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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. OMG- I want to do this. Sounds like fun. Maybe I should have a BBQ and invite all the married couples over for a competition. haha classic.
  2. I agree with Jaq. Only you can really know what feels right. I personally couldn't downgrade my sister- although Lord knows I did tell her at one point that I did regret asking BM at all. Then I felt bad. She is my sister and I am close to her even though I feel like smothering her in her sleep sometimes. I'd just hate for you to have all kinds of drama from it. But if your ok with it, then it's ultimately up to you. I just don't want to you to later regret your decision once you've stepped back from all this wedding stuff you know? Good luck Maura. I hope it works out soon!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by pryzeless I feel the same way. I am six months tomorrow. I am a little bored because I can't plan much right now. I know soon enought it will take off and I will be busier than ever. Try having it all done. It's like bleh- now what? Plan our anniversary? heheh
  4. I barely did my hair when I was there- it just got all puffy anyways. Remember a travel mirror- to see your hair on the wedding day!
  5. Oh duh! Maybe just check no and request chicken fingers anyways. haha
  6. I also meant to add- my sister/MOH or BM really helped with anything. They even didn't stand in the right places during the ceremony so my BM looked like my MOH. Idiots. Truly though, I'd rather do it all myself because even if they did help I wouldn't trust them. They'd do it half-assed.
  7. Awww Maura that really sucks and I know aside from all the anger, it's probably pretty painful too. Here's what I would do- I would let your sister do what she wants. If she doesn't show up to anything (including the wedding) that's on her. She will feel like shit later if she's a good sister. I know you want her to be supportive and to be a sister, but apparently she's a little self involved at the moment. Last minute, she doesn't come- why not just have another friend act as MOH and hold your flowers, help you primp and do all the other MOH duties. It's not worth all the stress. As for your whole family drama- again, that's on them. If they can't afford to go then what are you suppose to do? Most of Jose's family is in Mexico right? How does your family think that probably should be fairly solved? If it's cheaper for you guys in the long run and less expensive, do what you need to do and forget about all the people who aren't helpful along the way. In the meantime, I'm really sorry you have to deal with it all. It's worth it in the end.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Thanks everyone, and Jamy we're not that far out from high school, our 10 year reunion will be next year. Me too! I can't believe it's been that long. You girls were cute! I didn't know you knew eachother before. I thought I read about you needing to RSVP for Amy's wedding, but I thought maybe you were just strictly forum friends. I think you should ask for chickenfingers. haha
  9. Awww so cute that you were part of it! Looks like they had a blast. I had that watergun once. Wonder what happened to it!
  10. I'm freaking out that Oct is 6 months away! Already! It just seems like yesterday I was celebrating my oct birthday. 6 months goes quick Yari. Next thing you know, you will be scrambling to post your planning thread before walking out the door!
  11. I got my hairstylist a beach tote for helping. I had her name embroidered on it. JUST EMBROIDERED TOTES
  12. Wow e wow! You girls have done great! I check this thread periodically to see how everyone is doing. Glenda- your a pool shark. haha. I always read your posts about how bad you are doing. I see- you got the ace up your sleeve! Congrats girl.
  13. i love the face she makes when she meeps. It's like she is trying so hard not to but...*meep*....oopsie.
  14. Any favorites? I can't really determine if I like ANY of them. Maybe the girl with the meeps. Now that makes me laugh.
  15. woohoo that's great. But it still doesn't fix your hair! I hope you find a good salon. In the meantime- rock the hair girl. I'm sure you still look fabulous.
  16. I agree with everyone- it's time to be adults. Plus they should respect you and not start anything. However, that being said- I hope no one is retarded like me when they drink and just randomly blurt out stuff. If they do, I would hope SOMEONE would be the bigger person.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE I don't think they provide alcohol on the day trip! No worries. LC must be owned by a bunch of lushes. Open bar day trip and night trip. hahahaha- now go and have a few margaritas for me!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by shellb Max hahaha.. Just hanging out.
  19. Oh my goodness- that's crazy. I've always wanted to see a storm like that because our weather is always so tame. I'm glad nothing was damaged though!
  20. I can't believe they are treating you like this! I would serisously threaten to slam their salon everywhere- just as Alyssa recommended. You know- good recommendations are what keeps the business coming to salons. Who wants to go to a salon where they turn people's hair orange and then just say "Sorry- customer did it." That's unheard of!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Ok, well I read the whole thing & I love you Rachel! You are so chill and great - go you! Awww thanks Christa. It was hard to be chill because I'm totally not a "chill" person. I can get all fired up pretty easily. For the wedding stuff, I just tried to keep it all in perspective. It was hard- especially after I burnt my dress, but totally worth it in the end.
  22. Our wedding day was not minimized with the knowledge that we were already married. We still were both VERY nervous. It was funny because I kept thinking to myself- why the nerves? You're already married silly. That didn't help. I totally recommend the drive thru chapels. It was so fun. I wish we had gone to mcdonalds afterwards. Would have been perfect because we were slightly drunk too. Could have been 4th meal!
  23. First- I love the sunglasses. I needed to own those in college because some of the pictures that people used to catch of me were ridiculous. I needed a black bar. Second- those outfits look like a typical Saturday night for my girls. haha- some people just never grow out of the "skanky" stage I suppose. Looked like fun, can't wait to see the penis cake. Sounds delish.
  24. i know! me too! I would like to see what it looked like cause I can't remember. hahaha
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