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Everything posted by angitalia23

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Would you consider making it legal before you get there? I am so excited we are doing it this way. Mike gets to plan "marriage day" because I'm planning the wedding day. I would do this too....1pm is not going to work with your reception plan and it sounds like a hassel for most of your guests. If there dressed up for your ceremony what would they do in between that and the reception...what would you do?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl What a pain. I just spoke with my Dad, who was booked on our same flight & we both said " at least this didn't happen in August" Thank goodness for that! Sorry that the dumb airlines are putting you through so much hassel.
  3. Britnney I am so sorry for what your going through. I would not even worry about the BD pics, maybe your FI really didnt see them. Were they in a box or kind of showing? Regardless, he knew that room was off limits for a reason (wedding suprises) so im assuming he respected that. Perhaps he took a glance but nothing more. Regardless, your pics were so fabulous even if he did see them..thats probably all he will be thinking about until he receives them- thats not that bad. In regards to your mom...im so sorry to hear about her problem. I cant even imagine the worry and stress you must be feeling about this. I wish I could offer you some suggestions or advice but I have never personally experienced a problem like that. I just think you just have to support her in this hard time of need, listen to her and be prepared for the crappy times she will be experiencing. I would def. encourage some type of rehab or support group for her and I would rely on the help of your sibblings as well. Your mom has time to face her issues before your wedding and hopefully make some better changes along the way. If you ever need support or help were here!
  4. I just had a cake tasting for my bridal shower cake....we were not charged and OH MY GOD did I EAT! He gave me a variety of 6 different cakes and like 12 different fillings. But I dont think I would pay for a cake tasting, it doesnt say much for the baker, you would think they would want to highlight their great work not charge for it before youve even tasted it! I can see this...that makes sense Quote: Originally Posted by addisonreed1113 Cake tasting fees are normal but the fee is supposed to go towards the cake (like a deposit). I can see this...that makes sense I forgot to mention, Jennifer Hatton is doing my cake for the wedding & so far she has been great! Her communication and suggestions have been helpful!
  5. The first purchase is the best! I love the "Day of the Dead" look to it!!!
  6. Were excited for you Tami, it seems like you have gotten everything under control...cant wait to hear about everything in your wedding!
  7. Never have for reasons like mentioned above as well. I did have something on my laptop that accidently got pulled up at work in front of my aide (im a teacher)...I never bring my personal laptop to work but this particular day we did not have students and I needed to get work done. I quickly xxxx everything out of my computer, not sure if she really saw or not but I still turned bright red.
  8. Michelle, your normal...every bride in their own way freaks out! My mom has alot of anxiety meds from my sisters wedding (400 guests) and now mine, all within in a year...I can send you some..LOL! Seriously though, this is the crazy part..everything is leading up so quickly and drawing near, but you need to trust yourself and all of your awesome planning skills. Being the center of attention scares me too, so i understand but im sure this feeling will wear off once you have your first shower, then the second, then eventually your walking down the aisle!!!yeah Okay, I tend to ramble hopefully this helps but please know your not the only one with these worries, if we didnt worry...that would be wierd..right!
  9. I think its def. fine to put Maxim in the OOT bags. I honestly can't see why a wife/girlfriend would be mad or offended...but I think it's great your offering your guests some fun reading material.
  10. I love the tangerine, it seems to be lighter around the edges while still offering that great orange color.
  11. Pics can be so deceiving sometimes, especially with different lighting, etc. I think you should re-evaluate your feelings on it and then decide from there. Maybe you can wear dress#1, luckily you have another option and you still have time for your choice. Believe me, alot of people doubt their choices and stress but I say step back and really think about it before you make a choice. Regardless, im sure your going to look great!
  12. I say try it- I would like to try hypnosis for stomach problems that I have & for motivation to get off my ass...My FFIL did do it for smoking and it did not work for him, but everyone is different with different situations..so ya never know.
  13. These are hot!!!...are you sure you dont want these to go with your wedding dress? lol..just an idea
  14. Way Cool....be sure to take some pics & share!
  15. Very exciting, those pictures show what a fabulous day you had....your dress was very pretty!
  16. Wow Maura, I love it....everything looks so great & you did an awesome job getting everything organized! What part of Chicago are you in?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards And more seriously, I am actually a little afraid of getting old. Not just older in general but really old. Because I'm vain, I'm freaked out about wrinkles, going totally grey, losing the shape I have and having "old lady body". And even worse than that stuff, I'm so concerned about what I will be like when I'm old - will I be forgetful, sick, weak, deaf etc. And I realize that might sound awful but it's just a part of life that I'm really nervous about. Does that make sense?? This is one of my biggest fears in life, being alone & old and everything else mentioned ...to make it even worse, old people kinda creep me out. Dont get me wrong, I love my older family members (grandparents, etc.) but if I dont know them I kinda get wierded out...am i horriable or what?
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