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Everything posted by angitalia23

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by AmyInMI aylee designs makes them as well! I am glad I made mine but am not up to making them for someone else, sorry! I have enough wedding things to do of my own. everyone is so busy, I wasnt expecting any volunteers:) I give you credit for making your own!
  2. Im totally not a DIY Bride...at all! But im in love with the boarding pass invites, our std's were formal and I want to do something fun. Anyway, i dont have the creativity to make them and the one company I was looking at seems to be full for new designs at this point....im not sure what to do. Any brides willing to do mine...lol
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva I recently did some research on Costa Rica.. you're going to have sooo much fun! I've always wanted to go! Are you going right after your wedding? Yes, we are leaving the day after our wedding, which will be Friday afternoon....im excited
  4. We booked our honeymoon for there after the wedding. Im super excited and after much research it seemed like the best choice, were pretty adventerous and I heard there's lots to do. Curious if anyones gone...
  5. I just looked at these products, I have never heard of them but they look good. There are tons!
  6. I feel like I want to change mine now, I agree that your actual name is much more personal.
  7. I really like these both of your suggestions, I wonder if you could fit sand and a tiny shell in these.
  8. Can someone help me find a cheaper version of a message in a bottle thats glass. I would like to use them as place cards for our reception. I do not believe Pottery Barn sells them like the pic I saw on here but I would like them to be tiny and glass. Ive included the link below Pottery Barn | Shop Ive included the link belwo
  9. Im a control freak too and I would hate not knowing for sure if someone got their bag....in that case Im just going to deliver it to the room or as they arrive in the lobby. I think it shows you took the time to deliver it and that makes it even more personal.
  10. Dear Equity People on the other side of the room: I love you guys and I know you appreciate that I go and get your lunch everyday - - BUT NO MORE!! Jim has ruined it for all of you. He's rude and all he thinks I am is HIS LUNCH BITCH! I hate him and I am no longer anyones lunch bitch. Signed, the girl that will no longer get anyones lunch! THE WAY YOU WROTE THIS IS HILARIOUS, YOU KNOW LONGER HAVE TO BE THE LUNCH BITCH....This made me spill my coffee this morning!
  11. I just got my four bridesmaids really cute beach bags for the shower. They were from Target (I heart target) and they were only $10- They have a cute hint of glitter in them. Im going to fill it with lotions and body spray. My mother and future mother in law are hosting so im thinking about what to get them. I think its just a personal thing whether or not to give gifts, im sure no one expects anything..since it's in your honor.
  12. Im highly impressed...they are adorable! It looks like it took many more hours than just eight!
  13. I think im going to try taking something, my friend recommended taking Zantac too. Im Italian (the whitest one you'll know) except when im red. The wierd thing is I dont get red wh.en im embarassed or when I work out
  14. My face gets really red when I drink more than two drinks (as you can see in the picture). It does not happen everytime but it does occur often. I get blotchy on my neck and face, does anyone have this problem? I have tested certain alcohols and it happens with just about everything (wine, liquor, beer).
  15. Dear Self: Stop worrying about your stupid nose, instead start worry about getting in shape!!! Go Walking! Dear Students: Start to listen and stop acting like the little monkies you are!!!! There are 32 of you nine year olds and one of me....when will you realize that! Dear Wedding, Please go perfectly!!! Please let everyone have an amazing time, w/o any drama! Please make my mom drink some cocktails so she is calm!!!! Dear Fiance, Thanks for you!!!! Your the best! Dear Forum, THANKS FOR BEING SO HELPFUL AND FUN!!!!!
  16. Amanda I like those alot!!! That color is exactly what I had in mind...it looks hot on the guys!
  17. My fiance and the groomsmen will be wearing cream suits, we were going to rent them from a tuxedo place but with the traveling and extra days its higher than we thought. Can you girls offer suggestions on what your doing for the groomsmen...thanks
  18. love this....we somehow are always stocked on beer more than good food!
  19. thanks mauraw im going to run it by Dreams, Im stressing out big time leading up our wedding and just want to make sure im good on all of my information. Your so lucky to be in Chicago right now, its one of my favorite cities!
  20. I just went on the new Dreams site, thanks to Leia. Did anyone know about this rule: Mexico requires that you be in the country at least four business days prior. Saturdays, Sundays and Mexican holidays do not count. Your arrival day also does not count toward the “business day†requirement. You must arrive four FULL business days prior. I thought you only had to be a resident for 48hours or something like that? We are arriving on Saturday and our wedding will be on Thursday. Thats not four full days if weekends do not count. Im confused?
  21. I agree about the meat thing....I felt so sick after hearing what they do those animals. However, I havent stopped eating meat..ahhh The book cracked me up, it just seemed to hard to follow...I love dairy and their totally against it Its totally worth a read though!
  22. I apologize I put Mariachi band....its really a trio!!!! Sorry!! I prefer a trio, I think the whole band can be a bit much. I do think this is still a good price.
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