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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. We picked April and I can't even tell you why! Seriously--no clue. We just picked a month and went with it. We originally wanted a fall wedding but I wouldn't wait nor try to rush to plan it. Thank baby Jesus for that one.
  2. I think you will be surprised at how cheap fabirc can be. The stuff you will need shouldn't be that expensive. a few dollars a yard here in MN.
  3. I imagine you could find some fabric for a pretty cheap price. I hope, anyway! Good luck! Sorry I couldn't find anything.
  4. Wow what did you guys do to piss off shipping companies? I keep finding them but shipping is like $55 compared to $8 to come to me in MN. I know it is customs but yikes! Have you tried Micheals? Do you have them there? I know they will have canvas bags in the kids area for cheap.
  5. I have some time--I can help look. What type of bag do you want and where are they being shipped?
  6. That is so true! I love the one about the newbie bringing it back up. That got me. I know I have done that.
  7. Oh you poor thing! She isn't supposed to be invited to all the showers. That is just plain silly of her to assume such things. It really sucks that you are having to deal with this odd stress.
  8. You can post them by uploading them to photobucket.com Then come back and use the pretty little yellow box with the mountain in it. That will pull up an image box. You just copy the code in there and TA DA! Photos.
  9. Wow that really isn't all that bad of a deal. Let us know how it goes!
  10. Welcome! You get points based on how many posts you reply so write to your hearts content. I think you only need 50 to open a doc.
  11. Welcome. Looks there should be lots of help here for you.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama Damn! I better move up my wedding date!!! lol My birds gonna eat your bug for lunch! Well then I will have to move mine up so just accept that fact that ladybugs rule...this is seriously the dumbest thing I have ever posted
  13. I would say if you have a general idea I would put that on the invite. If you are trying to decide between Iowa and Cabo I would hold off on sending them since your guest will gauge the cost based on the location.
  14. My mom JUST made this for us on Friday! MMMmmm so good.
  15. Just a whee bit of security advice...don't leave your bride groom one on the door when you are not there. You may open yourself up to theft if people know you have fancy stuff in your room.
  16. It may help you in the long run if you can see what 1200 calories looks like and copy it some time after you end your run with their program. I once heard a lady say that if you will be better off changing then why would you stay the same. That really got me back on track thinking about what I am and what I want to be. They are not the same thing right now. I know it is a really hard thing to do.
  17. It totally looks like we are racing each other with our trackers. HA my lady bug is totally going to kick your birds @ss!
  18. How great is that that people are encouraging you to LIE! HA! I love that dip and am trying to kick my habit. I have never lied about making something and often have a hard time taking credit for a good recipe since most of the time it is from a book and not my creation. It is like taking credit for coloring a picture in a coloring book.
  19. I am sorry they are being a-holes! It is a sign that they may not be able to accomidate you come time for your wedding. If you need to meet with them to go over any music you will have the same issue. I guess you have to find a bigger company who has more DJ's. Good luck!!
  20. I suppose it can sometimes be a crap shoot ( excuse the term) when trying to figure out what is wrong with each person. Tummy stuff is the worst so I hope it clears up soon for you.
  21. I am not sure if anyone has posted this but here is what I wrote on a card that I gave my sisters It's hard to believe that in just a little while ___ and I will be walking down the aisle Nothing would give me more joy and pride than to have you right there by my side! Will you be my MOH/BM? You could write this up and either put it in the tag or by the tag.
  22. Well I would say if you want to keep the weight off then go back to myfooddiary. I have heard many a story of girls dropping to 800 calories before their big day and gaining it all back. I am doing WW and have lost about 15lbs. I can't speak for all the food delievery systems but I work with a woman who tried Nurtisystems and she couldn't handle it for very long and the price is high. Thus ends my giving of my two cents....good luck with finding the plan that works for you.
  23. Wow you really are on the ball! I love those bags and picked up something similar for my chickys.
  24. That is great! Congrats on finding something that makes you happy ( and hopefully pays you what you are worth)
  25. I think if it is one thing we have all learned by now it is to just do what will make you happy. We can all tell you that you look wonderful but it only counts if you feel wonderful. If you think that getting a nose job will make your wedding day that much happier- do it. If you think it will add more stress to an already stressful situation then try holding off until after the wedding.
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