Thanks for the link. We have looked at that place and are actually getting married by Lake of the Sky weddings somewhere on the lake.
I finally heard back from the hotel I was looking at and got catering quotes that are higher than I was expecting so we are on to plan "b" ( or "m" no clue how many times we have had to change it.)
We are going to, hopefullly, rent a cabin/house so we can have people over after the wedding. The hotel was going to charge us close to $40 a person for BBQ! NO way am I paying that.
Has anyone heard of "Forest Suites"? I read reviews on their Hotel and the hotel rooms got poor reviews but people like the suits so that is what we are blocking out.
Does anyone know if there are good casinos close by Tahoe or in Stateline? I have never been so I welcome any advice or hints!