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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. My hubby is pretty clean when it comes to putting things in their correct spot- ie dishes in the dishwasher. However, there are times when he goes to clean something and instead of finding out where it really belongs, he will just hide it behind a larger object. It's like what the hell. You didn't really clean it, you just stuffed it behind something else. Men!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl ok so it sounds like the only fraud part is that they are using bigger-better companies names to advertise themselves. but it seems as if their price/products are legit. so as long as you know this, and are comfortable supporting a company that uses fraudulant means to advertise, then yay! sorry rach According to their website though, they state they aren't affiliated with other companies. Who knows where stuff like that gets started. I should have read more, but then again, I'm not sad yet. It could be good stuff and not wasted money!
  3. Well it's only a buck. That's cheaper than department stores. I have seen this makeup mentioned in magazines before. It's probably not that bad and I know for sure it's a legit makeup line. I just had no idea it's always $1. LOL Maybe I will like it and can now save money all the time!
  4. snopes.com: e.l.f. Cosmetics Crap. I've been duped. LOL Oh well I guess I still needed an eyelash curler and brushes!
  5. Ok seriously you are fabulous. That was the best deal EVER! I bought so much! I needed new makeup brushes plus a new eyelash curler. I saved SO much money. Thanks!
  6. Wait- we can do this online! Holy moses. I need to find my cc stat!
  7. Scary shit like that happens in even the smallest of towns. The best thing is to be smart and not put yourself in bad situations. However, if your guests are going to be fearful and not go, I'm sorry to say you can't really force them. I personally wouldn't want to live like that. No city would ever be safe, including the one they are living in. I would point that out to them. It really is a ridiculous fear and maybe by using some logic, they will realize its irrational. It's not like there is a Mexican gang roaming about looking for Canadians. If that were the case, I'd urge them not to go too!
  8. Kelly- so much DIY! Great job girl. I love the labels on the drugs- haha. Too funny. Everything looks perfect! Your guests will LOVE you. SO many good goodies. Congrats- I can't believe it's time!
  9. LOL. Christa- that girl sounds like she needs her own show. That's hysterical.
  10. Looks beautiful Kate! Can't wait to see the details come together as you continue planning.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Lunchables, thats too funny! Hey Rachel, I have been trying to get a Margarita machine and our own Starbucks Barista with no luck too, I mean talk about no fun! Ha!! I love Nachos!!! Enjoy! See- I'm not out there. I think if we can have coffee at all hours, why not margaritas?! They can be virgin and those that need a little extra kick can spice them up accordingly. LOL I thought the margarita machine would go nicely in our break room. We have an iced tea machine and soda fountain. Geez!
  12. Ahhh- well Mike won't know the difference either- LOL Promise- it's all just a jumble of emotions and the last thing you think about is cameras.
  13. I'm guessing she has low self esteem anyways. I def wouldn't let my FIL talk to me like that. Asshole!
  14. LOL! I love how you guys are picking the "healthiest" lunches too! I tried to convince my office to have margarita Fridays. They aren't as cool as your office apparently!
  15. Ok if the only thing holding you up is awkwardness and being uncomfortable I dont think you will have to worry. I guarantee you will not even notice- ANYTHING! Our photogs were all up in our business on some shots (at least that's what some guests said) and I had no idea. I didn't even see them or anyone else besides Steve and the minister.
  16. Oh Ann- I am so happy to hear all went well- especially after all that worrying because so much was unknown. It's wonderful that you are both well and very healthy. Little baby Gwendolyn certianly is alert. In that 4th picture she looks like such an aged soul- she's staring right at the camera! Smart little thing!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine so I dvr'd this last night, is it worth it? I was entertained Christine. It was a little long though. They could cut out all the chatty chat with Chris, but then again you do have the power of fast forward.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by PenMarie Seems to me, if they were my kids, I'd rather have them home in their own beds rather than sleeping on the floor. If your brother has his kids for two weeks because the wife is on vacation or whatever, even if SHE owns the house solely, why can't he stay at HER house with them for those two weeks --- she HAS to know the bind he's in right now...sheeeeeeees, she needs to give the guy a break. This was EXACTLY what I was going to say. What kind of mother is she? My mom went through a very rough divorce when we were young and I know that there was no way in hell she would send us to stay with our dad if he didn't have a way to properly care for us. Anyways, I agree with most of the suggestions provided. You have to set boundaries. You shouldn't feel like you don't have any control of the situation and your brother and the kids can just take over the house. Make the kids follow rules- give them productive things to do so they aren't bored. As for your brother, he's out of a job, so he should have time to be the parent. It sounds like he probably didn't do most of the parenting if the kids are out of control when they are with him. You could help him to step up and grab the reigns. You are in a very tough situation and I think you are great person for doing this. It's not an easy road and I think your brother will know how great of a sister you are. I personally would do what you are doing because I just couldn't send a sibling packing at their worst time- especially with kids. However, I don't think you should sit idly by while people trample through your house. Maybe take a weekend get-away with FI. That will give you guys a well needed break and some breathing room. I truly believe situations like this make your relationship stronger. You know that if you can get through the most stressful times, you are golden. Hang in there. You're a good person.
  19. I tried your dress on- it's very cute. I had a little too much flub going on for it though, but I love the beading and lace. It's definitely prettier in person. For BM dresses, I like #2 or #3. The first one is VERY cute but I think it's too formal for your dress. Great choices though!
  20. haha ok I may be odd, but I would totally pick the guy that jumped in the pool. At least he's not boring, which I can't necessarily say about half of those guys. She picked some odd ones- twizzler (or whatever his name was.) He was weird. Kung fu master- no thanks. Another weirdo.
  21. I think you should take a pic of it on under your dress. It may be a nice peak of color as intended. It's not like it's going to be out in it's full glory. Nonetheless, I think you were brave to try it. I don't think it looks too bad, but I'm just looking at a pic! Don't give up though- I needed to see it under the dress before I decide to agree with you. LOL It's not like you need my approval or anything, just saying.
  22. haha Lauren. That is the most random thing ever. I'm now going to ask DH what I am on the menu at mcdonalds. He better not say Big Mac.
  23. Ok I don't think she looks that bad at her highest weight. Her boobs obviously shrunk and you can tell she doesn't look happy. However, she doesn't look exactly happy in the after pic either. Anyways, I can't believe people said those things to her prior to loosing weight. She doesn't look that big to me. Then again people are assholes.
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