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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. Yes Jenny. It was a good one. I just about fell out of my chair when they revealed the full sentence EVP. All the hair on my body stood straight up. A nice way to kick of the new season, plus it proved how pathetic GHI really was!
  2. The pop vs soda debacle I hear a lot. Oregonians say pop more often than soda- at least I think. My grandma says Bat-tree for battery. The first time I heard her say that it took me forever to figure out what the hell she was talking about. She kept saying "go get me a bat-tree" umm...ok?? My mom says warsh- she's lived here her whole life so she has no excuse. Yet she still says Warshington. And Abbie- in my linguistics class they talked about the PNW having our own dialect as well. Most regions do. But anyways, she talked about words we say differently and I was like "we do? No one else says it like that?" I can't remember her examples now, but there were some!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek She was great on Arrested Development too. That show was hysterical. Oh I loved her. I def think she added a lot of humor to the show. I hope she plays larger parts in upcoming episodes. I just loved her one liners. Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes ok, girls. i know i'm going to sound like a total prude for saying this (i did like the show) - but i was a little shocked at the content. i mean in the first scene there was this girl going down on ethan in a car @ school! it seemed like the old show always had some kind of "message" - like brenda and dylan's pregnancy scare. i did like it - and i'll watch it again, i was just a little shocked. I agree- it was a little out there. But then again, the original 90210 wouldn't be accepted by today's (teen) audience. At least I don't think so. It would seem too much like an after school special compared to our current over sexed tv shows. They did always have a message but this one kinda did too. Ethan wasn't played out to be the cool guy getting head and hooking up with all the chicks. It showed how his actions impacted others. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine well to be quite honest a bj in the parking lot is not the worst that happens in schools. A school I worked at had a storage area under neath a set of stairs and we found condoms in their multiple times (hey at least they were using protection right!) and another time a teacher caught two students in the auditorium. I also have known a few teachers who have lost their jobs for hooking up with students, it happens more often than you think. With both my parents working in a high school- my dad being a principal, this is definitely not shocking. And as for teacher and student affairs- unfortunately, it is all too common. What pisses me off is that some teachers just lose their certification in a particular state and can go to a new state and teach there. I've seen that happen a few times too.
  4. Ohhh- good call Christine. It would be an older brother though- they hinted to him being 20 right? I just can't believe how dramalishious this show was. It was like "what's next?" Seriously, they didn't hold nothing back.
  5. Ya- I think Blaine has expired. He really is getting pale. LMAO
  6. My sister kept trying to match the characters up too. I thought it would be a risky move to make too many parallels because it just opens us old folks up to start comparing it to the original 90. But then again, how can we not? But I agree- there are some similarities, but so far I don't see a virginal Donna. Where's Donna? LOL just kidding. I'm not that obsessed, but I really do like Tori and I hate seeing her get the shaft. ETA- oh and the whole baby story- yah I was confused. When Lori (what's her character's name? I don't know how you girls kept track) mentioned something to the hubby about it the next morning, I was like "how did she find out already." Maybe I was talking over it or something.
  7. Ok then I'm caught up- yay! And yes, Keith needed to go. He kinda pissed me off. I watched all the episodes back to back so when he started whining about the judges criticizing him, I was confused because he won the Brooke Shield's one. So what if he was off the mark with the drag queen design- it's not like that was real designs- at least in my opinion. It was all WAY over the top. But the episode I laughed the hardest at was the Olympic one. I mean, come on- picture some of our olymipic women wearing the outfits they designed. That was hysterical.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt yup, just solidified my fears! Oops! Sorry Tara. I meant to make you all feel better. My dress had to be taken in so much because the stupid store convinced me to order it in the larger sizes. You know- I was a different size in my hips and waist so they had me order to my largest size. Stupid- cause it's a corset. Anyways, I lost a few pounds and it ended up a tad too big in my opinion. We had to seriously tighten it over and over. But as for worrying about the alterations, I get that. I worried too. I was trying to say to not worry about it until you have to. Nothing you can do in the meantime. Just trust your seamstress- they are professionals. If she f's it up, then chew her ass.
  9. We did the double decker bus on our trip to NYC. I loved it. It looked so different than being at the street level. Actually we would see something from the bus then get off and get totally lost because everything looked so different. LOL Anyways, I tried to catch up on this season. What was the last episode? The one with Rachel Zoe?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I thought the show was pretty good. it started off kinda slow but got a lot better. the daughter Annie is a little corny sometimes. I agree. But then again, when you watch the original Brandon and Brenda interactions were a little cheesy at times. PLUS the whole perfect family, perfect parents set up of the Walshes. It looks like they are kinda following that story line with the perfect family this go around. I LOVE Lori Laughlin- i adored her on Summerland. I was pissed when the show was cancelled, but I'm happy 90210 is back. It seems they are keeping the balance of hitting the older demo along with the younger demo. My mom watched 90210 with me, so I think it would be cute if moms can relate to this show with their young teen daughters as well. Bring back DONNA damnit! LOL
  11. Jessica- are you watching now? Your post confused me. LOL I'm so excited about the show....WOOOHOO. Looks like this will be a busy TV night for me.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Haha I havent ordered a dress yet and I am freaked about this too! The woman at the bridal shop said since I will possibly get a corset back then there really wouldnt be any alterations needed. Is this true?? Technically yes and no. If it fits you in length, then your corset can make up for flexs in size- up to a point! I lost a bit too much weight and my BMs really had to work to get that baby tightened up as much as it could go. I also had my hips taken in just cause I thought it looked too big. I wanted to take in the sides because I was worried that it would be too loose but my seamstress talked me out of it. Surprising huh? LOL
  13. Beautiful pictures! I absolutley love your TTD pics. The one of you on the beach just laying there all smiley looks sooo peaceful. Wonderful job Nathaniel. Very exciting photos!
  14. Oh ya. I was totally nervous- I just kept thinking "if i get this back 2 weeks prior, how am I going to fix a f-up?" It worked out so it was wasted thought. Just keep yourself sane and remember- they are professionals. They do it all day. If they screw it up, then cross that bridge. For now, no worries.
  15. No kidding! I also have a hard time getting past how scripted this season is. I mean, they may have been in the past but it wasn't so obvious. I'm also tired of the one important remark conversatiosn followed by blank looks. Do you know what I'm talking about? It's like real conversations don't happen like that. I don't say something to my friend and then they stare at me for 5 seconds with no response.
  16. I thought it was some great tips!! It seemed to mirror some of the stuff we see on here often- bridal party woes, bridal party attire, etc.
  17. Biggest Wedding Regrets - Â* MSN Relationships Biggest Wedding Regrets Brides reveal their 'shoulda, coulda, woulda' moments. By Charli Penn What bride doesn't want her wedding day to go exactly as she planned with a minimal amount of drama? The truth is you can plan your heart out, but things may not always work the way you hoped they would. We asked newly married brides to be up-front and honest about their biggest preparation regrets so others could learn from their mistakes. Here's what they had to say. About Receptions "I would not have combined a chocolate fountain at our wedding reception with six flower girls. Thank goodness for Shout Wipes -- they were the only thing that managed to save my dress." Tip: Even if you aren't having small children or messy foods at your reception, pack a bridal emergency kit. Items like aspirin, clear nail polish (for stocking runs), and a miniature sewing kit are musts. If you're worried you'll forget it, ask your maid of honor to be in charge of gathering the little things you might need. "I would have ordered three times more shrimp. My brothers-in-law and a few of the other guests thought we were offering an all-you-can-eat shrimp buffet." Tip: After sitting through the ceremony and waiting for the wedding party to arrive, many guests will work up an appetite. Beautifully prepared appetizers may not always be the most filling. If you have big eaters on the guest list, you may want to add to your food budget or plan a meal with lots of options, especially if you're having an evening reception. At dinnertime, guests expect dinner-sized portions. "I would have driven the route to the reception myself instead of just going by an online map. A lot of people got really lost on the way, and I'm still hearing about it to this day." Tip: If your ceremony and reception sites are not the same, include directions in the invitations. Don't rely on online resources because there can be glitches. If guests get lost and frustrated, it's likely to show in your photos. Map the route yourself and then have a family member on hand with a cell phone for anyone who's lost and may need clarification. About Being the Bride "I would have lost weight. After all, I had the time and the equipment." Tip: If you're gown shopping and you're not thrilled with the figure you see in the mirror, it's the perfect indication that you might want to begin a pre-wedding workout routine. While you don't have to lose weight to be a beautiful bride, it's important you feel comfortable and at your best that day. You'll love your pictures so much more if you're not obsessed with the little flaws. Most weddings are at least a year away, which gives you plenty of time to improve on body issues. "I would have searched the dress shop on the Internet before putting down a deposit. When I went to the designer's website and found two stores in my area, I should have checked on them both. The Better Business Bureau would have shown me the complaints made against the one I chose." Tip: When you're spending major cash at a bridal salon, check references. Impulsive purchases very often don't work out well when it comes to wedding planning. "I would have taken pictures of my bustle at my final dress fitting. When I was 'bustling up' before the reception, we couldn't quite figure out how to get it right." Tip: Arranging the bustle is indeed a not-so-easy task. Bring a member of your bridal party with you to the bridal salon when you go for your last fitting. She can learn precisely what needs to be done for the wedding. "I would not have worn those ghastly fake eyelashes. They work on some people, but I'm not one of them." Tip: Try out new beauty products a few times before the wedding day. It's better to know how they work and what you can expect. About the Wedding Party "I wouldn't have worried about what everyone was wearing. Instead, I would have given the maids and moms a swatch of fabric and said, 'Don't clash with this.' I'm glad they chose their own dresses, but having to coordinate colors between three different designers was more stress than I needed." Tip: Always remember that when dealing with bridesmaid attire, being flexible comes with a price. Allowing the ladies to pick something that works for them won't always work for you. If you insist they have options, find a designer that offers multiple dress styles in the same color: You won't have nightmares about clashing colors, and they'll get a style in which they feel comfortable. "I wouldn't have jumped so quickly to choose my bridal party. I would have taken more time and given it more thought since I hurt quite a few people in the process. I realize now that out of sheer excitement, I hastily selected the people who were closest to me at that time, neglecting the people that were with me for many years before." Tip: When it comes to picking your bridal party members, give it some time before you contact anyone. There may be conflicts between who you'd like to ask and who expects you to ask them. You'll want to identify those problems before you make any announcements. In most cases, it's inevitable that you'll have to do some damage control, but you'll most likely feel better if you ask after having thought long and hard about your choices. About the Planning "We wouldn't have done DIY invitations. The amount of money we saved just wasn't worth the time it took us to make them." Tip: It's important to understand the nature of the projects that you're taking on before you or your loved ones commit to something you ultimately just won't want to finish. "I would have hired a day-of coordinator. It got irritating when people would ask questions like, 'Where should I put the extra programs?' after the ceremony." Tip: The one thing most brides don't get on their wedding day is a break. If you want to enjoy individual moments more and deal with questions and disasters less, hiring day-of help should be a high priority on your to-do list. The quality time you'll gain is well worth the fee.
  18. Ugh- I don't know if Steve really has a condenseding tone, but sometime he has a snotty "teenager" tone rather than the "dad" tone. That pisses me off like no other. I call him on it immediately- which doesn't work well. I always remind him that it doesn't matter if he "meant" it that way. It's they way I heard him say it, so next time phrase it better. LOL I'm not much help Erin, but maybe keep bringing it to his attention. After all, even if it's not his true meaning, he's still leaving it up to your perception. He needs to keep that in mind. If he doesn't think he is doing something wrong, then maybe he better think about how you are perceiving what he saying. And I ABSOLUTELY agree with Becks. I'm tired of Steve thinking he needs a damn medal if he does something domestic. No one gives me a giant sticker for cleaning the bathroom, yet I need to give him a thank you shout out for doing a load of towels.
  19. That style of dress looks very similiar to my BMs dresses. We got them at nordstrom. Let me look. Adrianna Papell Silk Halter Dress - Bridesmaids - Nordstrom Check out Nordies. Tons of cute dresses in similar styles. You can make it work.
  20. Why the hell are they so shiny!! Someone needs to buy them some blotting paper stat. Is it just me or does Heidi's face look like it's had more work done? SHe looks WAY more plastic than usual.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Most credit cards will do this but you have to have good credit. If you have bed credit you are SOL. Also I read in economic journals that banks are going to raise interest rates on credit cards b/c they are being hit hard. WTF? I wonder what these banks will do if they raise the rates and people simply file bankruptcy because they are unable to pay their loans. Talk about getting hit hard then.... Anyways, I hear what you are all saying. We are currently selling our 2nd car and working schedules out to carpool. I wish we had the ability to use public transportation, but in Oregon, it's a little too rural for that to be practical for us. Booo!! It's going to be hard enough for us to juggle one car since we both work 45 mins away (thankfully at the same place.) Steve sometimes works a different schedule than me and so far we either go in early and hang outside reading a book or something else. It's def not ideal, but we want to start saving the money we spend on the car payment.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Thye are always doing these staged photoshoots. It's weird. I remember an Easter one, and Thanksgiving one and some other one.. where they were with Heidi's mom. They are really something else. And I agree, WTF is up with the melons and oranges. Good lord. It was mother's day. I remember reading some mag (in touch, us, something like that) and it had pap pics of what celebs did with their mothers on mom's day. I laughed so hard because you could tell all of the real celeb ones were actual pap pics- like it's blurry, the celeb looks a bit dishevled or has a weird expression. The Spencer and Heidi one showed her giving her mom a bouquet and Spencer holding a huge ass card and they were all smiling at the camera. It was sooo ridiculously set up. It made me laugh. As for that photoshoot in the grocery store, wtf!! Dude, it's so comical. Is it trying to be real or is it suppose to be glaringly obvious that it's set up. I'm confused. Heidi is obviously obessed with boobies. LOL
  23. So I'm in agreement that this season is obviously too edited. It may have been before- but it wasn't as noticeable as it is now. It's like they are stretching to find some drama. And WTF was up with the freaking lack of fireworks at Stephanie's party. Why the hell would Lauren let Spencer and Heidi get to her that much. Those bitches wouldn't run me out of anywhere- then again, I'm not classy. LOL I would have brawled iwth them the whole night and then be embarrassed about my reaction the next day. Anyways- in respect to their "jobs" I heard on the radio that EW (at least I think it was that mag) released what they each make per episode. Lauren has a clause to make more than any cast member- I guess she set that up back in the Laguna days- good for her. She makes $85k per episode which ends up being like 2 million I think. Heidi, Spencer make like $75k per epsiode. Audrina and Lo were in the $60k range with Whitney slightly below them. I can't remember Brodie's or Stephanie's- but yah, they makes some dough too. Frankie does it for free though! LOL
  24. LOL- I was such a bald baby until about 2. I bet my mom would have loved to have the lil kim for me!
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