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David and Laura

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Everything posted by David and Laura

  1. It is weird that they won't book airfare; I have never heard of that. The best place to find great deals on airfare in Kayak.com. They compare the prices of all the different websites (travelocity, orbitz, cheaptickets, etc.) so you know you are getting the best value.
  2. Wow, what a good looking couple! I love your hair and your flowers. Congrats!
  3. Congrats! I am sure everything will be beautiful. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!~
  4. Great pics! I love your dress! You look fabulous. I want to see more!
  5. Wow, you are gorgeous! That picture turned out awesome! The only bridal portraits I have ever seen are the cheesy posed pictures. I love the style of this picture. I can't wait to see more.
  6. I had to put mine in the overhead bin. I was so afraid of it not fitting and having to check it. My mom packed it up for me in a horse saddle bag she had. It looked like I was carrying around a comforter or something, haha. It was a little wrinkled, but it made it fine and the resort did a great job pressing it.
  7. OMG, I am in love with the first dress. Wow! Have you tried on any dresses at all? I would at least go try something similar on before you order it. If you have time to wait before ordering, you definitely should.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany Did you request the chuppah (or whatever you may have called it) to be a certain height or did they just set it up some standard way? My FI is 6'6" and I just realized I should worry about this. I don't even know what they are called, haha. Anyway, there are two that are set up permantently. They are definitely too short for someone 6'6". Dreams may be able to pull them out of the ground a little bit to make them a little taller, they may even have one that they bring out for especially tall people. I would ask Sandra.
  9. OMG, amazing pics! You look beautiful! I absolutely love your vail! I am so jealous that you have your pro pics back .
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by bounciekat great pics! where did your hubby get his suit? it's perfect! Banana Republic; end of season sale.
  11. Thank you all for your compliments. You made my day. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Alright, so spill about shooting at the Tulum Ruins how did it work? Tell me ALL about it! Quote: Originally Posted by DreamsTulumBride At what time did you go to the ruins? Was there many people there looking at you or near by? We went to the ruins around 3:00 pm on Saturday. I wore regular clothes and changed into the dress once inside. My husband wore his khaki suit the whole time. We checked for signs prohibiting professional photography equipment, but the only thing we could find was a charge for video equipment. We just paid the regular entrance fees. It started sprinkling when we got there so there weren't a whole lot of people there. We got some strange looks, but more "congratulations" than anything else. We were respectful of the ruins, obviously. Everything went fine. I'll post pics once I get them:) Quote: Originally Posted by DreamsTulumBride Wonderful pics ! Is your hubby really really tall or is the gazebo not very high? !!! Both. He's 6' 2'", but the gazebo isn't very tall. That picture is deceiving, though. It was taller than him. Here's another pic.
  12. Thank you all for your compliments. You made my day. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Alright, so spill about shooting at the Tulum Ruins how did it work? Tell me ALL about it! Quote: Originally Posted by DreamsTulumBride At what time did you go to the ruins? Was there many people there looking at you or near by? We went to the ruins around 3:00 pm on Saturday. I wore regular clothes and changed into the dress once inside. My husband wore his khaki suit the whole time. We checked for signs prohibiting professional photography equipment, but the only thing we could find was a charge for video equipment. We just paid the regular entrance fees. It started sprinkling when we got there so there weren't a whole lot of people there. We got some strange looks, but more "congratulations" than anything else. We were respectful of the ruins, obviously. Everything went fine. I'll post pics once I get them:) Quote: Originally Posted by DreamsTulumBride Wonderful pics ! Is your hubby really really tall or is the gazebo not very high? !!! Both. He's 6' 2'", but the gazebo isn't very tall. That picture is deceiving, though. It was taller than him. Here's another pic.
  13. Thanks, ladies. Our photographer was AMAZING. I can't wait to get more pictures back from him. He took pictures of us everyday. While we were taking pictures after the wedding David stepped on my dress and ripped about a six inch section right where all the hooks for the bustle were. The photographer got a sewing kit and sewed my dress up for me. The fabric was so strong that he kept pricking his finger. He literally put his blood, sweat and tears into his work (well maybe not the tears part) haha. Anyway, for anyone still needing a photographer, he was incredible Jean-Marcus Strole - Photography.
  14. Good morning ladies... I was married at Dreams Tulum on October 26th. We just got back from our honeymoon on Saturday night. I haven’t had a chance to write my review yet b/c I have been super busy with work and moving. In the meantime, here are some teaser pictures from the wedding. The first pic is the only pro pic I have back so far. It’s from our TTD session. We did half of it at the ruins in Tulum and half on the beach just past the resort. The rest of the pics are from family and friends. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask. I will have my full review and (hopefully) pro pics up by this weekend.
  15. Thanks, ladies! I just got back from my honeymoon late Saturday. I have so much to post. I have one teaser TTD pic from the photographer and am expecting the rest soon. I have lots of "non-pro" pics to post. I am super busy with work, but will try to post at least a couple pics soon.
  16. Welcome! I am getting married there on Friday 10/26. Crazy! I will post a detailed review when I get back from my honeymoon in mid-November.
  17. Thanks for all your help. Sandra finally responded; we got a whole 2 sentences out of her. She didn't answer any questions, but told us not to worry, everything will be fine, and we can meet her on Wed at 5:00. Better than nothing, I suppose .
  18. Does anyone have Landy's email address? I can't find it on the site. Sandra has not responded to our emails for the last few months. I know she's busy, but we are getting married next Friday.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by brecluse You're not the only procrastinator, so don't worry. I've got 1 week 3 days before we leave and 15 days til the wedding. I just finished my paper projects (welcome letter/itinerary and boarding passes) last night. Now I gotta print them all and pack all the OOT/favor stuff. I still have a ton of little things (things to pick up, things to buy, things that should be delivered soon). I so waited til the last minute but like you, I feel like if I get it done great, if not great. I'm so hyped now though I can barely think straight so I better get as much done as I can this weekend. Yay, you sound just like me. We are almost wedding day twins and we are on the same wedding prep schedule. Good luck with everything!
  20. Well, I am sending out an "FAQ" to all RSVPed guests with some basic info about what to bring, what to expect, etc. That's all typed up, I just have to print it and mail them out tomorrow morning. My last fitting for my dress is tomorrow. I need to put favors in the favor bags that are going in my OOT bag. I have to put my programs together, put together our welcome letter, and print out a poem I am framing for our "in loving memory table". I am sure I am leaving some things out. On top of that, my job is very demanding. I have a ton of stuff to do at work. I am trying really hard not to get stressed out.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride that is so exciting!!! do you have pretty much everything finished? Haha...umm, no. I work great under pressure, though. I have all the ideas laid out, and most everything purchased. It's just a matter of putting it all together.
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