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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. oKay good...so at least it's okay if she comes on..now I have to figure out about my mom! Thanks!
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss! It is never an easy thing to go through especially during one of the happiest times of your life! My grandmother just passed a couple weeks ago so I have recently gone through it but to lose your father so suddenly and given his huge role in your happy day! It just has to be unbearable! I wish I knew what to tell you but just know that time will heal and remember all the good memories will help. Try and think of ways to honor your father at your wedding (there are some ideas on here) and that might help you get through the planning. But if you aren't getting married until next year...maybe take a small break from the planning and mourn and then get back into it. My thoughts are with you!
  3. Did or will anyone put a sign on the guestbook table directing guests to sign it? If so, what does it say?
  4. Okay... So we are staying at dreams and getting married at fiesta americana. On the wedding day I am thinking about having suzanne moral's people come and give massages to about 8 people. All of us are staying at dreams except my mother. First Question is: 1. Will dreams let her come onsite that day to just get a massage and then leave because after that we will be heading to FA to have my hair/make-up done and get ready 2. Will dreams let suzanne moral's people come onsite period to do the massages considering they have theire own spa? It's just cheaper to go w/ Suzanne Moral....
  5. I was just thinking about this...I only have a my sister as my maid of honor..but my girlfriends are going to be with me all day and I thought I could have us all to the massages on the wedding day....
  6. Jen!!! I'm sorry you fell, but your story is funny...how you yelled at the lady! Good for you! I hate when people carry on for no reason!
  7. Crazy Timing....I'm happy to hear everything is okay...
  8. Those are awesome pics! You look great! Can't wait to see more!
  9. Yay!!! It's finally here! Congrats and i hope you have the best da!
  10. I love the photobooks! Great idea... About the margarita favor packets...check out this site...I just ordered the fiesta ones for our pre-wedding fiesta bash. Sombrero Personalized Birthday Cocktail Favors
  11. I am doing both... I liked the starfish wine toppers because they go with the theme and they are practical...everyone can use a wine stopper. Plus mom went and had them engraved w/ our names and date. I bought plastic wine glasses at the party store and I am going to put the starfish inside then put sand in the glass and tie a ribbon around it and have them placed on the guestbook table.
  12. Thanks for the tip! I figure a little thank you card is better than just cash in an envelope...especially for the ones I deal w/ personally.
  13. I know there are threads on this...but my question is if I am just giving cash tips then should I just write a quick thank you note, put the cash inside and then have the wedding coordinator distribute? Is 10% too low?
  14. Hmm...I am no help....I love animals but I guess I'm selfish because I never look into the animal rights part of things. I think it's a personal preference...if you have issues w/ places treating animals badly and you are concerned then research it and see if it's a good facility that you feel comfortable with... If you don't have issues with it then just go and have fun!
  15. Happy Anniversary!!! I know the day is just about over but didn't want to miss it! Hope you had a great day!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by kristendotcom If you have never done it before I would recommend it. It is amazing, we did it in Puerto Vallarta, but it was only $125 there! We were going to do it in Cabo, but $165 is a little too much to spend for us to do it again, and some of my friends didn't want to spend that much on one excursion. Thanks for the info...see that is what I am thinking...of course I haven't done it at all and I want to but that is why I am thinking maybe I should just do the $85 one and at least i can touch them and get my picture taken with them and pay a fortune for that!!! I don't know if I need to actually spend 30 min in the water with them after a 30 min intro.....hmmm decisions decisions.
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