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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. The shop is a bit "old school" so we didn't get an option but the cakes they had in the shop looked great frosted! I am very excited to see it but nervous because my BIL is picking it up! Our site is about 25 miles away so they won't deliever it and it's not a huge cake so he can do it. Pray for him and me that I don't kick his butt if he does something.
  2. Thank you, thank you ,and thank you! We went with something very similar to all the ones you posted. It is going to be square with ribbon and this great design that is on my thank you notes. We met with the baker this morning and I will post photo once we have it--about 3 weeks! We are doing chocolate cake with cream cheese filling and white cake with lemon...mmmmm.
  3. I would say an hour is enough and she is very easy going so I can't imagine she would freak out if you went over 15 minutes or so. She usually respondes to emails late at night but she is pretty fast about stuff. She did our engagment photos, my BD photos, and like I said she will be doing our wedding. It was nice to meet her before the BD ones to get comfortable with her. We did do them at my house as I was trying to save money. Plus we got to use the kitchen. IMHO I would get them done before your trip. Seems like it might be less stressful and you won't have to worry about fitting in it. just a thought.
  4. How adorable are you all! So sweet.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN Thanks Steph! First off I love your photos... I remember now when you first posted them : ) How long did you have? Do you wish you would have had longer? I will be living down in Blaine in the fall for school stuff... so it actually might work out. I will be living with my grandma though... and although she is cool, not sure if she is that cool. I noticed Heather mentioned on her site that she knows of some cool places... so I will have to look into that. And thanks for the offer on the book! If I end up doing it... I will probably take you up on it! Where did you order it from? She didn't set a specific time that I remember, but it was only like an hour. I did 4 outfits and got a pretty decent amount of photos. I think she would have stayed longer if I needed the time. I know she has kids so she likes to do them during the day or weekends. I made my book and ordered it throuh blurb.com Their books, IMHO, look more profession than the ones I have from shutterfly.com and they are cheaper. Seriously, I would love to help in anyway I can. I know I was pretty anxious about mine. The hotel might be a good idea. There are some really nice ones around the area. good luck.
  6. Becky, Here is the lady I used ssimages.net She is awesome! It was a little more rushed that I would have liked but that was probably part me because I didn't want her to have to wait for me to change Her name is Heather and she is so down to earth and I love her. She is doing our wedding photos. There are some pictures of me on her website. I am under "The good wife" I am the one pulling the stuff out of the oven (note: no pot holder) I highly recommend her. Her website says her price is $150 and she gives you a cd and proofs. I had mine within a week and she emailed me a few teasers. If you want a book I would be happy to help you make one, I made my own for under $50. Let me know if you have ?'s
  7. I am doing ok. Still need to get list for Dj and Photographer. Get the cake all set. Finish programs and lots of little stuff that can easily be done. Right now I am very happy I did lots of stuff early so I am not SUPER stressed when other things arise. I have finals next week and after that it's all about the wedding.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by AwesomeBride Great Job, they turned out cute. I as well think that the chapstick is a good addition Thanks! Chapstick should be in every first aid kit! It's very important!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Steph - fondant looks pretty but is one of the WORST tasting things - IMHO it always ruins the taste of a cake really? I guess I have never had it. Thanks for letting me know. After a great deal of searching, and your help, I have narrowed it down. The top one is my favorite but I have to check with Chris to see what he likes. Poor quality, I had to "steal" it by doing a screen shot. These, of course, would be in our wedding colors not the colors shown.
  10. I have always had this thing about flowers submerged in water, it gives me the feeling of being short of breath. Kind of like when I was a kid and I would see baby dolls in the plastic bags and wonder how they could breathe--odd, I know. Anyway I really like the rocks. Very clean and airy.
  11. Sorry to have 3 posts in a row I just found this one.. I am starting to like square.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by xandrafaye Here are a few I came across: Pretty simple, but could be pretty with the roses. You could even have the little dots done in colour to add some pop to the cake Maybe with your colours & without the gerberas on top Also used with your colours ( could be done using buttercream instead of fondant <I think!>) So great, I just found the bottom 2 as well. They are so pretty! Thanks!
  13. The thing that makes me think it is fondant is look at the rounded edges on the cake, I don't think you can do that with frosting. Their website says they are famous for their whipped frosting but it doesn't say anything about that as far as wedding cakes. Oh well, I guess I will find what I like and just give the picture to them and have them do what they can. I would call but it's almost 9 and no bakery is open that late. Thanks!
  14. ya know I maybe wrong about the fondant thing..I got this off their website so they must do it. what do ya think? Some of those are pretty cool! Thanks--you ladies rock!
  15. Since we are down to the final hours before our meeting with the baker I need help finding cakes. When my mom was going to do it we were just going really simple but now that the cake is being professionally done I want to get my monies worth. Now the issue is I have not even really looked at wedding cakes and am really trying to stuff months worth of looking into an hour. Can you help me Here is some inspiration for you all: I don't have my most recent centerpeice but it is something like this. I am trying to find the balance between childish and fun. I really don't want daisies on the cake as there are rose petal that will be spread on the table. The cake will be frosting not fondant so nothing supper fancy. Any photos for me?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I think it would also be a nice motivator for when you have to lose some baby weight. I look at all my early college pics and say "damn, what happened?" It would be nice to have some pics to brag about when your in your 70's too. Totally going to whip mine out and show the grandkids that my "girls" didn't always play tag with my knees. Or even better...at sewing circles.
  17. I used to be a photographer and we couldn't do anything with the images WITHOUT getting permission. We couldn't even put them up in the studio. So they do own the images but not the right to do what they wish. Mine BD picks are on the photographers website but I had to sign a client release form before she could do it. I made mine in a book and maybe we will leave it on the coffee table--who knows
  18. Ann- You are killing me here! We could try the week after?
  19. It just looks like she moved her face to the side when they took the photo--she is really cute. I agree, good that they are happy about it instead of locking her away.
  20. Cool, now the question is where to meet in Mpls? I suck at the downtown thing. locate Houlihans is one option more on the South end of Mpls. I really can't think of any place in that area right now.
  21. You poor thing--it looks horrible! Only joking, it looks so pretty and the nice thing is that it looks like I can now afford to come--yipeee! Congrats on finding a great location, it will make for a beautiful day.
  22. Quote: Okay, I'm dumb. What is Pashmina? How do you wear them? How are they given for gifts? Because they are so pretty and I think that my guests will love them, and if you can wear them around your hips over your bathing suit, then I will buy lots. I don't like my hips. LoL. I feel like an idiot for not knowing what these are. *blushing.* ~~ I had only heard of them becase I know Oprah gave out really fancy ones. It's just a shawl so do what you like . I was actually thinking of putting them on tables. Here is how I wrapped mine up as gifts. some girls have tied ribbon around them and put them in baskets for guests to grab as they get cold.
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