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Everything posted by angitalia23

  1. angitalia23


    Welcome!!! & Happy Planning!
  2. Awesome!!! You look hot and you know how to work a camera!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Thanks, Angela. See, though, that's the trouble. If I didn't think it ws perfect, I wouldn't've bought it, just like yours is perfect for you. I am just scared that it isn't going to be perfect for him. Ya know what I mean? Then I also know that they love us and they are marrying us and they don't care what we wear! Most likely, they think all the dresses look the same anyway! Girls are such over-anaylzers. I totally understand what your saying Carly, I know guys dont even pay attention to half of the details we do for a wedding dress. My FMIL told me in a nice way that Im analyzing everything way too much...lol..its in my nature!
  4. [*]What do you look for in a salad dressing? I love salad, so im always looking for new flavors of dressings but not with so much in them its overwhelming. I like dressings that use real ingredients and are kept low fat. [*]How important is packaging? To me Packaging sells, i like unique lables and ones that I can tell are homemade or not commonly found in stores..and I love catchy titles of either the company or dressing flavor [*]How much do you usually pay for a gourmet type salad dressing? 4-5 dollars a bottle.[*]anything else you can think of? Keep it Unique, light tasting and promote the use of healthy oils. Good Luck Alyssa, very cool!
  5. Im in Michigan, so it's very hard. To give you an example, im at an under paid teaching job due to the fact there are no public school positions, I was told for every one teacher position their are 1200-1500 applicants. Additionally, FI purchased our house 3 years ago for $200,000(which was a steal, they were asking 240)...we didnt have to do much but we did do painting, new windows, landscaping. Regardless, we just had our house appraised and were told it can sell for 170,00 because thats just how bad it is.
  6. Doesnt sound like there is too much restriction..thats good
  7. I love Monkies!!! So Yummy! So freakin' cute!!! My brother does this..this one makes me laugh!
  8. Thank you for the great review! Congratulations on such a great wedding!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Congratulations! you could make baby carrots, baby food, I don't know....congrats. Love this idea Drea, not to sound lame but this is what I remeber Becky doing to Uncle Jesse on "Full House", I always said I would tell my husband this way cause it was just way tooo cute! I say do it tommorow at dinner...do everything baby or mini. And then you have time to take a couple more tests to make sure your 100% correct (which im sure it is:) CONGRATULATIONS...IM Excited for you!!!!
  10. Thank you everyone for calming me down when i freak out- seriously I appreciate it so much! Carly- your dress is beautiful! It's perfect, I loved the pics! Besty- I dont have pics but as soon as i get them, ill post!
  11. Am i the only one worried about what my FI is going to think about my dress? Im like seriously stressing...I went for my first fitting last week (so mad my camera died, totally thought it was charged). Anyway, I love the dress, I feel like a total princess.. (*picture jessica simpsons dress...very similar) However, I was hoping to take some of the tooling out from underneath...its very full. It flows well, but I just feel like its soooo formal and im worried my FI may think im wearing something way more beachy. The seamstress said she can take out some of the tooling but she can not gaurantee what it will look like, whether or not it will flow nicely or evenly. I dont know what to do, now im even worried our guests will think im too formal or something...any advice? & sorry in advance for the ramble
  12. Best of Luck Heidi, we look forward to your pics & fabulous details when you return!
  13. Yeah!!! its sooo soon...and yes, I would think everyone goes through this at one point or another regardless of how much you love someone...your fine!!! & now its even closer than 9 days!!!
  14. Their stuff looks great...Im on a mission this week to find some cute things for mine!
  15. Really cute!, although ive never heard of any of these stores....ill have to look them up.
  16. I love the look of Katie Holmes hair...so cute! I voted for the cut! You have tons of time to grow it out before your wedding if you want.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl The only reason I don't want to do this is because (NO JOKE) my mom still has a stack of these (from when she married my dad) hanging out in her napkin drawer in the kitchen, mind you this is thru 3 moves, and over 35 years, divorcing my dad, and a new marriage! So I'm thinking I don't want any napkins hanging out ay my house in 35 yrs, haha! BUT, there are some very cute ones out there, and I did think about it until I remembered the ones at Mom's I had to make fun of her. Just throw them away already Love it, your hilarious~! Im not doing personalized napkins, I love the look of cloth.
  18. Good ?...not sure if it matters. Ive bought several kinds at Michaels or JoAnn's and they all seem to vary. You can easily double up on the rafia if you want the thickness to be wider. Hope that helps.
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