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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. We have 26 plus us so 28 total. We are having 5 rounds of 6 and I have assigned seating! I wanted this because fiances mom and dad are divorced and none of his siblings are extremely fond of their father and they wouldn't want to sit w/ him but I need them to so everyone fits since I am paying for the chairs...I don't want extras plus it's just easier to know like you said that it's all organized and it's not like for 30 it's really a headache as it would be to assign seats for like 100 guests. I think you should do it and if you do it to where you put people with pretty much the same people they know, etc...then they will be happy and it would most likely turn out to look the same should you have let them pick. Just don't purposely put people w/ people they don't know. About you and fiance's seats...put yourself where you can fit in or have the sweetheart table. I wanted a sweetheart table but fiance didn't so we are with his two friends and their wives which I feel a little bad about but really it works and we won't be sitting long so who cares!
  2. What a huge relief....this was a stressful part for me and then you can relax and plan now!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen OMG Michelle, your day is quickly approaching. Are you so excited or what?
  4. Does anyone know if you need to book this in advance at the cabo dolphin center?
  5. looks like you guys had fun! I love the hollywood tower of terror!
  6. Thanks for sharing...you look great and it seems that although there were a couple mishaps...the day went really good! Congrats!
  7. Thanks glenda...so if we don't do all this then there is no way we can deposit the checks since she would need to sign the back, etc...
  8. Thanks ladies...any info helps...she doesn't have much coming in...so I don't know if hiring a lawyer is worth it...my mom's husband has a few lawyer friends so he is going to run it by them...and we did order a bunch of death certs from the funeral home...so we should be pretty good their...I could always call the bank too huh?
  9. My grandmother recently passed and she had no money...but the little bit she had $2,000 in the bank (that was in a joint account w/ me for like the last 10 years and has been in my account now since January) and would get a total of $1200 a month from her ex-husbands pension and social security. I know the money that was already there up until he death is not in jeopardy because it's in my name...but for instance we prepaid her blue cross for May and June and she passed April 21st so that should be coming back in her name most likely. Her stimulous check should be coming, the pension people sent her some money (still have to call and see what this is for exactly) and I think there is something else...So when these checks come in, I believe it's money that is legally hers to keep but since isn't here to sign how do we deposit it? My mom had power of attorney before she died but doesn't that only work while living? There was no will or anything because she had no money... Am I making sense?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I feel like I'm so anxious and stressed, but really haven't been actually doing anything wedding-related. I agree that I am so excited, but can't wait til it's over so I can stop thinking/breathing/living "wedding"! I feel the same...I feel like I am going in a million circles and can't get anything done or finish any project and I have 3 weeks.... Oh boy....
  11. Sarah...this is horrible!!!!! You must have been so scared! I am happy to hear though that they are both going to be okay in time.... My thoughts are with you guys!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 That was my parents first dance song back in the day! I love that song Really!!! That's cool!! I have to look at some others...but that is first on the list so far and now that I know someone has used it for their first dance then I know it's completely appropriate!
  13. your pics are awesome!!!! So beautiful!! and your review was great as well!
  14. Love the pics...thanks for sharing! You look amazing and it looks like you had a great day!
  15. Did anyone hear that all airlines will be doing this eff in May sometime Crazy stuff...
  16. What a wonderful daughter you are!!! I am happy for your mother and your whole family!! I'm sure you will blow her away w/ the surprise!
  17. Well happy b-day! I hope he remembers
  18. I know exactly what you are talking about!! I think I used to have some! I wish I could steal the picture fromm their website...but they won't let me! It doesn't look colored just regular but at night it looks cool w/ all the tables lit up underneath!!
  19. So on dreams website (cabo) on their front page slideshow it shows a wedding set-up and it's cool because it looks like they have lights underneath each reception table so it illuminates them....does anyone know what was used and where I can find it
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