Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 I am doing cupcakes!!! But they will have a beachy theme....
I am a cupcake girl! I never wanted birthday cake...I always wanted cupcakes....so it's appropriate! Eventhough FMIL shunned the idea!! She lost!!!
You must show pictures and poo-poo to your FMIL! She can smoosh her 3 cupcakes into one peice of cake.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 thank you for posting this! we are doing it - i had my 1st interview last night - very exciting - i will keep you all posted and let you know how it goes.
PS - we are NOT ordering 100! Really! How cool! Mind sharing the price with us?
I lucked out in that I have 2 sister that I adore so I don't need to ask anyone of my friend because they know how close we are and won't be offended. I did ask my good friend to be my attendant. I told her I knew she always wanted to see me naked .
So there are 2 for me and 2 for him. His best man is his nephew because my FH's brother died in '96 so his son is standing in for him.
Congrat on the poll BTW.
I like the idea. We have one on our registry. It is a nice idea because you will never get sick of the photo--even if you don't have it scroll you can change it often. Good for those of us with ADD ( or perhaps VERY bad)
Sidenote:Whenever I ask my FH if he has ADD he says "Wanna ride bikes?" It makes me laugh
I am making my sisters shutterfly books of pictures of us as kids and leading up until now ( or the wedding). I wrote some text for it similar to the writing style of Dr. Suess. It has been fun to make and I know they will love it.
My sister made one of these for us when she got married Personalized Family Name Picture Frames, Engraved Family Names on Wooden Frames
She had sisters on the side and all 3 of our names. I just love mine. It has a picture of the 3 of us at her shower.
is this what you are looking for?
Photo Centerpiece and more creative crafts projects, templates, tips, clip-art, patterns, and ideas on marthastewart.com
For all the chicago girls out there. If I lived there I would have been there at 9:00am. They have some AWESOME stuff here in MPLS so I Imagine the Chicago store rocks too.
Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 OK, here's my way to 'cheat' when pictures don't show up on the forum... click on 'reply' on the post you want to see the pic. Then the URL code comes up & you can just copy & paste the URL into your browser to see the pics!
Here's Jaime's two URL's:
FLower1.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Flower2.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Ha! I totally thought you were nuts! Everyone was saying they could see them and you are like---they are so pretty! I thought maybe you were admiring the tiny red X.
Now I see you have a trick. Thanks for sharing