Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Wow, that sucks. I bet I'll have a lot of 'no responders' too. If you have email addresses ... I'd send out an email saying that the RSVP date has passed and that you have to finalize things with the resort, so that you are assuming that if they didn't RSVP that they are not coming, so to let you know ASAP if that is not the case.
I forgot to RSVP to a friends wedding last year (it was in Ohio) and she called to ask -- and I WAS going ... so you may have some that simply forgot to RSVP, so email is a good option for those you can reach that way (I have several relatives who don't havemail ... so those perhaps you can call ... or have someone call for you).
I REALLY like the idea of asking someone else to call. This will make it less stressful for you. Could you BM or MOH doing it? Or split is and give some to the underworked best man.