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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. Oh Kim that's terrible. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how you feel. Please feel free to use the forum as a sounding board. It will definitely help! In the meantime, I wish you and your family some peace.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan love the new user title!! Now I'm thinking maybe I should have been "crazy in the head*licious"
  3. After last night's show, I'm leaning to the kid being Dylan's. With the way Brandon was raised (you know- the perfect family) I have a hard time seeing him putting anything in front of a child. Dylan, on the other hand, was always the bad boy and always a tad selfish. I'm betting it's his. And I agree with Christine- the original cast has nothing going on. I highly doubt they would turn away from a popular show- which I think this is on it's way to being. Yay!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan crazy in the head. Muahaha....I am beotches.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari No awhile ago, I think before she was on The Hills. I saw it in a mag somewhere. Her before boobs and her after boobs. You can tell a difference! I thought it was while she was on the hills, but I can't remember where I saw it. I know it was talking about her being in the new movie- Into the Blue 2? is that the one she will be in? Crap- I'm not sure if I was even helpful in this. LOL
  6. Awww...you girls are sweet. And Morgan- what does Loco en la Cabeza mean? I'm only slightly clueless!
  7. WOW! You have me so intrigued Nicole. I will definitely have to look into this. I'm way to lazy to do coupon clipping but this looks so easy!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! Mine is easy too, just plain ol' Kristy. My old username, froggie1013, was froggie ten thirteen. (My birthday is October 13th.) I'm the 14th! We nearly share a day. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Oh and RachelleE....I always thought it was Rach-el until I met her and thank god JaimeLynn told me I was pronoucing it wrong before she got there. It's Rach-elle. haha...I always called her Rach. I'm Ray-chel. Sometimes people call me Ra-shell but I think that's kinda weird. I mean, I thought Rachel was always Ray-chel. And we discussed this in the LC thread because Tear*a didn't know that LC stood for Las Caletas. So I'm not creative. Maybe I should say it stands for Legally Crazy.
  9. Oh totally. My DH got in a total huff when I watched an episode of the hills without telling him it was on. Totally funny. Anyways, DH asked me if I was going to watch him play softball tonight. I looked at him like he grew another head. It was like "hell no- 9-0 is on Tues now." I don't think he really has interest in this show. Maybe if his man crush Brodie Jenner was on it, then maybe. LMAO
  10. I remember a girl on BDW doing it once. They were gorgeous pics, but ya, never heard of it before that. Sorry, I'm no help!
  11. Ugh, I think the espisodes need to be longer too. Loved all the mascara running. I admit, I teared up a bit. Maybe cause it brought me back to my own been there, done that moment with my bf or I'm just starting the pms. I agree- Heidi needs to bitch slap spencer and send him packing. It's ridiculous that she allows him to treat her sister like that. Grrr...
  12. I didn't watch them. It's on my DVR but I must say that the VMA's have gone down hill once they started censoring. I liked to tune in just in case someone went crazy and decided to climb up one of the sculptures.
  13. haha I don't know. I should change mine. I was the "chillest bride" but now i'm not really a bride. I'm also not sure if I'm exactly the chillest either.
  14. WTF- I was just beginning to wonder what all this liciousness was about. Oh- a boring friday- go figure. Becks, I like snark*o*licisous. I'm still member of the month- for the 6 month straight. LOL
  15. That's awesome. Good for you to turn your energy into something positive! I hope you had a wonderful walk yesterday!
  16. I don't watch the show, but I watched Housewives... I believe they broke up because JO moved to LA and they tried to have a long distance relationship. She had her own life going on in LA and it got too hard for them to stay in tune with the other. They pretty much broke up on mutual terms, which is why it seems that they are kinda willing to somewhat "go there" again, because at the end of it all, I don't think they really moved on. I couldn't watch this show though. I wasn't a big fan of JO and I knew it was just a ploy to expand her "budding" music career. They featured her music career on the last episodes of housewives.
  17. In the beginning, we set a budget and I had a slight freak out because I didn't think we would be able to save all the money that we wanted for the wedding. We wanted to use CASH only too! It's really a good idea. Anyways, we ended up saving WAY more money than we thought we could. How deep into the budgeting have you gone? Have you taken a look at your income vs. monthly expenses to calculate how much you can save per month? That should give you an idea of how many months it would take you to reach your budget. Plus you have to weigh if it's more important for you get married soon or if it's more important to have everything you want in your wedding. Once you start priortizing and figuring out what works for you, then that should help as well.
  18. Ugh- Lynn Spears should seriously have her ovaries ripped out and hung on a tree. That way she could charge $20 for viewing rights and stop using her children to feed her bank account. I can't stand that woman- as if it wasn't obvious. lol
  19. Oh yikes. What a scary situation. I hope everything will work out fine- well as fine as it can! Have faith.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 That's what I was thinking, but maybe they are giving her another shot since she has been getting her sh*t together. I dunno. Even though Brit was shitty, I'm sure MTV still thrived off the performance. I'm sure it created more buzz, than her previous "good" performances did. I bet the execs all secretly have their fingers crossed that she falls asleep during her opener- much like her performance last year. LOL Personally, I like Britney and I feel sorry for all the media crap she has taken. I think it's a brave woman to take all that garbage and still return- or maybe it's just stupidity. haha I dunno. Anyways, I hope she does a funny SNL style song and dance like most of the openers feature.
  21. I didn't know they could chip- since there isn't many things stronger. How sad. Do you have insurance? Did you FI buy an extended warranty through your jeweler?
  22. Congrats to the two of you. I know your wedding is going to be absolutely beautiful. Enjoy the day and cherish your memories!
  23. I heard that was a good book too. I started to exchange some wiht my coworker and she promises to bring me all the Jodi Picoult books. She said she has them all! Can't wait for some new material.
  24. Crap- I missed this!! I need to remember who I loaned this book too and beg for it back. LOL Warning- it's a tear jerker ladies. I sobbed through the last half of the book!
  25. I have NEVER used a crock pot- nor do I own one. I hated stew growing up and I think that is the only thing my mom ever made in the crock pot. So to me, crockpots= gross food. LOL Your recipes have me intrigued, and as a non-cooker, I'm even more inspired to throw crap in one and walk away. That sounds fab! Plus I love the molten lava recipe. Yum!! I want a crock pot now.
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