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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. Oh no! People are so silly sometimes. It's like when you sit back and think about it, are these really issues to get your panties in a bunch over and fight each other? Family drama is always the craziest. I wish you a peaceful, fist throwing free Saturday! But if someone gets decked, you must post pics of the damage. LOL
  2. Ok Jamy- I'm as bad as your mom. LOL I asked Nicole if anyone has fallen off because of all the pics I saw, I was really worried that some dumbass would dance their way right off the boat. I mean really- there is only a rope there! I didn't even go close to it and it made me nervous to watch people dance at the front. I obviously needed to be drunk.
  3. Cute cake. THe cake stand was beautiful. I also liked her idea of putting the heirloom cake toppers around it.
  4. Oh you have so much cute stuff! I love the little skull in the garter. The venue is GORGEOUS! Wow! You look beautiful in your dress. Can't wait to see it all unfold in two weeks!
  5. I read this on accident last night, but the forum was freaking out on me so I couldn't tease you for the spoiler. haha I thought we were just going to discuss David Cook and how awesome he is. Forgot about time zones. Oops. Anyways, I'm excited he won and VERY surprised. I thought for sure Archie would take it, but I thought David was more of a true artist.
  6. You looked so cute! I love your outfits. Vegas is always fun- so glad you had a great time. I can't believe you can get married on the pirate ship! Do they still use that for the Sirens show? I heard it was getting cancelled. I liked the singing hot chicks. LOL
  7. Have you checked out tripadvisor. I usually ignore the reviews, but I love to look at their candid pictures. I think it gives you the best impression of the resort.
  8. Dang- has no one else read? LOL. I'm surprised we don't have more chit chat.
  9. Adorable set up! The tables are so cute and the food looks so yummy. You can tell they put a lot of thought into it- such good friends. I'm glad you had a wonderful time!
  10. OH she looks gorgeous and they both look so happy and cute. I can't wait to see more. Thanks for the teaser!
  11. Oh that is adorable! You are right Sarah- she is an awesome sister.
  12. Gorgeous pics! You had a fire eater! Now that's hot. The one TTD pic is steamy. Can't wait to see the rest.
  13. My family has a dark secret (well at least we think it's dark- but it's certainly a secret.) My great grandmother died with a secret she wouldn't tell anyone. I don't how they all knew of the secret, but they did. Anyways, my grandma suspects that the secret was that her uncle was really her father. The uncle and dad were twins and my great grandma dated the uncle first then broke up with him and then dated my greatgrandpa. (I know this is confusing.) Well the "uncle" always lived with my grandma. He never married and he lived his entire life by my grandma's side and helped her raise her children. My grandma always suspected he was really her dad but she has no proof. Unfortunately, her mother (my great grandmother) died with a big secret on her lips and refused to tell anyone the truth.
  14. Oh and Mel- I just saw one of those trucks today! They are freaky looking things.
  15. My hubby is a Events and Entertainment Coordinator for the casino where we both work. He makes more than I do but he is 4 yrs older and has more work experience than I. I have a degree though and he doesn't so I'm not really sure what the trade off will be. From my experience at our company, experience is more valuable than a degree.
  16. Ummm Missy- you look like the model! You look great in your dress.
  17. I'm not sure if I will be able to watch this tonight- I might have to wait til tomorrow. So You Think You Can Dance is premiering tonight and that happens to be a show DH and I both love. I can get him to watch Grey's but he sometimes whines just to be a brat. I know there is no way in hell he will let me watch Greys and just record the dance show. It will have to be the other way around. Bummer.
  18. Oh I am so sorry that this turn of events has happened. You are such a strong woman so I think you should be proud of yourself for keeping it all together. As for the DW, I can totally see where you are coming from. In light of the recent events, I can see why you would want to keep your family close. Just because you are having a wedding at home, it doesn't mean it has to be typical and standard. You can still make the wedding unique and your own. Tradition is something that is easily cast aside in DW, but I don't see why you couldn't do the same for a wedding in MI if that's what you really wanted. I don't know much about the MI area, so I can't help brainstorm venues although I'm very good at googling. Just let me know if you need help in that aspect. As for having an intimate affair at home and then doing something in Hawaii, I think that would be a great idea as well. Ultimately I think it's something that you and your FI should talk about. You guys should determine what's most important to the both of you and go from there.
  19. We did this but we only had 20 people- including us. I had no desire to try to figure out where people fit best so we had one large table and let them sit where they lie. It worked out I guess. No one seemed butt hurt or anything.
  20. Memory Keeper's Daughter- it starred oh what's his face from My Best Friend's Wedding.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa I might be dense here...but it seems like every time this conversation is had, it goes the same way. "It's not our fault prices are so high, we can't help it if our profits are so large...." Doesn't it seem obvious? Cut your profit margin & pass the savings on to the consumer?? I know there is a supply/demand side to this...we as a nation have chosen not to compromise our protected regions by drilling for oil. I suppose we, by default ,accept the consequence of paying higher prices because we must source outside of our own country. Any one have any thoughts?? But you would think that these execs would be vested in improving the American economy. I mean, I know these companies are BUSINESSES but geez- help the people out that freaking help make your billions. I hope they sleep well at night. But then again, what do we expect when many of our larger American corporations out source their jobs. Personally I would like us to invest in making an alternative fuel. It would be so nice to cut the Middle East completely out. You know, I just read an article that by 2010 Nissan will begin rolling out electric cars but many fear that if Americans went this route we would strain our electricity grid and causing black outs. So whattagonnado? What if gas cost $10 a gallon? - MSN Money
  22. I'm biased, but I loved our ceremony. It was personal and it held a little more modern view on marriage- at least in my opinion. I don't like the traditional script much. It did get a little tricky doing the vows. I couldn't hear him well and it was a LOT to repeat. However, they were good words to repeat- even though I probably made up a few on my own for lack of hearing. LOL
  23. Oh I love the new pics. She is SO alert looking. The link didn't work for me though.
  24. haha I don't try to be the top poster on purpose. I just was bored one day and exploring all the forum features. I found it and then I was kind of shocked. I had NO idea I was one of the top posters. I was actually a little embarrassed and then I wondered if I would get fired because WOW...I don't ever work! I sit here typing away and people think I'm really busy with important stuff- well I am, but you know it's certainly not work.
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