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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. It's a miracle!! Let's say 5/18 since I just noticed 5/11 is mothers' day and mine sure will win mother of the year! I am not sure where Shea is coming from but I would hope that we could find some place centeral. Any suggestions? mark your calendar--the date is set now let's pick a place. If we can't find someplace there is a nice White Castle over here
  2. AHHHHH! Welcome home!! So beautiful! love your kiss photo!
  3. Ha! Don't hate yourself--it happens. We used to have Sour Patch kids all the time and I am pretty sure it removs the top layer of taste buds !
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Wow Stephanie, sorry I am late to this post. I am so happy to hear that your awesome sister is hooking you up. I am sadden by your mother's decisions lately. I know it must hurt you deeply. Love your Super Target...we only have Greatlands and I thought they were cool. Who knew? I guess I am pretty lucky to have my sisters to protect me from my mothers choices. As far as the Target thing--it reminds me of when we were kids and found out our parents only had black and white tv and we felt bad for them. Sorry you can't go to Target and get a latte or cake. You are suffering
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak "Family and Friends, Thank you for sharing our day with us. We are so happy to share this moment with the people we care most about...... (etc...) I'd like to take a moment to thank some of the people who have brought us to this day. I'd like to thank my wonderful sisters, who shared in the excitement of being a bride by going gown shopping with me, smiling politely thru bridezilla moments (haha), helping to plan the wedding, the shower, and contributing financially to make this day as special as possible. I'd like to thank my mom, for giving birth to me and my sisters. I'd also like to thank you for not forcing yourself into the wedding planning. Your complete abandonment while you focus on yourself and your new marriage, is just what I needed to further cement the bond between myself and my sisters, thus making this day so very special. You've taught me so much mom, and it reads like a "what not to do" manual for marriage and motherhood." (BTW--- I love your sense of humor. Revoking the wedding invitation is pretty amusing to picture) OMG-I should totally do that! That is an amazing toast. Maybe if I had enough drinks I could say it. Hopefully I can get her to write that book because all her hard work should pay off in the long run. Thanks for the laugh.
  6. That should help. Not sure why you can't read posts-that is odd.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR can I brag that the newest Super Target is like 1/4 mile away from my house (by Southdale). WOOHOO! I go there for everything - groceries, clothes, necessities, starbucks, etc. I'm actually thinking of moving in! I guess I didn't even think about the fact that they weren't everywhere! Yes you can BUT you have to deal with roundabouts and that is not cool!
  8. I wonder if they are willing to start a list for you ladies of who wants one. Maybe you could register for one?
  9. There are no "normal' target here, that I know of... They are either greatlands or Super Target. Super Targets have a grocery store inside and usual an Optical store, one of those minute clinic type places and they are just plan out right big! Jealous? I think maybe I will go back there later tonight just so I can brag
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl First of all, Stephanie I'm so sorry you have to go thru all this crap, at any time, but esp so close to your special day. And second, holy what the crap kind of exciting bomb ass town do you live in that your Target has a bakery? I am so jealous right now. That's all I need, fresh donuts while buying TP and socks I get the impression you are excited! I live in Minnesota and that is where Target has their headqtrs so there are TONS of Super Targets here. I was there to get my eyes check and stopped by the bakery to check on prices. They used to carry Krispy Kreme but not anymore, that rocked. They even had a fake cake up so that's how I know they do them.
  11. What I would do it use word art. You can rotate it so it's upside down. Use one of the simple ones and it will look normal--I hope.
  12. The thing that gets me about this whole thing is she says we aren't that close well why can't she see why? I really don't care about being buddy-buddy with her. I have my sisters and that's all that matters.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 So, I just read your entire thread on your Mom. I am so sorry you had to go through all that. Then on top of that the cake!!! How is the situation with the now husband? I don't deal with him much and when I do he is sort of flirty and it creeps me out. FH even agrees he is flirting with my older sister and I. Oh well, we ended up inviting him to the wedding just to lessen the stress of the day, now I would like to take the invite back...and tell her I knew she would understand.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Wow. First of all, at some point I would make it known to your mom that it was not ok and no, you didn't understand. I'd wait till after the wedding though. No need for more drama. I'm glad it worked out in the end. Your sister rocks! As for your mom, wow- who knows what the deal is there. The only reason I would let her know that it wasn't ok so that hopefully it will give her a little eye opener that her behavior is hurting those she loves. She may not realize now, but hopefully soon it will dawn on her. My mom is pretty self-invloved. My older sister actually snapped at her this weekend during my bridal shower telling her the day wasn't about her. I agree that saying anything now is not going to work out too well. I would like to stand up and toast my sister at the wedding for bailing us out and thank my mother for once again causing me stress. That would go over well.
  15. Is she here yet? Did I miss her? I feel like Paparazzi Heid! Over here! Show us your dress! How did the BD photo shoot go? How did Reggie wear his hair!? Heidi! Heid!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Oh damn, Stephanie - if this have a good ending, I was going to make sure to find a place for you! I just realized I am going to be in Chicago the weekend of your wedding ... and I was going to stalk your wedding! I drove by Centennial Lakes the other day, it looks sooo nice, and will look even better once things start turning green! Thanks for the thought. I had some place tell me I had to call back tomorrow and I was like no freaking way am I holding off another day on this! Sorry you can't stalk me! You could have had a peice of cake We were joking, with how the weather has been that it was going to snow on our wedding day. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN I'm so sorry you had to deal with that Stephanie! Sounds like you have a pretty awesome sister though! She My FH was thrilled to find out we figure something out ( he is out of town) he said it is amazing how we all pull together for each other. My 2 sisters rock! She said she would be so upset if 3 weeks before her wedding she had to figure this out so she wanted to help.
  17. As some of you may know my mother has been a bit---odd lately. Here is a thread to help you understand the drama...go ahead, I will wait http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13970 FYI- She did end up getting married. So she was supposed to do our wedding cake and just decided to tell me via email this morning that she isn't doing it!! WTF! I emailed her over a week ago asking her to do some sort of cake tasting for us and never heard back. I called her last night and told her I knew she was busy and she had to let me know what was happening. So I get the email this morning and she said she knew I would understand! No apology at all! uuuuugh. So I paniced and started calling places only to be told there wasn't enough time to get one. I even went into Target and was told they needed 30 days. I called my younger sister to ask her if the place she works does them and of course she wanted to know why. She ADORES my mother and was pissed for me. To wrap this up, she called the bakery that did her wedding cake and they are fitting us in. She than called me back to tell me that she is paying for the cake! They just bought a house so I know that is huge gift from them. That is really the biggest stress, we are on a very tight budget and $200-$400 for a cake is a huge slap in the face. See so part of my family sucks and the other part rocks.
  18. First of all--love your siggy! Great idea Moving on...I guess it all depends on what type of memories you want to create. Sometimes quirky vacations are more fun than relaxing on the beach. Do you want to just chill or get out and see Paris?
  19. I changed mine for the very same reason. My older username used to be Stephanie 5.2.5 which is also part of my email address so I switched it. That is also why I no longer have my photo on my profile, just keeping it safe from my prying family. I would be so bummed if one of my MOH's found out what I made for them!
  20. I feel your pain. I am kind of doing the same thing and our wedding dates are fast approaching. I agree with Kelly and Christine in that you have to just imagine your life with out them to see what that feels like, if you panic that is good. That is how I have been judging my chilled feet, do I get misty eyed at the thought of loosing him? YES! I know it is really hard to be in the situation but I am starting to see it is very healthy to question things, even at this stage. It means you are independent enough to have your own brain
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Dbld78 I have noticed a difference.....not on the scale yet but in my eating habits. I am definitely eating consciously, and counting my bites. I do however crash from time to time with the bingeing especially in the first couple weeks. But I noticed that in this last week I have been leaving more and more on my plate. Have you noticed the same? I know it's common sense but I can't believe how much sense it really makes to me. To be honest I feel like it was the break through that I needed. I've tried it all and this seems to be the one thing that fits me. I couldn't stand the "well you can't eat this or that" it made me want it more... But knowing that I can now control my portions and do it on my terms is great! I would suggest it to anyone! I have been doing similar things and have noticed I eat less. I tried eating with my eyes closed and that was pretty odd I think he says stuff that we all kind of know but he just explains it much better.
  22. Ohh that's tricky. What about inviting the bridal party to the dinner and inviting the other guests down after dinner for a cocktail? Kind of a meet and greet.
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