Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 I quit smoking on January 1st because Illinois passed a 'no smoking in bars' ban so I figured it would be easy to quit... I only smoke when I drink... Well, apparently its not so easy! I also smoked when I had a stressful day at work or when I'm hungry or when I'm bored... Moral of the story: I'm totally feigning for a smoke... a drag... a person walking by that smokes so i can inhale his glorious scent ... aaaahhhh..... This sucks! Any new quiters out there with some advice? My FI also quit but has smoked a few since the Jan 1... but I've been strong and haven't had as much as a puff... oooh i want a puff!! mmm... I give you alot of credit. Im the type of smoker you are...bad day, whenever I have a cocktail in hand, etc. Ive been trying to kick the annoying habit but my FI also smokes so if im stressed out its just easy to grab one. I suppose I dont have advice but I do want to congratulate you on taking the step to quit and your overall effort. For sure its not going to be easy but your making your best effort and thats awesome. Best of luck!