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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. How cool is that! I love it when companies figure out what their customers want! Way to go! Nice find.
  2. I do agree that the Internet has changed what is acceptable and what isn't. We are in that stage where it's a pretty new way of communicating so people are not sure what is appropriate and what isn't. I did get some rsvps via myspace, in part because it was some of Chris' family who I don't really chat with on the phone. It's a pretty tricky thing but I agree that many things warrant a phone call.
  3. I am not alone! I felt like I was this crazy beotch for bringing up the household stuff with hubby all the time. I swear his idea of clean is getting the dishes on the counter. I know I am no angel- I let my laundry invaid the laundry room (um, hello it's called a laundry room for a reason) but he can look past stuff for months. I am pretty sure there was some sort of fish growing on our bathtub and I had to remind him to clean it ( his job) and he says he doesn't notice. WTF! When your bathtub can breath on it's own there is an issue.
  4. I was reading this and not noting the date. I was thinking I had lost my mind--of course you are pregnant! Too bad you tossed that dress! Maybe your kids have special gifts in that they can detect pregnancy--spooky.
  5. OH that is great. It looks like book ends for her girls. So boob-ends.
  6. Congrats! Hope all goes well and enjoy your margarita!
  7. Happy Birthday!! Any fun plans? Who am I kidding, you are ALWAYS finding fun stuff to do
  8. After spending an insane amount of money being my sisters MOH I decided to make things very inexpensive for my sisters. We found their dresses off the rack for $20!! That, some shoes and 2 parties shouldn't have added up to more than $100 each. You can make it pretty easy. I know we really lucked out finding the dresses.
  9. I have heard of booty cruise! Lots 'o half naked chics--your poor brother. He was just at 27% but no one else is even close.
  10. Uggh how frustrating. I have been staring at this post trying to think of something. My FIL is a pilot and he has a small plane but I can't even handle being in that thing for 30 minutes much less a few hours. I am sure he would help you but can't imagine what it would do to lil Gwendolyn's ears. Honestly is seems like driving is your best option. Would it be possible for you 3 to drive the RV here and than ask someone else to help drive it back? Thank fly that person( people) home? Lots of fussing-I know. Someone has to work on that tele-porting thing. Good luck!
  11. Welcome! Why don't you post a link to your site?! We would love to see your work.
  12. I too love your hair and make up. You look stunning!
  13. Yeah the big day is finally here! I hope everything goes well and you have the wedding day you dreamed of.
  14. Thanks! Now I just have to figure out which ones to use on our thank you's!
  15. Happy anniversary to the new mommy and daddy!
  16. Happy wedding day! Hope it's all you wished for!
  17. Yeah I could see how it would be hard to get rolling if it seems like you have been engaged forever and talking about it for just as long. My guess would be that once you give yourself permission to get started buying stuff and planning it will be fun and you will want to get going. If not, set deadlines for each task. Buy one thing for the OOT bags each week until you have what you want-stuff like that.
  18. Just now catching up. This sucks @ss! Sorry they are putting your family through all this.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 Aww you look so happy! Congratulations! I didn't know you were a nanny like me YAY! He's cute Yep, Love that kid. Only do it part time until I am done with school. He is the sweetest kid. He kept telling me he was going to dance with me, he loved the candy buffet. Thanks for the nice comments, it is so nice to finally see all the details I didn't get to. Yes my sisters and I do look a lot alike. We used to get asked if we were triplets!!
  20. me haming it up. I see that these are pretty small so I hope you can see them ok. If not I will fix them later. Here is the link to my photobucket if you want to see them bigger yellowred24 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I am working on a slide show that I can share with you all. Promise to have that soon.
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