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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. I've gone to their forums a few times. Some of those people are OUT there. haha
  2. Danielle, I hear what you are saying and I honestly feel for your situation. I do disagree that EVERYONE is guilty of drinking and driving. I drink- A LOT sometimes but I have never put myself in that situation to drive. I also have called friends out and refused to get in the car when I have suspected they have been drunk. Hell I walked 10 miles home from a bar before (there are no taxis in my town ) when friend who was suppose to be the DD got to drunk and still wanted to drive. I don't think we need to call for a public hanging, but those responsible for incidents like this should be held accountable. He should go to jail and he should suffer the consequences. If we are lenient and choose to instead focus on how to improve our own lives and spread awareness, I can't be for certain that people would truly learn. I can't even be certain that they truly learn after jail time becuase I know several people who have had 2-3 DUIs. But it certainly makes the family and friends of the victims they kill feel better knowing they are behind bars.
  3. Oh I know Jenny. I wondered why the aired it to since the guy will get free publicity for being a douche. It made me so mad for them and when they confronted the guy, he was like "oh ya, no big deal-hahaha" Whatever jerk. I hate episodes like this one though. I hate when they don't find stuff! Grrr....
  4. Jessica, it's all so fantastic. I love these posts because I remember all your stuff individually so it's nice to have a refresher and see it all together. I LOVE your invites- such a pretty stamp on the front. The beaded bags are to die for. I LOVE LOVE them. I'm sure everyone will as well. Can't wait to see more!
  5. I don't know what to say to you Celina. I'm sure this is such a hard time I can only imagine the betrayal you must feel. I'm so sorry you have to go through this, especially your children. You are in my thoughts sweetie.
  6. Oh really? I want to see that! I'm a west coast girl so I have a few hours to wait for my turn to watch GH!
  7. Gorgeous photos! I'm happy you are picking the hobby back up because it's obvious that you have talent. As for the pics for the competition, I love the first city shot! It's gorgeous! I love the "empty" street with the flash of light- from the headlights I'm assuming. I love how the street lights just twinkle too. The pic is really breathtaking and seems so alive.
  8. For all my ghost lovin girls, don't forget to tune in tonight for a new episode. I <3 Wednesdays.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by dainanewell wow lcrachel your pictures are amazing....you look so beautiful...I love your dress.....where did you get your starfish for your bouquet?....thanks for sharing....I actually really like the night look with all the beautiful candles.... Sorry I'm late seeing this. Thanks for the compliments! The starfish bouquet jewel is part of a BDW tradition. Check out this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t17371 Or this one for info on where to find the best deals: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16433
  10. I think she is just a vile, distructive person. Can you say good things about her? Or honestly, is this how she is? I would really take time to sit down and consider why you are even friends with her to begin with.
  11. Maybe encourage them to come outside for a treat? We dont have that issue here since our weather tends to be more wild. Poor things!
  12. Oh and just with the normal WII games, there is a person at our company that lost 50lbs!
  13. I so want a WII. We put it on our registry and no one bought it. LOL Jerks! Anyways, I may go hunt down a WII cause I really want a game that's fun and makes me lose my bum.
  14. Hmm...we found them in every jewelry store. That's weird it's not carried in yours because we were told they are very popular right now. We ended up getting a titanium ring though. I would try them on in a store, but look online for better prices. Try zales, fred meyer jewelry, Kay, I dunno what you have out in MO.
  15. Congrats. What a sweet private ceremony! You two look cute together. It also looks like Sarah and I share the same hair. LOL
  16. I love it too Glenda and I think it would be really cheap to recreate. That's just white beach balls floating in the pool. It can't be too costly. And we know Chinese lanterns are pretty inexpensive too. I wish I had a pool.
  17. I packed three mosaic hurricane vases. I was worried they would break since they were basically all I had for centerpieces. I bubble wrapped them AND rolled them in my heavier clothing that I had packed. I packed the suitcase TIGHT with the vases in the center of the suitcase. Nothing moved and they arrived in perfect condition.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 Let it be known that your parents are hosting it and make sure everyone knows that they deserve all the credit. This way you'll be showing your appreciation and if it looks pretty bad, it'll be known that it wasn't your doing. Exactly what I think too. They obviously love you so much and want to do something special for you. Allow them to! I understand not wanting everyone to think it's a reflection of your taste, but in the bigger picture, isn't it nice to let your parents be happy? Just give them a nice speech thanking them and surprising you with everything.
  19. Good luck Erin and Glenda. Thank GOD my dress had a corset back or I probably would have been in deep doo doo. My poor mom had troubles zipping up her dress wedding day. You have all the advice I could give already from the ladies, so I'll be a cheerleader for you girls!
  20. OK I lied. I found it really quick: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t8565
  21. Oh I had posted a pic LONG time ago that was featured on Martha's website. It was so pretty. I would search for it, but I don't have time. I have meeting to go to in like 2 mins! It describes how to make a tower of chinese lanterns. It was so pretty!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Lagen Perhaps because she said yeseterday she was going to terminate the friendship if it weren't for my fiance........I'm not sure why his words are so powerful to her?!?! Ok so I was in a really bad mood yesterday and went off about your friend. Today I'm much more peachy and I'm still going to call a spade a spade. Your "friend" is scum. A bitch. Every other bad word inserted here:_____. THe fact that she was threatening to "terminate the friendship" should be enough to see that she is really negative and not a positive person in your life. You do not want that kind of person around you on the most happiest day, do you? I understand you have doubts that you will be strong enough to stand up to her, but come on now. It's not that hard when she gives you so much material. She is being HORRIBLE to you and you shouldn't let her get away with it. I would let her know that after considerable thought you would like to take her up on her offer to "terminate" the friendship. You deserve better. EVERYONE deserves better than that.
  23. LOL. What a hilarious disgusting story. I bet you having so much fun being a mommy!
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