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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. very pretty. It looks like the "formal" dresses we all wear on here. Honestly, I think you can do whatever you want. I've seen beautiful weddings with just a sundress and ones with formal dresses like they would wear for a home wedding. It's all about you and what you vision. I say go for it! I think it's beautiful and your waist looks tiny!
  2. I don't want you girls to stress. Don't feel bad at all. None of us knew this would end up being like this. It's the douchebags fault. No one elses! asshole. hmph!
  3. I think it looks better without the chairs. One thing- what's the dark spot above the S in save the date? That distracted me. Overall I think it looks good though!
  4. She's retarded. She could have fixed the problem without you knowing and then you would have never known the difference. She just decided to stress you out for the hell of it? I think she really needs to learn some business skills. Try to fix the problem and if you can't find a solution, then call the customer for some feedback and figure out option 2. I hope it works out for you in the end. Til then- just relax. It's just an AHR- everyone will get to see some beautiful pics of your wedding and know that they missed out on a really beautiful event!
  5. ok that's plain retarded! What's so hard to understand? Pick a stinkin dress! I honestly would say "look- I just gave you a color. I tried to help with options. Figure it out from here." I had a BM that was kinda picky too. I can't wait for her to get hitched so I can give it right back. I had their dresses altered to fit them at the knee. She has issues with that and wants it drastically shorter because her legs look better that way. I reminded her it's my wedding- not a night at the club so she can shorten it later if she wants to. For now, it's knee length or you sit your butt in the crowd with a really short dress. Thank goodness she's my cousin so I can say things like that. haha
  6. Cruise search results Theres a couple on this page I think could be very close.
  7. Bummer! I wish I could find this site I used one time- it listed cruises in which you could basically live on the cruise ship! They had some great cruises listed.
  8. Cruise search results Maybe the 12 night one from Celebrity cruises towards the bottom of the page?
  9. I can't really tell on the second one. That's my pick- plus the words being darker in the sand it's easier to read. I love the water in #1 but the chairs bother me. They look superimposed.
  10. Very pretty Abbie! I wanted to write my own vows- I'm pretty good at expressing my feelings but Steve would not and will not. I've tried for MONTHS to convince him but he's afraid he will sound like a stammering fool. Oh well, maybe he will write me a nice card.. I've made so much fun of him because he never writes me nice cards. He usually just puts "I love you, Steve." This valentine's day he finally put something else in the card: Roses are red, violets are pink, (ummm they are?) The thought of missing you makes my heart sink. I can't wait til March when we are together, living it up and enjoying the weather. When March 27th comes around and we say let's go to get hitched and say "Viva la Mexico!!" I just had to share. It made me giggle like a school girl. Now why can't he write his own vows?
  11. I love all the new ones. They are so funny! Kudos to the finders.
  12. haha I think I will change it to "to honor and to respect." Much more fitting. nobody bosses me around! hehe
  13. weddings are just an odd time. Personally I would confront her. My mom hasn't been the super excited mom either. Don't get me wrong- she's excited I'm getting married but she hasn't been too big into all the wedding stuff. I always get the "if that's what you want" response. She lives 4 hrs from me and when she came to visit I showed her my dress hanging in the closet. I asked if she wanted me to try it on so she could see it. She was like "no thats ok." I totally didn't get it- but oh well. I don't let it make me less excited. I wouldn't let it get to you. Just keep your excitement and forget all others.
  14. Oh I love the participation required by the guests. So cute for them to add their "we do." Only thing I'm not fond of is this: I take you to be my wife from this point forward, to join with you, and to share all that is to come, to be your faithful husband, to give and to receive, to speak and to listen, to honor and to obey. Sometimes obeying is good...hehe but I don't like them in the vows. Another form of wording here?
  15. I gave everyone PLENTY of notice- over a year. I believe I sent my STDs out at the 10month mark. Still plenty of time. I also have a wedding website where I listed information for people as well. I'm not sure how useful this has been for anyone because I didn't have too many visit counts, but now it's become a new place for everyone to rip on each other. Our comments section now looks like a myspace page. haha our guests are crazy. Feel free to check it out here: rachelandsteve2008.com
  16. I think it also depends on what the groom is wearing. If he's in a suit and you will be in a fancy dress, then your husband should be a little more formal too. We are a little more casual for our wedding. The GM are wearing cotton embroidered shirts with linen dockers. My dad is wearing a linen chocolate shirt with some embroidery and khaki pants.
  17. Personally I would then tell him, he look into something he likes and if he can't find anything then I would get what you like best. I would get seriously pissed off if my FI kept making me do all that work. He should pitch in and help if he's going to be that picky!
  18. From the photos I have seen posted on the forum, I think he does a wonderful job. I also remember reading something about lover's beach costing more for all photogs or something. I'm probably way off- but there was something. Maybe do a search on it. I think $450 is great for 1.5hrs. Have a great time and don't worry!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha You may be at a plataeu. I know sometime people will lose a bit of weight then it will level off a bit. Like the other girls said, your body has probably adjusted to your caloric intake and level of physical activity. Maybe if you change those up a bit you may see better results (this is coming from a fat cow, but just my thought)! haha I should have pre-warned my advice too...."This is coming from a fat cow so I know I'm not getting it right, but here's my advice...." It's like who really wants to trust an over-weight nutritionist.
  20. Yes Ann. Please do. I haven't heard from the minister yet so I would kinda like to get familiarized with what i'm going to say. I hope I don't slur or stutter them.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus how about a photographer... want one of those in the mix JM- you have been slacking lately. I don't see as many posts these days!
  22. Have a drink for me on March 20. That will be one week from my wedding. EEEK!!
  23. i voted for #1. I'm not much of a big bling person but I think it compliments your ring the most. I say save the eternity ring for later.
  24. Interesting. I probably was at the time- this was a few months ago when I was knee deep in wedding stuff. I just remember getting wiped out by the wave and trying to swim for dear life in my wedding dress. Then I ended up naked on the beach. Crazy how your mind works.
  25. Woohoo. Sicily! That sounds so fun. I can't help you in regards to location, but you will find so much information to help you with all the other planning. Welcome to the forum!
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