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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. What a bummer! I have had that happen and been very surprised at how quickly it grows to a point where I like it. You have your prenatal vitamins on your side!
  2. Congrat! It's hard being in school and planning a wedding. Wouldn't do it that way again if I had the choice. Way to go!
  3. I too though he was going to barf on her! I would be so upset if Chris did that. Poor girl!
  4. That is too funny! I guess we need more than just one Mothers Day, huh?!
  5. Uugh that totally sucks. I can't even imagine the pain. I had a rib pop out once and that sucked. can I suggest you try taking some Arninca? It's a homeopathic remedy. I used to work in a homeopathic pharmacy and it was pretty popular for bruising.
  6. I love his reaction! I was just giving Chris shit about his- he didn't even seem excited! Love em!
  7. Happy birthday...make sure to get some photos (tee hee)
  8. I might be able to send some money on Monday. I leave near Ann so if there is anything I can do for her on this end of the US I sure can help out. Anything! She is an awesome lady, we had coffee a few months back, and I am very sorry to hear she has to be away from home and dealing with this stress.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by KACENGG Congratulations Stephanie, We are on our first foster dog too. We've had her for just about 3 weeks now. It's an adventure for sure. Hopefully we'll be able to talk eachother through some of the more trying times......good luck! Yes we will have to keep in touch! We had a hard time when we got our dog so I am not expecting an easy transition but am going to give it a go. What breed are you fostering?
  10. Hope your day is wonderful!! Can't wait to see all your hard work in picture form.
  11. I have to agree, just pretend you didn't see it. I have had people tell me they heard about surprise parties before and I was devistated! Give him the gift of pretending you didn't know. Happy Birthday!
  12. Chris and I had talked about fostering a dog for a while now ( a year) and decided after the wedding we would do it. I could barely wait! I signed up with the rescue group were we got our Catahoula and of course they approved us, if they let us get adopt a dog they should let us foster. Well they had a little sweetie for us and I just found out we are getting him the day before my birthday-next Saturday. He is in IL so they still need help to get him here but it looks like are set. I will post better photos once I get them Murphy! Adopt Murphy - Midwest - Catahoula Leopard Dog, Terrier Dog
  13. Our just said "While your here, be a dear and sign our book." We had our receiving line run right past it so people had to sign it.
  14. I am very sorry to hear about your very sudden loss. My father passed when I was 17 and I found little, subtle ways to include him in our wedding. You can find ways of honoring him and feel like he is invloved in your ceremony. I hope you find comfort in knowing he loved you and was very excited about your wedding.
  15. I was just thinking about you last night we I questioned Chris as to why his was still in the box. He informed me it wasn't a coffee table book! I got to thinking about you and hoping yours had turned up. Sorry it didn't but glad you can get another one.
  16. Looking good! Some of the stuff is getting lost with the amount of stuff you have so I would either use a bigger table or do away with some of the table decor. One word of warning==one of my containers was broken because I used one metal scoop and people just threw it back in there. Thank God it was a cheap container-I had several smaller plastic ones for the other containers so only one container broke.
  17. I just got them in the aisle with the beads at Michaels if you don't have one in your area any craft store should have something that should work Here is a photo of them on my flowers my sister did it and I would have done it different-They kept falling off in my hand.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by diezelgrrl wow everything looks great! where did you get your oot bags from? they're so cute! Just the good old Dollar store. Dollar tree to be exact.
  19. Wow what a huge bummer! All your hard work and effort and now it's missing. I pray they find it and get it back in your hands.
  20. What I would do again: Day-off coordinator- She saved our butts a few times and I wasn't stressed about stuff getting done! The oot bags- The guests that I heard from just loved them and could just feel the love. Get a dress I love!- I ended up getting a second dress and really couldn't have felt more like a princess. Spend the money to get one you love. Slideshow- I spent tons of time on it and thought people wouldn't appreciate it but we got some tears and laughs. Not pay for liquor- not too many people in our crowd drink so we bought a few flasks with and some rum. It was kind of high school but for the amount of money we saved it was well worth it. We had 80 guests and the cost for low end beer and wine would have been $1500 and only about 20 guest would have drank it. Not do: I would have stuck with our DW plan! We ended up spending more when we switched to a home wedding. More guest equals more stress. I don't want to say I regret it I just would mix it up some if I had the chance. Skipped the honeymoon! Take a freaking honey moon- I started school just days after so our honeymoon was spent with me taking CPR and First Aid. Worried! I worried about silly little things and no one even noticed! I got tons of compliments on all the effort I put in and everyone loved the little touches. Our flowers got screwed up so we scramble the last minute and there looked great! So I didn't need to stress.
  21. Hope it goes well and you both have a great day!
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