My grandmother recently passed and she had no money...but the little bit she had $2,000 in the bank (that was in a joint account w/ me for like the last 10 years and has been in my account now since January) and would get a total of $1200 a month from her ex-husbands pension and social security.
I know the money that was already there up until he death is not in jeopardy because it's in my name...but for instance we prepaid her blue cross for May and June and she passed April 21st so that should be coming back in her name most likely. Her stimulous check should be coming, the pension people sent her some money (still have to call and see what this is for exactly) and I think there is something else...So when these checks come in, I believe it's money that is legally hers to keep but since isn't here to sign how do we deposit it? My mom had power of attorney before she died but doesn't that only work while living? There was no will or anything because she had no money...
Am I making sense?