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Everything posted by Maggie&Darryl08

  1. I just spent 30 minutes typing my review and when I tried to post it, it said I had to re-sign in. When I did that, it went to a blank screen and I lost everything I typed in. I tried to go back but it was all gone Sigh.... I don't have time to retype everything now....so here is a really short form. The resort was absolutely fabulous, it is a little older but it is stunning. The wedding coordinator, Sophie was amazing and I didn't have to worry about anything. The wedding was a dream, it was more than we ever expected. What a wonderful to have a vacation/wedding. My husband and I can't wait to go back!!!! Here are a few pics (I can't seem to get them any smaller even though I piced the smallest option in photobucket....sorry all. These are not pro pics, I don't have any of those yet. Enjoy!!
  2. Good post....I've been wondering exactly the same thing. We are taking my parents for a nice dinner this Sat. (they paid for my dress) and then I want to make them a shutterfly book when we get back from Jamaica of pictures from the whole week, not just the wedding. I may get them something in Jamaica too but I have been so torn about "what". Maggie
  3. Your pics are beautiful.... I LOVE your dress. It's so simple and elegant. Congrats and thanks for posting these!!!!
  4. Wow, thanks everyone...good suggestions. Our WC has 3 kids so I was thinking of getting something age appropriate for them from ToysRUs as well. Although I don't want to be too forward and invade personal space.......
  5. I'm not sure if this has already been done before but I couldn't find it on quick glance. I am looking for suggestions on what to take as a gift for my wedding coordinator. I don't know what would be considered an ideal gift in Jamaica. Any suggestions?
  6. Your dress is gorgeous!!! The veil looks really great with it. Good pick!!!!
  7. We are thinking about bringing an iPod too. My son bought one with his xmas money and agreed to let us take it to Jamaica if we purchase the docking station.... (he must be a CEO in training.... hahahahaha)
  8. Congrats and welcome to the forum...I can't imagine having to plan my wedding without this forum!!!! You will find ample information on just about everything here. Happy reading!!
  9. That's too bad...now I'm back to being the only GLN girl. hahahaha I think wherever you decide to get married you will be happy. You can't go wrong in Jamaica, it's beautiful, the weather is wonderful and you're getting married!!! I found when picking a resort, there was always something I liked and something I didn't particularly like at all the places we looked at. Just make your choice and I'm sure you will be happy with it. Trying to decide was the biggest stress. Pick...and start the fun stuff....planning.
  10. Our song is "lullaby" by the Dixie Chicks. We didn't know the name of it when we first heard it but the words are perfect and we love it. So that will be our first dance. I think we are going to walk down the isle to "You raise me up" by Josh Groban. We haven't decided for sure though. There are just so many to choose from. Darryl loves Ave Maria but I after I heard the words to it sung by Bono I'm not sure it's fitting for a wedding song afterall.
  11. Thanks for sharing your pics. You looked beautiful and the location for the wedding was really great. I love seeing the wedding day photos, makes me so happy inside for everyone!!!
  12. This is so funny. I am making a photobook for fiance for xmas and I am using photoshop which I have only been playing with for a couple of months too. Today I had to increase the resolution in a couple of photos to make them acceptable in shutterfly and they look okay. We'll see how it looks when I get the printed copy back. Yikes. I like these threads....I have no idea about resolution, ppi etc etc..... I love the photoshop tips, it really helps.
  13. Oh wow, that was a beautiful place to get married. Congrats and thanks for posting all the pics!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride did you make it right on their website, or make it in powerpoint or another application first? Ahhhhh, I finally figured out to reply with the original not there. Yeah me!!! hahahaha I edited some of the photos lighting, etc in photoshop 5.0, then I imported the pics onto the shutterfly website and picked layouts and page colours from there.
  15. This cost us about $48 CDN which I thought was really good. It did take time for me to alter the pro pics the way I wanted them and to create the layouts how I wanted but it was totally worth it.
  16. CONGRATS!!! Now post the pics woman.... must have pics!!!!!!!!
  17. Hi all, I FINALLY received my shutterfly photobook and am posting a few of the pages here. It took 3 weeks to get here!!!! I am so happy with it. It took me hours to make this so it was just the way I wanted it, pictures, lighting, layout etc...... but it was totally worth it! What a great keepsake. Thanks to all the girls who did theirs first and posted threads about how easy it is to do yourself. I never would have tried if it weren't for you!! I'm sorry the pics are soooo huge, I'm not sure how to size them down for the thread. The pics are really great in person but are not the greatest shown here. My camera is old and doesn't take the best pics....we're getting a new one for a wedding present....yeah!
  18. Wow, those pictures are fantastic. You must be soooo happy with them. I LOVE your dress. It's gorgeous and you looked stunning!!!! Congratulations.
  19. Beachfront Jr. Suite with Jacuzzi!!! Woohoo!!!
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