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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. Didn't catch that you are not here! Any craft store will work, one that carries craft/scrapbook paper. It isn't the store so much as the idea behind it.
  2. Those are my colors too! Love -em. My suggestion would be to go to a craft store like Michales or JoAnn and look at all the papers and ribbons they have to get some inspirtaion.
  3. Do you have publisher? You can do banners in publisher but then you have to tape them together.
  4. Yikes- you are my new hero for making that many bags. I wouldn't make them a bag. If they don't have enough respect to let you know sooner than don't give them a bag. Give them a welcome letter and that should be all they need. How rude. We have one person who don't know for sure if they are coming or not and I have already said I am not whipping up a bag last minute.
  5. What I would do is find photos of ones you like and ask her to re-create them. Here are some. Not sure what your other colors are but here is a start: sorry this one is HUUUUGE! Not sure who you are using but I came across this site in my search Ultra Realistic & Lifelike Silk Wedding Bouquets
  6. I am not having much luck, sorry I tried. All I am finding are black sandals.
  7. I am not really all that sure what I think. I am not a huge fan of the brownish color of the flowers, they look like they are passing on to the other side (dying). Everything else seems pretty nice. Do they have other bouquets you like?
  8. How random to expect you to pay for someones ticket! It's like if you had an "at home" wedding an were expected to rent cars for everyone so they could get there. I am very sorry you have to deal with this.. big hugs to you.
  9. Sorry to hear about your loss.
  10. Welcome to the forum!
  11. I would refer to my state as more "fried" I have 3 final exams this week ( anatomy stuff--uugh) and today is FH birthday so lots of stuff going on tonight. It is pretty crazy but we all shall survive!
  12. I am sorry to hear they are messing around with your job!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR I SO wish I was going to be in town to crash your wedding - that sounds so yummy! Where are you getting your cake at again, I forgot. It did taste pretty good. We got it here: Welcome to Retha & Sandy's Sweet Shop
  14. Here is it: I like it. The only thing I would change is move down the names because the top loop of some letters are missing. I have used that font on several things. Have you picked those two colors as your wedding ones?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by xandrafaye Bells are bad news in my opinion! Actual experience: had a bit to drink, shook the bell a little too roughly & launched it across the room where it eventually landed smack on some older woman's head.... not the best thing! lol That is great! Like a version of girls gone wild! We are going the singing thing and I know it's going to be fun.
  16. How great that you thought to check in! can't wait to see photos!
  17. Funny, I just had coffee with her today! I seriously LOVE her. She is great and so down-to-earth. We met with her to talk about our wedding photos and we met to go over stuff. That was nice of her to offer up her place. Not sure if I will still be hanging around come this fall so make sure to PM me if you do get photos done.
  18. I love everything..for true! Your dress is wonderful and I love it all.
  19. I love DIY projects and have yet to see one that wasn't great. If you put your all into it I am sure it will look great. Every single invite is going to look different just like every bride looks different on her wedding day. So don't stress and go get one printed to see if you like it. If you don't, change what you don't like and be happy with what you do like.
  20. I saw them too, pretty cool. Just an FYI I am pretty sure they don't have a flash so be warned that if there isn't enough sun/light they will be dark. I hope I am wrong and they do or at least they put a high speed film in there.
  21. Congrats! I like that you are just signing stuff, than your ceremony will be that much cooler.
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