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Everything posted by angitalia23

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I am at work and they are at home. I will post pics up tonight. I thought I could be sneaky and send the "hated" invite out to him...is that mean? He would never know. Love your thinking Yari, that is sooo what I would do. Im sorry you dont like your invites and im glad your seeking other options. Its your day, get what you want...ya its extra money and all but you should be happy with each decision.
  2. Yep, i remeber this....so sad I cant even imagine!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I fly out of state for weddings pretty often. No one pays for my plane ticket, hotel room, meals that I have to eat out because I'm out of town, rental car, gas, etc. I don't expect them to. When someone invites you to their wedding, you have the option to say no. I have not gone to some weddings, because I had already flown to much that year & didn't want to spend extra money. Also, as a wedding guest I'm usually not wanting the bride & groom to spend a lot of money on me. I'd rather go & have a good time with them. i don't care how much they spent on me. I'd prefer to know they saved money to buy a home together, raise kids, or whatever. I'm not there to be showered with gifts or meals, etc. I don't think spending money on people is the only way to show you care. We all want to show our guests we appreciate them flying out, but there are many other ways to do that. Good comment Morgan! I second that!
  4. Very cool! I say go for the left arm! Just an idea and not sure if this applies to you: but my sister had a small tatoo done in the color of skin, almost a shear pink. My parents to this day do not know she got it done, its on her under part of her wrist...and I love it! FI & I are debating whether or not to get one on our honeymoon...totally something I never considered but it would be meaningful to us, so now im a lil' geeked. Regardless, good luck! & post pics!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva No nekkid people at Dreams.. although we did see one or two banana hammocks. Lol..banana hammock is a funny word...but so gross to see on a guy! I have seen many in Mexico...not a good site at all!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by zoeysmom1204 i was thinking of getting flip flops from old navy for my girls too.. are your girls wearing theirs during the ceremony? did u buy the rubber thonged ones? No, My girls are not wearing these for the wedding, I actually just gave them the shoes I bought for the wedding. I just got the flip flops for fun or for the reception if their feet hurt after wearing heels. The flip flops are rubber thonged.
  7. Im not familiar with Maggie's Diamond white...however most diamond whites are beautiful and for me added a little more "pop" to the dress color than a standard white.
  8. I dont have much advice to give, I love dogs but never have owned one. I cant even imagine how much patience and strength you & Cain must have and I seriously give you soooo much credit!!! Thats really awesome that your bettering the lives of innocent animals.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece I want that frame!!! I'm so going to Kohls! Someone else posted a starfish necklace from Kohls too. Your girls are going to love their gifts Out of all the stores I went (and I went to alot)...Kohls had the best selection for "beachy" frames...check it out!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I wore everything strapless all summer long to avoid the tan line look in my strappless wedding dress. I wore strapples sun dresses, tube tops and a bandeau bathing suit. I got married in August so I had to be really careful to not get tan lines during the summer and the week I was in the DR before my wedding. If you do get tan lines try appling a tanning cream on the tan lines, thats what a friend of mine did. Thats what I was thinking, applying a tan cream if I should get tan lines. Victoria Secret's makes a self tanning lotion called "Bronze" like Monica mentioned. Its Very good for a quick tan. I used it for my sisters wedding on my whole body,and I thought it looked natural not orange. So if you had to cover a little something up...im sure it would be good. Victoria's Secret - Gleaming Self-Tan Body Tint
  11. LOL!!!! This is way too funny, honestly if this is for real im going to laugh hard. Hopefully your mother wont see any naked swingers! Ill have to search for this...now im curious. Good thing my grandparents are not coming to my wedding...they might have an issue with that too...
  12. Ya sounds like she is being a tad selfish...and hello...its your bacholorette party! I say she and husband can go off by themselves the last night when your doing the guy/girl night. Tell her to suck it up and spend time with you and the girls- its Vegas!!!!
  13. I thought I commented on these, but I guess not....Your pics are beautiful, im pretty sure this is my third time viewing them! You made a beautiful bride, your dress was very pretty!
  14. I saw these too, GOOD CHOICE & GOOD COLORS! Target has a great "Travel" section right now and most of their stuff was 2.50 or less.
  15. Ive decided im just going to speak from the heart, as if no one was watching us. Im just really nervous! Probably will for sure have to have it written down too....i get way too emotional, I cry just thinking about it!
  16. Im not apart of the biggest loser Club, but I seriously want to give you all so much credit, everyone is doing a great job & your all a great inspiration to one another- keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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