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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. I am really in the dark on WHEN I need to order my dress. We are about 9 months away and I think I should be ordering it now but am not sure. I am having second thought about David's bridal so I may find a smaller place to go. So my question is WHEN should I order my dress? Thanks!
  2. I just heard from Kim and it was great!! She is very happy!
  3. We are on a very tight budget and it will get worse very soon. We have offered to pay for a 2 bedroom suite for my sisters to stay in (MOH's). Our guests do not need to fly that far and I look at is as though we lived in Tahoe and are inviting our MN guest to come to our wedding. I think offering them $500 is very generous of you both. Has anyone else noticed that family is more of a pain then friends?! Sorry that you are struggling with this right now==good luck!
  4. Get out! Really, an accident? I have accidentally locked my keys in the car and accidentally used the wrong toothbrush but never accidentally shot someone in bed. Guess she is clumsy!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP THOSE look sooo sweet. YOu look really in love My poor mother actually cried when she saw them. I asked why and she said she could just see how much we loved each other. My mom is so cute! She will cry more at our wedding than me!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt love your pics! hey, what high school did you go to? don't have to answer if you don't want, but man you look familiar! Thanks! I went to Champlin Park graduated in 1995.
  7. They are here, they are here! Actually I didn't have to wait that long but I am very excited! We found a great photographer and she did an amazing job. Hope you enjoy. Slideshow of Stephanie and Chris - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  8. Oh that is so great! He knew you were typing about him and came running home to assure you that he was ok. My cat fell of the bed about 6 months ago and I swear to God I thought she was paralyzed. She wasn't moving her back legs and was dragging her body around. I called my BF (Fiancé now) and asked him to come over and help me get her to the Emergency vet ( it was 1:00am). I thought for sure I was going to have to put her down. She just bruised her butt. SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Animals are the best...except coyote
  9. We talked about this and the agreement was as long as his lips don't touch anyone else (ok well other body part too but that was assumed) he can do what he wants. The was talk of whipped cream so this spurred the conversation.
  10. Welcome! Have fun planning. There is lots of help here.
  11. I am using this software...DVD Photo Slideshow Professional 7.61 - Free Download DVD Photo Slideshow Professional by ANVSOFT Inc. I used the demo version at first and then really liked it so I bought the package ($60). You just drag the photos down and time the music. The trial version only lets you do like 30 photos then the last side says thanks for using the trial. From what I can remember we can make it into an MP4 or something like that and e-mail it. You may also be able to have photobucket.com host it. It is worth a shot since you can try it for free...good luck!
  12. Kelly Wow that is not cool! Isn't it odd how friends are more accepting and accommodating than our relatives? Seems like friend just jump on board and try to figure out how to cause you less stress but family jumps into the lake screaming and kicking when you try to pull them out. I hope this all comes together for you soon!
  13. How beautiful! Can't wait to see photos of the big day!
  14. Welcome! I am pretty sure there are some girls from Chicago here so hopefully they can help. I am a MN girl so can't offer much.
  15. StephanieMN


    Happy planning- you will find lots of information here!
  16. I am sorry that things are not going smoothly for. I can't imagine the stress you must be feeling!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by JANET1111 Although it's hard to tell from the pics, I would vote cream just because I think people in general tend to look better in cream or ivory over stark white. It's just more flattering, in my opinion. Softer, I guess. Also, and this is just my opinion, that stark white looks cheaper and creamy ivory looks more expensive. Pretty dress! Funny you should say that because I was liking the creamier colors at the store. They did look more expensive. Ha I can trick people into thinking I spent money!
  18. Ok so here is a picture that I think will show the color much better. I can get either dress in cream or white. I am 6 feet tall so I will have to have length added to the strapless one. Right now we are unsure where we are getting married due to the fire in Tahoe ( I am pretty sure the house we were renting is now gone). We may end up doing a beach wedding after all. It will need to be taken in by "the girls" in order for it to fit better. Oh and remember the flower is going to be replaced...and the dress will be steamed
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP GREAT JOB ON THE 15 LBS. What did you do? I want to need to (says my doctor) change my diet so can you give me some advice. I agree with Heidi if you are fair fair skin go with the cream if you plan on tanning go with the the white. I am doing Weight Watchers with my two sisters. It works so much better if you have a buddy ( or 2). Can you get a buddy?
  20. If you want you can email them to me and I can get them up for you! Just PM and I will give you my email address.
  21. Oh I didn't even think of that (hotel part)! She did tell me this morning that it is closer to stateline than south tahoe. I will pass along the info to her.
  22. Very beachish (is that even correct grammar). You are lucky to find a guy open to pink. Mine might do it if I begged.
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