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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB lol, you know your camera's.. :-) Yeah we have a digital SLR. I am jealous!! I want one so bad. A friend got one just because he has the money and he doesn't know how to use it...uuuuggghh. Glad you know how to use yours and enjoy it.
  2. Those are great- you must have a digital SLR with that depth of field!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Janet I suppose this is written to be funny but it's kind of offensive to me. just sayin' I see he is from Seattle so just start diggin in on his town. That might make you feel better Kinda of like "You mama" jokes.
  4. Wow for a split second I thought you had a real baby and I REALLY felt out of the loop What a cute little face!
  5. Welcome home! Sounds like a wonderful day. If you want to email me the pictures I would be happy to load them for you.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV Happy Birthday Stephanie!! What movie did you go see? Inidana Jones 4! Love it! Has anyone else seen it?
  7. Wow I am actually angry for you! I read the whole thing and if I saw her and had a good slap ready she would get it. Sorry but everyone had their issue-EVERYONE! It seemed like the more you pushed for answers the worse her problems got. She is trying to guilt you into giving in and trying to paint you as crazy. I hope you can get this figure out! Good luck.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by xandrafaye I like Ben & Jerrys but never buy it because it's just too expensive!! My BIL jokes that Ben & Jerrys is "Rich People" ice cream! I like the dove chocolate ice cream, it has that thick layer of chocolate right at the top, no need to dig for it!
  9. Thanks! So far, so good! Heading out for a movie and dinner with my family.
  10. Hi! I am one of those newbies who has been here since May 07! I am posting here to let you all know I have started my own DVD photo show company. Some photographers do provide this service already but for those of you who didn't get that service-this is something you might be interested in. I make custom photo shows from your photos (wedding or other) that are great to share with people who didn't make it to your wedding or just to keep for you to look back at. These are great to have if you host an AHR and want to have a way to show your guests all the fun photos- all you have to do is pop the DVD in and enjoy. These are high quality DVD shows made with professional software. I have read the vendor rules and promise to be good! The link to my site is in my siggy-please note the site is new and I am working out the kinks and any spelling issues. Let me know if you have questions.
  11. I love it! now if we could work Chocolate in there too that would be great!
  12. Welcome to the forum!
  13. Wish I was there!! Looks so great, can't believe you just "pulled together" your idea for guest book-looks great!
  14. I missed this too- How did it go? You guys always seem to have tons of fun together.
  15. Sorry to hear that! I know that gross feeling of being violated. I had my purse stolen from my locker at work and my house keys were in there so I couldn't sleep until the locks were changed.
  16. Both hubby and I are sick (coughing and colds) so we chilled yesterday but today is my b-day and we are going out to dinner. Oh and seeing the new Indiana Jones movie. Hubby is making me breakfast right now! Mmmm french toast.
  17. aawwh how sweet! She really is a typical CA already hanging out in the tanning bed. You should make sure she has a t-shirt on so she can get her MN farmers tan
  18. That really is a bummer! NOTHING can replace a real hug and kiss. Maybe you should go buy a Yorkie
  19. So adorable! Congrats you guys look so happy!!!
  20. Finally, I was wondering when we were going to see you. Sorry you are so busy! Everything looks great! Still loving your dress. Make sure to come back and show us some photos. Have a wonderful time and enjoy it-trust me it goes too fast if you let it.
  21. That was funny, the way I read it it looked like the caption for the one with you one the bar was saying it was the minister! You look great! Such a pretty bride.
  22. What a journey it has been. So glad to hear all is well. Please let me know if you need anything from MN- I am happy to help!
  23. sorry Morgan, I am just now seeing this. It really didn't take long- as you noticed! We had to do the same thing in that we got a 10 and 11 for Chris. He is kind of having a hard time with getting one to fit just right.
  24. That is so great to hear!! Congrat to them both on the health birth. I bet she is adorable. So glad she is healthy.
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