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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. Juan you did a WONDEFUL job. I love the one where you can see the wave over the top of them. Great timing!
  2. Well no matter how you put it that just sucks! I think you have answered you own question by saying "dream" wedding. You are never supposed to give up on your dream. In the long run I guess it only matter that you two are there. I have known woman who can barely remember who stood to their left but know for sure who stood to there right, holding their hand.
  3. How great! Those look great and it REALLY looks like you had fun.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 wow - what a great response to this thread! we are paying for everything ourselves (including my parents and his grandfather's transportation and accomodations). it is a blessing and a curse b/c you can make all your own decisions without hearing too much unsolicited advice but you have to pay for it! HA Wow you are pretty lucky that no one is giving you advice. We are paying for ours and we are getting way too much "feed back'. way to go
  5. I have ordered silver jewelry from a chinese company in the past and was very happy with them.
  6. I like what Tammy said in that you can just set them down or maybe have you mom hold them if she is sitting/standing right in front. The other option , if you truely don't want flowers, would be to carry a wonderful hand bag so you have something to do with your hands. That you could also set down or hand off. I love that your brother is standing up with you.
  7. We are using Honey fund as there is NO FEE. Free honeymoon registry - give and receive honeymoon gifts. No fees, no strings - Honeyfund.com It isn't as nice but you can make up fun things to do. We also have 2 households worth of stuff and don't need things. The guests will send us checks in the mail and that is nice becase we don't have to wait for one big pay out. Does that make sense? Here is ours Stephanie Fricke and Chris Pelach on Honeyfund.com, the free honeymoon registry feel free to buy us stuff
  8. This is a tough one. I have professional software and am doing my own but couldn't imagine paying over $50 for it but I know it is very time consuming. This is one of those things that would be need to be laid out for the customer letting them know they will receive x amount of hours of work for a certain amount of footage.
  9. We are pretty much alone on this one and I am scared to death! His folks have offered to give us some money but I have no clue how much that will be, they are doing pretty well so hopefully it will be more than a pat on the back. My mother has offered to cover my dress which is huge for her because she works paycheck to paycheck. Everyone who is getting help should understand how huge it is to be handed money- it must take some of the stress off.
  10. Just a note on the excercise- are you doing a treadmill? I have huge issues with my knees when I do too much stuff on a treadmill. I can do a really long walk and not have any trouble but once I get on the tradmill for a few days in a row I can hardlywalk. I have lost weight with out excercising but it will go fast if you can do something low impact like swimming.
  11. That is a great idea! I like the lay out of the site it is very easy to use. Nice work!
  12. We are seinding ours out in November and asking for them to be RSVPed by The start of Decemeber. We are getting married in April and we kind of already know a head count.
  13. I am doing them and that is how I found the photgrapher that did our engagement photos. I would say to meet the photographer before so you can see if you are comfortable
  14. Yipee! I can only imagine how excited you are. Those are wonderful.
  15. I have one that I will write on about once a week. This is a good way for some of my out of state friends to keep in contact. Love your blog!
  16. Alllllright! Way to go girls. Do they get a crown or something?
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