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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. Oh yes- why WOULD I work today?! Thanks for the cheers! Yesterday was bad here so I am very excited about my last day. A group of us are going out to celebrate tonight and it had better end in me having trouble walking
  2. That wins--hands down--as the best slideshow EVER! No joke. Those photos are wonderful and I love the song and the timing on the show is perfect.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Oh Stephanie, I love it! SO nice and cozy...and HELLO hot tub! You guys are going to have a blast with that house! Yeah Baby! That just reminded me..my FMIL asked who else was staying in the house with us. Umm NO ONE! It is our wedding night.
  4. Thank you for the suggestions. Most of those places are 20 people or less and we fell in love with the idea of the two options we made. We looked into stay at Forest Suites and that is where we found their prices for a BBQ were close to $30 pp--not my idea of a good deal. I guess Forest Suites is at the base of Heavenly. I really don't want to get married at a beach so we are skipping that part.
  5. I really lucked out and found a girl ( same one who did our engagement photos) who is new to BD pictures so she needs to build her portfolio. She is charging me $50 for the session and her prices are very good for reprints. I am not sure what we would do about a photobook of them. I will contact her.
  6. I am not sure where you have check but Target just had a bunch of them last week. Do you have Payless there? They might have them too.
  7. Welcome! Or welcome to posting
  8. Well she did an awesome job! I really like the front part--the closure (sp?).
  9. Those are very unique! Did the company just send you that as an example? Way to be original! I should have guess you would be unique since you appear to have a ninja FH
  10. ok I just went ahead and resized it. All you should have to do is load this copy into Photobucket ( right click on it and save picture as)
  11. HA! Sorry but that is so HUGE! Ok so on topic---I sometime have trouble with photobucket not letting me resize. If it won't let you do it let me know and I can try to do it for you.
  12. Ummm- I am not sure if it would help to nominate anyone because it seems like someone has nominated who I would.... I don't want to feel left out so I pick.... Mrs of the month- Tom Jones BTB- Hilary Duff
  13. We are not sure yet where we are getting married. We are going through a company that will plan stuff for us and are just waiting to see what our numbers will be. We are thinking about 30. Once we know the number we can select our spot. We are looking at Logan Shoals or Emerald bay but they have number restrictions. There are some photos on their site Lake Tahoe Wedding Packages for a beautiful wedding in Lake Tahoe We are renting a bus to take the guests from the hotel to the site so that part is taken care of--thank GOD!
  14. Thanks for the advice Jessica. We are thinking we can get 6 cars in the drive way with using the garage. To rent a limo will cost over $1,000 so we are thinking of other ideas--I am open to suggestions! Maybe we will use cabs! Oh and Jessica also recomended the site we used to rent from Lake Tahoe Vacation Rentals, Lake Tahoe Cabin, Condo or House Rental, Lodging and Accommodations in Cabins, Condos, and Houses We didn't use the one I linked to.
  15. After searching for a place that would just let us rent a room in their hotel or resort we decided to just rent a house for our reception. We both had commented, after my sisters wedding, that people didn't really get up and move around after they planted themselves at a table. This spurred the idea of renting a house so people would either sit in a comfortable spot or mingle. This also will let us either choose a caterer that we like or opt to make the food the day before and just pull it out that night. We have serveral great chefs in the mix so that won't be an issue. The only concern we have now is parking. We are guessing we will have about 10 cars and since we can't actually see the house until days before we are hoping the driveway is long enough. We looked into renting a limo to drive guests back and forth to the hotel but we are going during prom season and that won't work for us. Just wanted to share our fun idea. We like that it has great hardwood floors so we can dance. There is local company that rents tables/chairs so we will pick up a few of those for more seating. With out much more ado here is a link to the house...Tahoe Nevada - 2616H - 2616 Henderson - 4BR+Hot Tub/3BA give it a second to load--there is a slideshow.
  16. Great! Thanks for sharing. What wonderful service!
  17. It does seem a bit cowardly. Maybe he is testing the waters to see how you feel about him.
  18. StephanieMN


    Welcome to the group. There is tons of information here.
  19. StephanieMN


    This may help you...http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...r-wedding.html
  20. StephanieMN


    Welcome! Vegas sure sounds fun. We are doing Lake Tahoe so not too far away. HAPPY PLANNING!
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