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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. That is just too cute! I imagine he wasn't expecting the laughter.
  2. How excited! Tomorrow is a big day! Congrats!
  3. I hope your day is wonderful! Have fun and hurry back to share pics!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen If I thought my dog could handle it I would totally have her in my wedding. She is an english bulldog (like that cute lil pic up there) only she is brindle and she LOVES to dress up! It is hysterical. I don't really have clothes for her, but when we find ones that fit, she absolutely loves to wear them. You are pretty lucky that your dog will let you do that. We tried to do that to my sisters cat growing up and it NEVER turned out well
  5. Welcome! There is a wealth of information at your finger tips here. Ask away!
  6. Becky, I will do my best here. First of all to open an attachment you need 50 points. I had the same problem when I first started. I just gave you some to play with. If you search around here Maria has been a great help in sharing how to make logos in Powerpoint. Once you get a handle on how to do it you will addicted! Hopefully she can let you know how to do it. Good luck!
  7. My sister tried this dress on at David's and it looked nice. David's Bridal - Bridesmaids, Dress Detail I am doing red so we won't be using it but it looked much better in person than it does in the picture. I would click on the black color button to see the detail better.
  8. Ha! I was helping search for some pink dresses and look what came up! My Faux Paws- dog bridesmaids dresses, dog bridal gowns Maybe Tammy should have looked into this for her wedding after all she did rescue all those cute pups.
  9. So this is how it went-- I met Chris on the internet in September of 2005 and never really though we would get married. He has this fear of failure and I come from a divorced family so I have seen the bad end of things. We talked for a while on the phone then set-up our first date. The night we met there was a huge storm and by the time I got to the restaurant my shirt was soaked (of course I saved my hair by pulling my coat up) and I was shivering. Well to make a long story short we got a long well. We have had a few hiccups but nothing we couldn't figure out. I was not expecting him to ask me to marry him but really wanted him to! So one day I forwarded on one of those email things you get that asks you dozens of questions ranging from what is your favorite food to if you could bring back one dead person who would it be. Well I threw one more question on the tail end and it was "Would you marry your current partner" This was my child like way of seeing where I stood. I knew we were serious but not sure what that meant to him. So about a week later we are driving by a billboard with a huge engagement ring on it and he asks if that is the type of engagement ring I would want!! This spurred a conversation about it and I knew it was going to be asked shortly. He didn't do it big like some guys--that isn't his style. I had taken a Friday off from work (Good Friday) and we were snuggled up and he asked if I would marry him. I honestly didn't answer at first because I thought he was just goofing around. Then he got real serious and asked again. So I of course said yes and then we went out that day to pick out my ring. FYI- the ring wasn't nearly as big as the one we saw on the billboard He later told me that he was waiting for the right time to ask and that holding me in his arms was the perfect time. He recently told me he knew months after meeting me that he wanted to marry me!
  10. Oh that gave me the chills! What a wonderful story- thanks for sharing. Isn't it nice to have some history to your ring?
  11. Thanks for sharing. I was trying to find this info but having no luck!
  12. So sorry that you are stressed! We had the same type of situation and I just started crying while sitting in the living room watching TV one day--just lost it. I told him I wasn't his mom and didn't want to have to always ask him to do stuff. He said he didn't realize how much of the burden I had taken on. I really hope you can have the same sort of conversation with him (sans the crying part). The very next day I made a Ta-Da list. It is very easy to do and you can just email it to him and tell him to put his initials next to the things he will do. Mine ended up taking stuff I didn't think he would do. If you each choose things you are good at then it will work out. Good luck
  13. StephanieMN


    Welcom to the group! There is TONS of info here.
  14. Amazing! You look great in that. I like the hands in the picture---very Janet Jackson.
  15. I may end up doing that...getting it altered some where else. I guess I am holding off since I am not all that sure where in Tahoe we are getting married. It will be outside but it maybe on the beach or on a cliff. If it is beach I want something shorter. Although most dresses are short on me because I am tall. I have tried on dresses and could have done it all day
  16. We are planning on doing our Bachelorette /Bachelor parties the night before and most of our guests will be coming to that. We felt like we needed something for our older guest (our parents--ok so 54 isn't old but who wants to get a lap dance with their mom?) so we came up with this idea. We are not sure what to call it yet but it will be our mothers hosting dinner at a local restaurant (guests pay) and the whole group will meet at the restaurant before departing for dinner or to the casinos/clubs. This way we can greet the guests and have a drink then head off to our girl/guy thing.
  17. Thanks for the info! I will go with 6 months. I just had some concerns about the David's bridal in my area. The staff was nice but I keep reading reviews about how poor their alteration work is.
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