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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. I really like #5. It's subdued and the date really pops- after all isn't that the most important part of the save the date. Most of all, I like the un-outlined leaf. On the other versions, I found the leaf too distracting- like maybe it needed to be smaller if outlined, but I think it looks best without the outline. Great job Morgan. I'm sure your friend will love them!
  2. They were pretty quick Morgan. I got mine in like a couple of weeks and I know that when you order you put your wedding date so they can asap it to you. I like the sheer veils too. From occansey you can get a sample of colors too for a $1. That way you know for sure it will match. Look into mantilla style- that's the sheerest. Good luck! I hope you find one you love. As for the 2 you just tried on, I like #2 best also. You could send them that pic to replicate or ask for custom improvements to make it more your style.
  3. oH wow! Everything was gorgeous. I love the votives, loved the programs. Is that the ruins? How gorgeous! Congrats!
  4. haha no...unfortunately not! Must have been a different season but my sister did say a bug kept attacking her. haha Poor BMs get attacked at LC.
  5. Girl if you aren't hungover you didn't do it right! LOL- maybe that's why you need two parties! Have a fabulous time. Just drink lots of water before bed.
  6. Oh wow. I'm sorry you are in such pain. Can you hunt her down and yell at her again for being a dumbass? That might make you feel better.
  7. Have a great trip! Can't wait to see all the details upon your return since we didn't get a sneak peek.
  8. When I was 9 I snooped for my bday gift. It was a boom box. I was so excited and come present opening time, I won an Oscar. If I can do it at 9, you can do it! LOL
  9. I don't use photobucket so yay! You should be able to see all my pics.
  10. Oh Tami- those are gorgeous! I love the ones of Tom's reaction. The pics I have seen of couples seeing each other prior to the ceremony are so sweet and special. You looked so beautiful and I bet you are so excited to receive the rest. These one are just too good!
  11. The baby and husband do exist- at least I remember them existing- LOL. Her husband came and collected her after she remembered who she was. She also had the baby when she was under the care of Addison.
  12. Congrats Lizz and Mike. I hope it's everything you both have dreamed of!
  13. I dunno- I think I ate/drank $100 per day. If you think about it- our resort had pricings on their buffets (although I thought the only option was AI). Breakfast, lunch, dinnner, snacks, tons of drinks. It adds up and you EAT a ton more at an AI than you would if you were paying for it. We spent $100 one night in a club on drinks. It went FAST too!
  14. haha Melissa- I just wanted her off the show and you want her to die. That's awesome. They were broken up during the time of the parties. Izzy was just upset she wasn't included because she used to be George's best friend. I guess she didn't get that when she slept with him while he was married that their relationship might change....duh. Anyways, I know the writer's strike killed me and I feel like they just left a big gap in the story lines. I know George and Izzy broke up but I didn't know when he moved in with what's her face.
  15. Here's our pics. We had one guy and one girl- she was ripped! They didn't get all painted up like they did for Jamy's though. I have more but you get the point- it's people with fire. LOL
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka OK did I miss an episode? what is going on between George and Izzy? Did they break up? yah I think you missed a few. They broke up, he moved out and now they don't really talk much. They don't have them interacting much on the show anymore.
  17. Edna, I don't think it's silly to be worried about pics. My hubby broke his nose 6 months before the wedding and I was mad because his nose was going to be crooked. LOL- that's even worse than you not wanting scars. I was a butt. Anyways, I hope you feel better soon. I can only imagine how tired you are. Surgery is never easy so rest up. I know you will still look gorgeous on the wedding day.
  18. Well what's the point of bringing her back? haha- I'm so bitter. I just don't like her character and I actually think Alex would be a great bf to someone. I was kinda sad they didn't have him and Izzy work out.
  19. LOL- I sent that to the hubby. I know he wanted to do very bad things to his lying, cheating ex-wife.
  20. I'm thinking that Rebecca has a tumor and she's going to be the patient they get to crack the champagne on. Only a theory really- no proof for that one other than the fact she's acting like a nut job.
  21. Crazy enough, I didn't cry on this one. I have a theory though- has everyone watched it?
  22. I say no earrings in the other holes too. I have 2 holes and I just wore big ol' chandeliers in the first hole.
  23. You know it kinda bothers me because no one thinks twice to have this conversation with a man when a woman decides to just be a stay at home wife/mom. How is it any different really? If you want to support your spouse, then you should have that right with no one making you feel bad or trying to convince you that your spouse is a free loader.
  24. Angela- $675!? For 13 mins? WOW. I really did luck out at LC. We had them for $200 (rates are now $300 I believe) for 20 mins. We LOVED them. THey totally rocked and added a little something special to the reception. If you can find them, do it!
  25. I love the tree- it's so classy looking. Who would of thunk to? It's just a tree- LOL I love the suggestions and I can't wait to see the updated version.
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