those picture things on it and tell her to place it on an empty seat next to her and fiance will do the same thing with his mom. This way I incorporate the picture frame thing and the open seat thing (loved them both) and it's nice but subtle... I just don't know how we should give it to them and what type of flower is best? My wedding flowers are daisies...is this appropriate or should I use a rose?
  5. Thanks!! Im sure it's similar at all the dreams locations...this helps!
  6. Oh Yari...I'm so sorry to hear this! You and your friends are in my thoughts!!
  7. Okay so my fiance wants to know the following...can anyone help answer? I guess he read something somewhere and he wants validation. I'm so glad this is all he has to worry about! 1. Is there hard liquor in the mini bar/room or just beer? 2. What type of beer is available? Wide Variety or just like corona & Pacifica? 3. Did you receive champagne upon arrival and was there a bottle waiting for you in your room? Thanks!
  8. Everything looks great courtney!!! Thanks for sharing!
  9. Another good question...anyone know?? Or what are you doing?
  10. This was a great question...I am bumping it to see what others are doing/have done? I was thinking I might just leave it for the wedding coordinator like votives and stuff...I don't know what I would do w/ all those..
  11. Those are awesome heidi!!! You look so happy!!!
  12. I am bumping this again...I love this little frame idea but was wondering if anyone had any other creative ideas? Since my grandmother just passes and fiance's passed about 6 yrs ago...I thought maybe we should do something...
  13. Trisha!!! The photos were awesome!!! I loved your hair and you are so photogenic!!! The video was great!!!! I loved how your husband did like every move that Patrick Swayze did!!! Awesome!
  14. Your pics are awesome...thanks for sharing and congrats! P.S. where did you get your sand ceremony frame...??
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by S2BLennon Much love to you during this difficult time, I also just lost my grandmother and it is never easy.. Stay strong.. Just so you feel comforted, it is ok to let your emotions show and cry sometimes. now is the time. You need the support just as much as you must provide support to others. Your shoulders are only so broad to carry the load. Much love and support through this time! I'm sorry for your recent loss also! Thanks for the reassurance to cry and let it out...sometimes I just can't help it..
  16. Welcome...there is alot of info on here if you search...but I am also getting married there at the imperial suite on May 26, 2008 and so if you have questions...feel free to ask!
  17. THANK YOU all for your kind words and prayers!!! It really means alot to me to know that I have so many friends out there thinking of us!!! Today wasn't too bad really. My mom and sister and I went to the funeral home and got some things set, went to the nursing home and picked up her stuff, made phone calls, took care of some other loose ends, etc...so we were just 3 girls on a mission and it kept us busy so we didn't have to sit around and dwell and cry! I do know it is good to cry but I think this really helped my mom out ALOT!! I have been having trouble when I am alone...I just break down...but so far i can keep my composure around others... The funeral is Friday so that will be rough and we will all be able to grieve together there... Again, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. It means alot to me!! Michelle
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 My grandmother passed on tuesday so I know how you feel. I'm still crying. If you need to talk let me know. I'm sorry for your loss Oh no! I am so sorry for your loss!!! It is hard...and I think it will get a little harder before it gets better...
  19. That is so sad...but at least she has a good home permanantly and she wouldn't if it wasn't for you! You are such a kind hearted person!
  20. You and your friend is in my thoughts and since I just lost my grandmother I can feel her family's pain...
  21. Thanks gals...I appreciate your kind words...i thought this would be easier...but as I read your posts...it makes me cry...but it's okay...crying is good sometimes...plus I didn't put mascara on...so I am good (I have to use humor to help me through!)
  22. So my mom called me this morning to let me know that my grandmother passed away this morning. It was expected. She has had Emphaseyma/COPD for a few years now just getting progressively worse and since January she has been in a nursing home on hospice care. Over the last week she got phemonia and it just took it's toll. She was basically in a coma state for the last 6 days or so to keep her from feeling pain she was heavily sedated so we knew it was coming but it is still hard. Since I am not one to share my feelings so well I always try to fight the tears...I thought I could post on here and share my feelings and it would be easier... I am heading up to be with my family in just a little bit and it's so hard because when I am around my family I feel like I have to be the strong one and I fight back tears but I haven't really been able to stop crying all morning. I am really going to miss her and you really don't realize how much until she is gone. We were really close and I think I talked to her on the phone more than my mom because my mom is so busy and stuff. Eventhough the phone calls slowed, it's just weird to know that I can never pick up the phone and call her again... Sorry to ramble...it just helps to write it out...
  23. That does suck but it seems you got it all straightened out...I'm curious as to why since it's so far out...but who knows I gues...
  24. Congrats!!! I can't wait to hear all about it! You must be so excited!
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