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Posts posted by michelle08

  1. Here is what I have for now...




    •Destination Wedding in Cabo – I had my doubts throughout the planning and we had some let down with guests not coming but looking back this was the best decision ever! Itâ€s the best wedding I have been to and itâ€s not because it was mine. Just having everyone you are close to share not only the day but 3 or 4 days or more with you during this special time is amazing and vacationing with a bunch of people is always a fun time!


    •Staying at an all-inclusive (Dreams) – Again…I must be a negative nelly but I questioned this too mostly because of the price and I hadnâ€t yet experienced the value. However this was by far the best way to go. Especially for our group…most of them had to really scrape to make the trip there, so by having it all paid prior and not “having†to spend additional money while there unless they wanted to was nice! Plus you could eat and drink all you wanted and the quality of the food was actually pretty good!


    •Getting Married at the Fiesta Americana Imperial Suite – Again…questioned this too because of price (see a pattern?) but it was number one priority to make sure our wedding was very private. I donâ€t know how to explain it but we are just private people and I didnâ€t want to be the center of attention at the resort. The Imperial Suite offered exactly what we wanted and for us it was worth going over budget. This place is on the ball and their facilities are so beautiful! Most importantly it was nice for our guests to go off resort to another one for the wedding day and eat a different meal. A lot of them commented on that aspect.


    •Change resorts for our “Honeymoon†– The only reason we did this was because we stayed at my momâ€s timeshare so it was free for us to stay there the last two days. This really was nice because although most of our guests left on Wednesday also there were 3 couples still there for 2 days and we would have felt obligated to hang out with them since Dreams is such a small resort. By being at the Sheraton we were able to sleep all of Wednesday away and then spend all day Thursday alone downtown going to lands end and stuff. The only downfall was it was no longer all-inclusive but we still saved money.


    •Hire an outside wedding coordinator – I really think this varies by situation. If I was having my wedding at Dreams then I would NOT have hired an outside coordinator because their wedding coordinators there handle everything and there is no need. Plus I had the opportunity to meet Mariana and email with her a couple times before leaving and she was so sweet and efficient.


    Since I was married at the Fiesta Americana they have the onsite event coordinator but they really only take care of things concerning their facility. They didnâ€t want to get involved in booking vendors or any wedding detail. So since my main concerns were booking vendors in mexico and having someone to coordinate for the day of then it was necessary for me to go this route.

    •Hire Maye Cortinas – I know in my review I mentioned that I was unhappy with the way she handled (or didnâ€t) handle some things but I also noted that it was all relative to what I paid. I really did like Maye and she was great to have to book all my vendors and give a few ideas here and there and provide my centerpieces and other little things. Although I thought she could have “coordinated†better it was still good to have her there to set up the tables and translate the ceremony, etc…and my budget only allowed for a certain amount so it worked out good. I just know what to expect from her now and I may have been a little more assertive if I did it over but I would still hire her again because for what I needed her price was right.


    •Hire Tomas Barron – This may end up on the what I wouldnâ€t do again side but hopefully not…I have to get my pics back first. Until then itâ€s based on him and his direction the day of the wedding and I thought he was great! At first he was a late and he didnâ€t seem to take charge during the family photos as far as placing people, etc…but when it was s on the beach alone he was all about telling us where to be and what to do. He stayed 2 hours later than he was paid for and that was awesome because we got a couple sunset pics and he got the salsa dancers.


    •Salsa Dancers – This was awesome! Our group likes to dance but not all of them and we went back and forth on this but I wanted to add something different then most weddings have so we went with it. They were amazing! Every single person was up participating and they just made it so fun and entertaining that everyone was trying all night to salsa. Plus I kept it a surprise from everyone so it was a real treat!


    •IPOD – Again…I was skeptical but I just didnâ€t want to pay for a DJ because we had such a small group (26). I still barely know how to use the thing so my husband was in charge of this but it went well. We rented the speakers from the FA and they even gave us a guy to control it for us.


    •Suzanne Morel – Her company was awesome from start to finish. Very professional and efficient. I never did a trial because I didnâ€t want to spend the money and I didnâ€t need to…it turned out great…both hair and make-up.


    •Mexican Trio – I didnâ€t get to hear them but our guests said they were good and apparently my husbandâ€s grandpa was requesting songs? Whatever! The price was cheap and it added a nice touch to the cocktail hour.


    •OOT Bags – I think this was a good idea and our guests did comment on them and use some of the stuff…but it was a hassle to bring the stuff over (more because of space) and I think maybe something simpler would have been just fine. Iâ€m torn on this one but the thought is still good so itâ€s going until would do again.


    •No Welcome Dinner – We didnâ€t do one and it worked out good for us. Most of our guests were only staying 3 nights and so we didnâ€t want to bombard them with planned activities. Plus although I understood why Dreams charges the additional $25 fee to have a group dinner I just didnâ€t want to pay that extra. We just got a group of us together and went to whatever restaurant we wanted. We did have some issues like waiting 1.5 hours to be seated at one place but the other place gave us 2 tables for 9 right next to each other and it worked great!


    •Cake – I know a lot of people had this on their wouldnâ€t do list but I loved my cupcakes and it was important for me for pictures for some reason and my guests at it…but a lot of it did go to waste…but for $288 in the scheme of things…for me it worked.


    •Paper Fans – They werenâ€t used during the ceremony but they were used during dancing because we got hot. I only spent $.50 each though.


    •Have a small wedding party – I would have been okay with no wedding party. We had a MOH and a Best Man and it was great but because it was so small we didnâ€t get wrapped up in all the technicalities. We didnâ€t even have a rehearsal.





    •Get Legally Married in Mexico – Iâ€m torn on this one…I didnâ€t like the idea of getting married here first and not telling anyone…and the mexico legal wedding seemed fine and was up until we got home and I guess there are two mistakes on the license that the judgeâ€s assistant made accidently and now Maye wants me to send her back the license so they can correct it. I feel weird not having something and I really donâ€t think I should have to pay to mail this to mexico…I donâ€t even know if these two mistakes are worth the hassle to correct.


    •Videographer – I really donâ€t remember much…mostly the ceremony is a blur…having it on professional video would have been nice…but I now two family members videoed parts of it but we havenâ€t seen it yet so I donâ€t know if itâ€s enough.


    •Having a Microphone for the ceremony – I donâ€t know why we didnâ€t do this because we had it for the reception…but it would have been nice because I could barely hear so I donâ€t see how the guests did.


    •Trip Schedule – We arrived Thursday and our wedding was Monday and we left the following Friday. We had guests there Friday through Wednesday. I would have liked maybe 2 full days before guests arrived and then maybe 2-3 full days after instead of 1…

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kendra View Post
    Great review!!! I am using Maye also. I hope everything is ok for my wedding.
    I am using Tomas also for my pic's.
    I'm sure everything will be fine...just make sure you are stern w/ her. I honestly didn't care about a ton of things so it wasn't worth stressing about. So I just let things slide...but you do need to be assertive or put someone assertive in charge. Hopefully I will have my pics in a couple weeks from Tomas and can post them.

    Originally Posted by T.O.Heather View Post
    Great review Michelle. I'm also using Maye (it's the only thing I've actually booked so far) so now I'm a bit nervous, as her emails do seem to point to her being a bit confused...but hopefully I can keep her focused and make her confirm things back to me. The last thing I need to do is worry about my co-ordinator...I hired her so that I won't have to worry so much! See above...

    I was going to go with Tara Null but I emailed her weeks ago and haven't gotten a response. That does not work for me!
    Originally Posted by amy&andy08 View Post
    Great review Michelle! I missed it when you first posted! I really appreciate all of the tips about Dreams. I'll be sure to keep my wine ordering to a minimum...yikes, that's about 10 trader joes bottles of wine :) Thanks again for the thorough review.....makes me super excited!
    Yes...drink all the wine you want just let them pour the house not give you the bottle...seriously I would never pay $80 for a bottle of wine here! I wouldn't even pay $40! :)
  3. I am sorry you have to go through this but it's not uncommon. You will find that alot of us on here have had to realize our true friends and family and realize that not everyone can afford to go or wants to go on vacation as much as you do no matter how much you think they should! sad.gif I realized all this the hard way too...


    It's better you are finding out early though...I say go elope too. It will be wonderful!

  4. I understand completely!! I actually had thought of that point prior (having something different for our guests) but afterward that is what my husband said...I'm glad we did it somewhere else too because then everyone got to have some different food other than what they had been eating during their trip and it was nice to get off the resort!!

  5. I have not been to the RIU but they do have a club there I guess and it's a lot larger and cheaper...


    Dreams is abolutely beautiful...smaller and perfect...but you are right if you have alot of partiers that want to dance at night and stuff then maybe riu is better for them to stay at. But if they are okay with stay up late and drinking in the bar area then Dreams is fine...but it's not extremely lively.


    Have you checked out the RIU's wedding facilities?

  6. Welcome!


    I just was married at the Fiesta america imperial suite and we (me and guests )stayed at dreams. Both were absolutely AMAZING!!!


    I am curious though if all of your guests are staying at RIU why would you consider Dreams for your wedding?


    I only ask because you will have to pay a day pass for each wedding guest who isn't staying at Dreams and they are $85 each...maybe you are already aware of this...but if you are willing to pay that much...you might as well pay a little extra for the imperial suite!!! It's so private and beautiful and worth it... :)

  7. I think it probably depends on who you talk to and whether or not it's just to rent or for a wedding...


    I paid $1700 for one night but the normal rate if yo booked online at the time was $2100 and I was told that they would be doing a 2 night minimum now. but maybe they did change the rate instead of making it 2 nights...it makes more sense especially if someone is having an event. They don't really need it for 2 nights..

  8. I walked down w/ my mom! I let her decide because although I knew she would be honored to do it...I didn't want it to take away from her seeing me walk down the aisle. For some reason I thought was important but looking back she was w/ me all during getting ready and everything and walking me down the aisle was the best choice! :)

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