Hi y'all! I am Morgan
I have to be honest... no ring yet... but I couldn't wait another day to join. I have been reading posts on here for a while so I feel as though I'm already acquainted with many of you. I tried to resist and wait to join after the official engagement so that my first ever post could be "hooray, I'm engaged! I'm so glad to join the BDW club" but heck, why waste another day that I could be getting all of your valuable information and advice! Just so you know though, I found out this week he bought a plane ticket to visit my parents in two weeks (presumably to have "the talk" with my dad) so I'm not one of those full of false hope wanna be brides, hehe.
We have had many talks before about where we want our wedding and all we know is the beach! I need help with locations. I know there are a lot of Cabo brides on here and elsewhere so please know I welcome any and all suggestions. I honestly would love to do Cabo but we are both really into the beach and the ocean (it is where we feel relaxed, rejuvinated, close to God, where we are reminded as we look out into the infinite distance that this world is so much bigger than us) so we want to be able to swim and play and I've heard there is only one Cabo resort that allows getting into the water. I've also looked into Jamaica and Bahamas, would love Hawaii but assume it is more expensive but am open to St. Lucia, PV, and all the others pretty much. My only thing is that I'm pretty certain I want it to be AI and as reasonable as possible for my guests price wise.
As far as the date goes, we picked out May 24, 2008 a while back for sentimental reasons, but it is also Memorial Day weekend so I initially thought that would be perfect for guests coming since they will have that Monday off of work. Now I worry that means it will be more expensive for everyone and more crowded at the resorts. Another day I really like is August 2, 2008 because it is 08/02/2008.
Well that's quite a long introduction but I love to write (was an English/Comm Major!) so you'll probably hear a lot from me.
Looking forward to all that lies ahead...