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Everything posted by angitalia23

  1. There is no problem with suzanne, ive heard wonderful things. Its always great to hear about other stylists as well, especially for the future.
  2. Im thinking the same...sometime in the later morning though 10-11, it would be nice to have some drinks and relax. Where are you doing you spa day at?
  3. I emailed them at this contact iformation: Mariachi Internacional de Los Cabos [email protected] Here is their phone information: Phone: (624) 173-3587 Fax: 173-3587 Cell: (624) 151-5529 The man was quick to reply but very brief, he did not give me his name only pricing information. If i should receive more information, Ill pass it along.
  4. thanks! Im not sure if its my personal computer or what...but i havent been able to search...nothing comes up!!! Wierd
  5. How many hours do you think I should have a mariachi band for? I talked to Mariachi Los Cabos Internacional and they quoted me for 150/hour. I feel this is pretty good. Also when would be a good time to have them...during cocktail hour? or sometime during the reception?
  6. This is good to know...I was going to ship vases but I may just buy them there! Thanks
  7. I really want to swim with a dolphin...it sounds so fun! thanks or the information
  8. I am in love with your photographers work, all of your pics and especially your dress. You looked beautiful...congratulations on such an amazing wedding!
  9. thanks for the advice! Im not going to mess around with refunds, I appreciate your recommendations and advice!
  10. Yes thats the issue.....I was under the impression that Suzanne was doing my hair, we spoke on the phone twice she asked for pics of hair ideas...etc. However, alot of the girls on here advised to double check that I receive Suzanne herself for my stylist. Apparently, her quality is great but some have had her assistants where it has not been as good. When I called to confirm, after already paying $320- so far.....she said that she rarely does weddings, she just owns the company. She also told me she rarely gets request to do hair. It seemed a little odd to me because many girls on here have had their hair done by her....im so confused! Im also torn because either I take a chance with one of her assistants or I try to book SunMex (which they havent responded to me yet). Suzanne's salon keeps calling me to see if I want a refund...I dont know what to do! So Confused!
  11. We are also having our rehersal at Mi Casa, I havent been there in years but I loved the atmosphere last time....im more concerned about having a nice scene because Im pretty confident the food will be as good as it was last time. The tortilla soup was amazing as well as the big Margaritas....yummmmo!
  12. So after reading all of your posts, I decided to contact Suzanne Morrel to ensure she would do my hair/make-up and she denied me. She said she rarely if ever does a wedding (with the exception of very large bridal parties). She was actually quite rude and said this has never been an issue in the past but I could receive a refund. I think im going to go with Sun Mex or Mex Sun as I have read some pretty good reviews. What do you girls think? Sun Mex is alot cheaper where as Suzanne Morrel for trial/day of will cost me around 450.
  13. Really need help gals: Im looking to have tons of candles and perhaps use cally lillies as the main flower on each table. Im looking for a dramatic look yet simple.....im coming up empty handed on pic ideas. I was really hoping someone could share photos or some type of inspiration, Im sure there has been tons of topics on flowers but im not doing that well. Appreciate it
  14. such a tough choice....I love both, but im totally in love with #2 very unique and pretty but so simple and hot!!!! Which ever one you choose its going to be beautiful....best of luck...its tough!
  15. I keep watching the video...it makes me excited! You look beautiful and your wedding was awesome!
  16. They look great, it will be nice to show our guests! Thanks
  17. This is such a wonderful review and your video is awesome! Thank you!
  18. thank you thank you for the pic, this is sooooooo what I was describing!
  19. I made a mistake, my ceremony is at the gazebo. Reception is at Oceana. We originally had 6bridesmaids and 6groomsmen. 2 of my lovely ladies backed out, due to financial issues. I was very upset but eventually understood. So we will have 4bridesmaids and 6groomesmen. Does anyone find this odd Im done stressing about it. We are expecting 40-50guests.
  20. Okay girls here it goes...this is a great thread 6/19/08! Here are some of my details: Wedding date : June 19, 2008 Ceremony: On the Beach 5:30pm Reception/Cocktail hour: 6-10:30pm Food: Cream of Asparagus soup Spinach raviolli & Smoked salmon for appetizers Choice between See bass and Stuffed chicken breast Cake: Three tier ivory cake with detailing, not sure on the flavors yet...but i know one tier will be chocolate!!! Cake by Jennifer Hatton Flowers: ROSES EVERYWHERE, pink & cremes (dont have the florist yet) DJ: Just decided to use Ipod and rent speakers from Dreams. Hair and Makeup: Suzanne Morrel Wedding Cordinator: Mariana from Dreams Phontographer: Juan Carlos...very excited for him Stuff Ive done allready, Save the dates Wedding dress down:) Some gifts for bridesmaids Menu Photographer Some reception decor ooohhhh I dont have that much done do i... LOTS OF STUFF STILL LEFT TO DO>>>thank god for this thread!
  21. thanks girls, that helps. I think my fiance just doesnt understand how expensive looking good can be...he was concerned when he saw the price. But beauty costs right
  22. hi girls, I know many threads have been listed about suzzane morell. I booked her for hair and makeup and a trial and now im thinking this is too much because its costing close to 450 (w/ tip and tax). Regardless, this is too much. I would appreciate any feedback on her services and whether or not you ladies think a trial is mandatory. Also, I have long hair and I want to wear it down with only a little pulled up in the front,,,,,im having a hard time finding pics...I would appreciate any hair ideas too. thanks for helping
  23. im wayyyyy late on this posting girls...grad school is kicking my butt. Ill post my plans very soon.
  24. If Dreams only does a wedding a day thats good to know
  25. This is what I was told, Im not concerned I have the reception location and the gazebo...everything I wanted:)
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