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Everything posted by angitalia23

  1. I plan on having me & FI thank everyone say a few words...pass out bridal party & parents gifts. Then just eat, drink and relax...that's all ive done at past rehersal dinners.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 I quit smoking on January 1st because Illinois passed a 'no smoking in bars' ban so I figured it would be easy to quit... I only smoke when I drink... Well, apparently its not so easy! I also smoked when I had a stressful day at work or when I'm hungry or when I'm bored... Moral of the story: I'm totally feigning for a smoke... a drag... a person walking by that smokes so i can inhale his glorious scent ... aaaahhhh..... This sucks! Any new quiters out there with some advice? My FI also quit but has smoked a few since the Jan 1... but I've been strong and haven't had as much as a puff... oooh i want a puff!! mmm... I give you alot of credit. Im the type of smoker you are...bad day, whenever I have a cocktail in hand, etc. Ive been trying to kick the annoying habit but my FI also smokes so if im stressed out its just easy to grab one. I suppose I dont have advice but I do want to congratulate you on taking the step to quit and your overall effort. For sure its not going to be easy but your making your best effort and thats awesome. Best of luck!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Leia78 I know maura..I feel so blessed that our family and friends have decided to support us, but yet I feel stomach pains when I think of the costs. I think Suzane uses MAc products so I'll let her know that i want to use their foundation. Thanks for the tip sweetie! Yes, Leia Suzane does use MAC according to her site. I have never asked her personally. Personally, I think Mac is the best for staying on so thats good that she does.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Leia78 So I haven't gotten married yet...and I am getting married at the end of Oct....but I too was very worried about looking sweaty in my pictures and am scared about my make up smearing or my eyelashes peeling off. I hired a person from suzane morel to stay with me until 7pm for touch ups on my hair and make up, making sure my veil is straightl, to put my hair flower on after we take couple pictures, to make sure my dress is okay...They're charging me $100 for this extra service Thats a really good idea & a great price!
  5. ****UPDATE**** Just bought the shoes that I posted. Originally on Chinese Laundry's site they were 59- I bought four pairs on Amazon for 29.50 and received an additional 20- off due to the fact my order was over a hundred dollars & I got free shipping. Im so excited my total came to 98- thats basically 25/per girl on a pair of shoes I love and they can def. wear again! Thanks girls, thought I would share.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha Thats comforting because Lord know there is no way that I could pay for all that... this wedding is over=budget as it is I couldnt imagine oing all of that on top of it! That's totally me too Sarah I swear I am sooooooooooo over budget!!
  7. Seriously, what is America coming to?
  8. I edit alot, because im a fast typer and usually forget to add things. Does editing take away points or anything along those lines? just curiousthanks
  9. Amazon.com: Chinese Laundry Women's Willy Dress Pump: Apparel CLICK ON 18K GOLD, Thats the color I would get! I totally forgot about chinese laundry which I love! I found these on amazon for alot cheaper than their website and they are the gold I love. Let me know what you think!
  10. Sorry for the size of the pics! Here is my first gift, soft slippers...they are very comfortable! Here is my second gift.... a soft robe! Love it! Its a soft material too! Can you tell I *heart* pink!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JackieB I was so impressed with their response time. I'm not sure if she asked me to call or not but I just e-mailed her my cc info. She did say that if I paid in cash or travelers check there would be no fee but to pay with personal check they add 5% and with credit card they add 10% in pesos. So we are planning on bringing a travelers check. She didn't tell me that...godo to know! Ill bring travelers check too. Thanks Jackie
  12. OKay camera died uploading pics as soon as it charges...
  13. THANK YOU Kate!!!!!!!!!!I Love my gift and after an extremely lonnnggggggggg day it was so nice to receive. She got me a great pink robe and sweet pink slippers. Ill post pics tonite, I was just to excited & had to share. Oh how i love BDW secret bunny!!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy So do you want the shoes to be a light rose color also? ya sorry i forgot to put that...i want them to be a light champagne color
  15. I adore anthropologie and their clothes, they are totally simple & classy. I think your BM would really like it!
  16. That sounds good...im going to add to your thread that Express Men's has a wonderful suit w/ a vest which all sold seperately would be going for over around 195 but they offered my FI a 25% discount because he was ordering more than six and an additional 15% off for some promotional deal....It turned out to be cheaper than anywhere we had looked and it's a great color for the beach.
  17. I love the dress but if your not "sold" then just try to sell it and focus on finding the color you want and maybe a very similar style. Good luck~
  18. Im buying my BM shoes to match their dresses, (except theirs are a light rose color) "+linktext+" I want them to be strappy but affordable, im coming up empty handed. Ive spoiled them so the most I can spend would be 30 a person on shoes...any thoughts?
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