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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. Chris seeing his BD book. me and my sisters We do! can you tell I am happy? the little sweetie I nanny. off my feet.
  2. Rings getting ready When we first saw each other skee ball! me crammed into a carriage. Not supposed to be riden by 30 year olds.
  3. Finally got them today! So excited! You can tell I had been out in the rain so my hair started acting up. The whole gang DIY cake server/Knife Cake
  4. Oh I am so glad that the site is working. Can't wait to see pics.
  5. I felt like I was reading some drama movie--your poor thing having to go through all that. It gave me the chills to read what the investigator said and I cried when I read how wonderful your daughter is!! It was to your advantage that they didn't tell you what was happening and that you were told the night before, that gave you no time to feed your daughter lines ( in their eyes-not that you would or need to) so she was her perfect little self when being interviewed. So totally thrilled that this is done and I hope your sister finds a nice litter gutter to hang out in.
  6. We have a similar problem with our dog, she just shakes when there is thunders. Our vet suggested "chill out" pills but they are very strong and it breaks my heart to see her so sedated. We looked into some homeopathic remedies ( I used to work in a Homeopathic pharmacy) but we haven't had much luck. I went to a training class and they talked about doing this sort of wrapping to make them secure Tellington TTouch Training
  7. Yeah 31 just happen to me too. Now we have to be "adults" yuck Happy day to you. There is a thread with many more well wishes and it looks like Chrisitine linked to it.
  8. Happy Birthdday!! Hope you have some awesome plans.
  9. Time sure flies by! Congrats-hope you enjoy your day.
  10. Oh shit! I am so terribly sorry to hear this. Your poor family has already been put through the wringer because of your sister. I was hoping this was all behind you but sadly she just keeps at it. Remember to keep a level head tomorrow and show the judge that you are a wonderful, caring mother who would never let anyone harm her family. Stay strong sweetie! Massive hugs to you.
  11. I love the last few sets. I have never been a huge sunset/rise girl. I love your compositon in the water fall ones-very beautiful. The last set, of Dallas, is also very nice. You must have used some sort of tripods as they look so clean and blur free.
  12. I think I could just puke. I thought this was one of those God awful photoshop creations but I saw it was Maria who posted it and she doesn't mess around. Heartbreaking.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK I got mine for $5 on ebay as well. Wedding Bouquet Memory Charm - eBay (item 250254251143 end time Jun-07-08 14:32:59 PDT) Stephanie - How do you get the pics so small? Not too easy to do. I put the photo in a word document and kept printing it until was the right size. I would recommend using the quick print option if your printer has one. saves ink.
  14. That is so wonderful! Hopefully you are not pregnant with 11 babies Congrats!
  15. I have to agree with the sharpie-save some of my pants. Good luck.
  16. Yah Nookie rocks! Happy day to both of you two lovely people.
  17. I am not sure what there rules are but here in MN they are very strict about that stuff, no bars (most areas) and I can't even remember the last time I was asked "smoking or non" when out to eat. Good luck.
  18. Not to confuse your poor kitties but here is a helpful site:2000 DOG NAMES: Naming your puppy btw-so cute.
  19. How fun! Love the look on everyones faces with they toys! Are you getting so excited!?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl steph that is so cool of you and chris you rock! if we didnt already have 2 kids 2 cats 2 dogs, we would totally do that. doug would be really into it. but he would want to keep them all! Yeah we are worried about wanting to keep him too but he is doing so well he would do great in another home. We will for sure have him for a month because we have to get him fixed. I am just pretending we are dog sitting.
  21. We actually were fostering for a group in the south but that fell through so we are now fostering for ANOTHER dog from Happy Tails resuce. Happy Tails Rescue, where happy trails begin... Our new little guy is, we think, australian cattle dog rottweiler. Here he is--so sweet and shy. Copy Dogs He was really tired yesterday so hopefully I can get better photos of him when he has more energy. Here he is set to music: YouTube - Tucker He has had it rough, tons of tick bites and we pulled two more off him yesterday during bath time.
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