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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. Shutterly is great! I made a book of our engament photos and it was a hit at our engagement party. Nice job!
  2. We are buying all our stuff in Tahoe so that is how we are getting around traveling with the stuff. We are going to buy our containers at Wal-mart in NV so that will also make things easier. You might want to wait and buy your Candy in Mexico so you don't have to worry about stuff melting
  3. That is wonderful news! Thanks for updating us.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by starfish kate I LOVE LOVE this idea but my only concern is that if the reception is outside or open-air, the candy will get really sticky and stick together... Yeah I didn't think about that party ( we are indoors so we won't have that issues) You might want to stick to candy that is in wrappers so they won't stick together.
  5. I do have to say it is rather on the expensive side so I would have to say try and find something cheaper. It is very pretty.
  6. Did you just get those at Target on clearance!! I did! I am going to put them on our candy buffet table and not do much to them. I like the simple look to them. Another idea is they sell glitter spary and that would look nice.
  7. It is just so cool! Couldn't think of a nicer person to get such a great gift.
  8. That is great- all your hard work paid off.
  9. YouTube - CP - Earth, Wind & Fire - Shining Star Not really sure if this is the feel you are looking for. I LOVE THIS SONG!
  10. I love this story! How great that he planned to have an AMAZING photographer there too!
  11. Wow- who would have thought it would take so long. Too bad you can't start it BEFORE you get married.
  12. Reading Painting Photography ( got some great guitar shots last night) hanging out ( God remember when kids in HS said that---what IS that?)
  13. Hi and welcome to the group!
  14. Welcome. I am sure any price is possible---it just depends on the size of your wedding.
  15. StephanieMN


    Welcome! Happppppy Planning!
  16. Yeah wouldn't you think they could do a little customer service everyone once in a while and not be dicks about stuff. I know I have put more stamps on stuff in the past than needed but you don't see them sending me a check. Glad it worked out.
  17. Good luck- seems like you are on a great path so keep it up.
  18. I am not sure if this is the one Shelly is talking about but here is what I have seen SeaSide Beach Weddings & Seashell Bridal Bouquets & Pillows, Bridal Shower Favors it is about 1/3 of the way down.
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