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Everything posted by plumsugar

  1. Sounds very similar to what I went through with my MOH except I unasked her then broke up with her Sometimes the negativity is just too much to take, especially if the friendship is starting to fail. You're better off without her ruining your planning experience, trip, and day of! How very childish! ::hugs::
  2. Nothing is worse than working in a negative enviroment! Sounds like that place was hell! Good luck with your interviews!
  3. Stewie is adorable!! I could never deny that sweet face anything!!
  4. I am so so sorry to here about this!!!
  5. UPDATE!!!! So...I was found... FREE AND CLEAR OF THE TICKET!!! YAYYY!!! I went to court and waited to hear my name called by the judge. When it wasn’t, the judge snobbishly told me I was there on the wrong day and to go to the cashier window for more help. I went to the window and the cashier inspects the ticket, looks it up, and doesn’t find it in the system!? Did the a-hole cop actually attempt to cut me a break or was he being bad at his job again? We will never know. I was about to get screwed again because the cashier photocopies the ticket and tells me to come back June 8th for another court date so she can reach the cop. I tell the cashier “NO WAY am I taking off another day of work for his irresponsibility. I’m here - tell the judge to hear me out!†She takes my picture and the ticket copy and tells me to go back into the courtroom and the judge may/may not hear my case. The entire 5pm list gets called and they are about to begin the 6pm list. The judge’s assistant tells her that they have one last case to hear before the 6pm group starts. The judge calls me to the front and asks me “What is this? Why am I looking at this picture?†I tell her that I went to the window like she told me to, they took my information, and asked me to go back to the court room. After further explaining the situation and how the cop didn’t even submit the ticket, she reluctantly inspects the picture and makes a few comments about how it doesnt look like a handicaped space at all and how some property owners paint false symbols/signs to keep a close space for themselves (SICK!) Towards the end of her rant, she finally asks “Mrs. Rivera, do you honestly expect me to believe that the faded white symbol on the ground looks like debris?†I nervously reply "Yes!" She says “You’re absolutely right…the ticket is dismissed and you’re free to goâ€. AWESOME! Victory is mine!
  6. As much as it sucks, your MOH backing out early is a blessing in disguise! Def. something to cross of your stress list! Virtual Hugs for the craptastic week you are having babe!
  7. So DH's Uncle/Uncle’s Girlfriend decided to throw a quasi-ATR for both of our families this Saturday. Anyway, there's some DRAMA between MIL wanting to be involved & the uncle’s girlfriend not feeling the same way. They are best friends too! MIL is shouting "It’s my son's party!" and the girlfriend is pretty much like "This is my house!" NOW it turns out DH's cousins (a set of 5 brothers) have some CRAZY DRAMA going on between them to the point where the entire family is turning against one brother; the one who just happened to be our “Best Man”. There was some bad blood brewing between DH and the best man throughout the entire DW process (severe irresponsibility) and at the DW itself (in my honest opinion, he shouldn’t have showed up if his presence was going to be non-existent during the entire trip except for the ceremony which caused DH so much grief), so these new issues will be realllyyyyy fun to watch! Nice little Saturday I'm going to have! Here’s to new family and a reminder why a DW was the best course of action!
  8. Best of luck!! I'm sure everything will be wonderful and better than ever imagined!!!
  9. DH’s a Retail Store Manager at an office supplies big box. He never went to college, but makes twice as much as I do. His salary is between $65-70K and the hours are amazing (compared to other retail management positions he’s had)! He works some weekends, but it’s usually the morning shift as the other managers have children and prefer to work in the afternoon; perfect for us!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MoWife I think this is a very interesting topic, Alyssa, especially since I'm in career change mode right now. This past school year I made $21,500.00 as a Special Education paraprofessional (what that really means is I deal with all the abuse from children that are emotionally disturbed and do a lot of other people's work for them). I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (I don't recommend majoring in that if you ever want to make $) and I have 15 credits towards a Master's degree in Applied Behavior Analysis. Unfortunately jobs in this field require hard work and not much pay at least not until you at least have a Master's Degree. I thought this was the field I wanted to get in because I enjoyed working with children classified as developmentally disabled. However, this past school year has been an uphill battle. School districts just want you to shut up and deal with it and don't like being told that some kids just should not be in a classroom setting where they can continue to harrass and assault other students and staff on a daily basis. Some kids need more help than a public school can give. I expressed my opinion on this to the higher ups and was just relieved of my duties last week. Today i just received a letter of reprimand that is being put in my file because when I was told to leave I went to the classroom and took everything I paid for with my own money out. I thought you were supposed to take your belongings with you when you left a job?? I was told it was insensitive because the kids didn't even have pencils to write with. I think they should have thought of that before they paid me so little, had me buy supplies out of my own pocket, and then fired me!! Sorry for the rant and hijack, just got that letter in the mail! woah crazy story! You're amazing for standing up for yourself, the kids, and other staff members! Things will get better soon!
  11. I'm an executive administrative assistant and have been so for almost five years (((I get to flaunt the “executive” title simply because I work for the president of a three person operation lmao!))) Only recently became f/t this year as I was p/t while in college, but thats another story. Bossman is a public insurance adjustor dealing with mostly property fires and I love what we do here and more importantly, what I do! The pay is in the $30-35K mark, but the perks of working in a home office rock! Plus, bossman is a doll (he even came to my DW) and my only other co-worker is fab! We get along like a family business
  12. I agree...Zumanity was pretty blah! Other than that, I've only seen Cirque Dreams twice (the mini version of the Du Soleil's lol) and always loveeeee it! Have fun!
  13. The picture seems to make the sign nice and clear, but when you're pulling up to the spot you really don't see it! It's about three feet in from the mall sidewalk and under a rooftop protecting customers from rain/snow. The faded sign on the pavement and white lines didnt help me either. Maybe I need a better picture of the sign placement for court Blah! At the end of the day I made the mistake, but for the officer to even say people have complained + that I should take pictures to contest the ticket just sucks! I didn’t even get to eat my sammy!! And that has put me from sad/stressed to simply pissed off! The officer making light of us being "neighbors" just made me uncomfortable in an already what a bitch situation lol. Nice first time taking lunch experience!
  14. So I never take a lunch break. Never! I usually bring a few different snacks with me just in case I get a growl, but that’s about it. After getting back from my DW and with all the food I was shoveling down my throat everyday, today my belly decides "hey, we need a lunch break!" Well I had no idea where to get lunch! For 4 years at my company, I never really went anywhere to eat outside of the office. I finally remember there is a Subway close by and that damn "5 Dollar Footlong" jingle pops in my head. I drive up, park, get a sandwich, go outside, and guess what! I parked in a handicap spot! What appears to be a recently off duty officer asks if that’s my car and I said yes. He informs me of my idiotic parking and I totally freak! Apparently he takes notice of my total accident reaction and tells me “yeah I have to call it in and it’s a BIG fine, but don’t feel so bad. Many people have complained about how badly marked this spot isâ€. THANKS A LOT! If so many people have complained then why hasn’t the city done anything about it, especially for the disabled!?! He calls an on-duty officer to give me a summons and now it’s a fine plus a mandatory court appearance. Again to soft things over, the off-duty guy tells me “you should definitely take some pictures so you can contest itâ€. Thanks again! To leave me feeling extra crappy, he’s like “Hey I used to live in your apartment complex…actually, in the apartment upstairs from you!†UGHHHH. Not only did I feel like a total a-hole for parking in a handicap spot, but everyone in the parking lot was giving me the evil eye! Since I have to show up in court anyway, I took pictures of the spot. It’s located in a tiny strip mall, has no blue lines, a completely faded handicap picture on the pavement, and a small sign that’s inset on the wall itself! Not even on a pole right in front of the spot! It blends in with regular store signs/posters and that’s pretty much why I didn’t even notice it…. Here are my pictures which will probably equal to crap in court. To a judge, the fact will probably remain that I parked in the spot. So much for my lunch break!
  15. I'm so so sorry about your loss! Def. dont worry yourself about planning the wedding right now. With time, you will be ready to.
  16. Speaking of which, Mariachi Intercontinental was performing at my resort during their Mexican theme night and we felt like they werent much to rave about. I mean, one of the guitarists actually went off stage to pick up his cell phone mid-song! Our friends started joking that he was calling his agent to get him a better gig lol!! But for a company to actually not show up even after confirming is totally unprofessional!
  17. oooooOOO I love that triple black and white one you've got up!!!
  18. And lastly, a picture I only really looked at today. Bradley took this one: Dad and my first dance with hubby staring from the sidelines. It makes me feel so many different emotions everytime I look at it!
  19. One more and I promise i'm done lolol! Check out hubby's cousin swooping in for a dance with the bride (no its not what you think, he prefers his own husband lol) Check out hubby's cousin's husband and I in this candid pic...I loveeee these "cant tell whats really going on" pictures Smoochie smoochie...I think the newly weds are ready to leave The liftoff...parasailing rocks! After a friend & hubby's near death experience on DIVORCE BEACH and what is now known to our group as EL ARCHO DE LA MUERTE lol...check out my friend's knee Farewell kisses <3
  20. The ever classy bride First dance bubbles! The boys saving our reception! It was the funniest thing ever and I've got a front row seat! The hill near Cabo Surf Hotel - A must take picture spot! Some of the younger crowd on our way to El Squid Roe
  21. Here are some of my favorite non-pro pics collected from guests! The groom enjoying 1st day drinks. He stacked the cups to keep track of how many he had! The big wimp I am boo-hooing because my dad had a guitarist play my most favorite spanish love song Us right after our mucho yummy welcome dinner We ended up going to the Tropical Party the resort was hosting and the activities guys made us get on stage to play a provocative balloon popping game lol! Competative much? Catching the sunrise with some guests on wedding day Hubby and the boys went scooter riding into San Jose in order to stay away from me at the resort on wedding day. Here he is holding the wound he got from taking off on his scooter way too fast! So much for me warning the groomsmen that they must keep him alive for the ceremony! One of my favorite candid pics! More next post!
  22. I was sooo hoping someone would start a GG thread on these boards!! Serena was so thumbs down for me this last episode. I kept yelling at the screen: TELL DAN! GET OVER IT! TELL DAN! DUDE KILLED HIMSELF! TELL DAN! DONT LET DAN GET SUCKED IN BY THAT PSYCHO BITCH GEORGINA!
  23. Thats insane that the mariachi didnt show up!! Good thing you didnt lose any money/deposit! Seems like we both had some kind of music drama that night!
  24. SIL (she's 18, i'm turning 26 lol) got me into the show when it premiered and I am obsessed with it! I love love love the drama between these teens-going-on-30! They may be superficial, but you can totally see deep bonds between them - especially in this last episode! Cant wait for next week's season finale!
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