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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. I'm going to try to find ways to be happy every day. I need to start concentrating on positives all the time. Today: 1. I'm happy my boss is coming in late to work. She screeches to much and my ears can't handle the abuse today. 2. 11 days til I leave to Mexico and only 7 work days left. 3. I read the pashminas might make it to me before I leave. Now I don't have to find something else to give the ladies. woohoo.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Did the points disapear from your banked points? I just ran across a banned member with a buttload of points and was thinking of trying this, but not at the risk of all of mine! I like to give gifts and stuff! How many got taken from you each time? I tried to steal 3000 points three times. I didn't feel as bad when I noticed Carly tried to do the same thing. haha At least we are both crazy.
  3. I'm late but so beautiful Yari. I love it!! It will look smashing on the cake.
  4. I've ordered 2 from occanesey. Both are pretty- I just ordered the first in the wrong style- totally my fault. I ordered it in the shimmer dark ivory color and I love the tiny bit of sparkly it has.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan That's what I call the 8th grade rock. Arms around each other & rock back & forth. Thats not cool anymore? Crap!
  6. Oh Lisa! You are pregnant too!! How exciting. SO many little BDW babies coming.
  7. The only thing that really suprises me is the non-confirmed time. Like what if you really were dead set on an evening one and they couldn't give that to you. So odd to do business that way. Are you sending out invites to? It seems like this would screw up your projects. I hope you hear from her soon!
  8. Oh goodie. A bon voyage package! My FI is going to be like "What is that? Not another package!" UPS guy and I have become good friends. Ladies, you rock. Thanks again so much! Just let me know what I owe for shipping. I'll make sure to pay you before I leave!
  9. Got married in Vegas last month. We made it kinda funny so it didn't take away from our excitement. We went through a drive thru chapel in a cab and the cabbie was our witness. It's a funny story and we were so happy we saved money doing it that way. I'm very excited for the "real" wedding too!
  10. Very pretty. I decided to make my BM jewelry after I gave up trying to find them something affordable I liked. It's not as hard as it looks huh? I think I'll make all my stinking jewerlry now that I know how easy it is.
  11. I'm willing to pay $5 at this point. haha He's still an ass though.
  12. I personally would just start the first dance and then have others join you about half way through. I couldn't ask my FI to embarrass himself by trying to learn something he isn't sure he could do. I know I sure as hell would not try to learn something I suck at and then do it in front of everyone- like do a duet song or something. No one would want to listen to me sing, unless I was drunk.
  13. What an ass. I'm okay with it though. hehe I would just warn others to not do business with him. That's very shady. How can your order something and then half way through the order they change the price. Craptastic. Will I still be able to get mine though? Yikes, that's cutting it close. I'll cross my fingers that the pashmina gods love me today.
  14. Try these as well: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16710 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12970
  15. *Update* Ok I ordered from this vendor and I just wanted to note that as expensive as their jewelry is, I think it is really cheap quality. While my earrings and bracelet will do, I'm not impressed considering the money you fork over. I have earrings from Nordstroms that were $25 that I think were better quality. Not $54! Ok, I just wanted to provide fair warning if anyone ordered from them. I wasn't too impressed and it's non-returnable since it's "custom."
  16. I wouldn't freak out. I could have planned my wedding in 2 months or less. You can do it and you have the most resourceful tool ever- BDW! Don't stress until you have to.
  17. THe first one is Ellen Pompei or whatever her name is from Grey's Anatomy. All that writer's strike did was make us forget our beloved Grey's stars!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I am having the best day ever (well so far). I lost 6.5 pounds this week and I got my client a $25,000 settlement! YAY! 6.5lbs in a week!!! That's great. I got $21 back in state taxes- so much money they had to direclty deposit in my bank account. You know, it's scary to make checks out for that much money. hehe
  19. Cupcakes make me happy- then make me sad. I always feel so guilty after eating bad things. I'd rather "think" about how happy I would be eating cupcakes. hehe
  20. You haven't talked to her at all? You know, back when I was looking into Dreams PV as our location, their crappy WC told me that I shouldn't worry about anything because I had a year to get it all done. I was quite pissed at that. True, but there is nothing wrong with getting the crap done and out of the way so you don't have to stress the last 3 months!
  21. I love that today is Wednesday. It seems like once you get through weds. the rest of the week is gravy, baby. I'm also happy that I'm 3 days from my 2nd bachelorette party (even though I received the wigs and they are the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.) haha 7 more work days. 12 more days til I leave. 15 days til the wedding! Woohoo.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl OMG---PS Rachel, 15 days and you're just on here surfin'?? You TOTALLY dererve your chillest bride title. I haven't seen you freak out about ANYTHING lately! You are my inspiration, and my new mantra will be "Chill like Rachel, chill like Rachel!" haha. I'm totally not a "chill" person either. I'm such coiled cobra (as my FI calls me.) Plus I'm so tightly wound, I have a lot of tantrums. For whatever reason, this whole wedding planning hasn't been a huge deal to me. I've been totally chill. I kinda like it. So much better than stressing out over small things. The funny thing is I asked my mom if she wanted to go to LC early with me to get ready the day of the wedding. She first said no because she said I would be stressed out and all bitchy. haha I laughed at that one because who knows- bridezilla may come out the day of the wedding. She decided to go because I convinced her I have been so relaxed with the wedding. She kinda believed me....i think.
  23. how funny! I just read Jessalyn's article and now I get to read this one! Woohoo!
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