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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. I love it all. Especially your dress! AND the OOT bags. I love your MOHs bag. Where did you get it? I want one!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 But it's always nice when our sig others let us know Very true. I had wanted to lose a lot of weight before the wedding but I really struggled. I worked out hard too so I'm going to the doctor to get my thyroid checked. My sister and mom have both recently been diagnosed with thyroid problems and my sister lost 20lbs once she got medicated. I've kinda dragged my feet to get tested, now I wish I would have sooner. Nonetheless, I was heavier than I have ever been on the wedding day. It was really hard to deal with the few weeks prior but the day of the wedding, I felt great. That's all that matters I suppose.
  3. I had just emailed out a tiny slideshow of our wedding pics (the ones I already showed you all) and one of Steve's coworkers wrote this back- "When I asked Steve if he had any pictures of you in your wedding dress, he had said not yet, so I told him that you must have been gorgeous. His response to us-he was “Speechless.” Awww...so sweet of him. He told me a few days after the wedding that he thought I looked more beautiful than I have ever looked. That makes me so happy. And I just ate 5 peanut m&m's. Yum!
  4. Oh my goodness- like 5 secs. I have no idea and I think I just flew up there. I had "Bittersweet Symphony" as my song and I had planned on the beginning instrumental section being long enough. Sure enough, I believe it was. Once I get the video back, I will let you know how long it took me.
  5. I think the cloud one is really cool. What a cool hobby. I looked up summer classes to learn more about photography but I didn't think I had time.
  6. I love it! Will you have someone to help guests understand what to do? I could see some people getting confused- I'm only saying this because I have worked with the public too long and simple things become hard things. Then again, your guests are probably smarter than the average joe.
  7. Scary but I'm so glad it was figured out. I wonder how often this happens undiscovered.
  8. That restaurant is adorable- I want my AHR there (if I have one-haha. I think at this point its going to be an At Home BBQ.) LOVE the hats- they are adorable and make for some great pics. You are just too cute Carly. I loved looking at the pics. Thanks for sharing.
  9. I'm glad it was worked out, but now I'm wondering what they did to get the ban to begin with. Nonetheless, your photos will be beautiful! I love their work.
  10. I have no recommendations but just wanted to say sorry the original plans didn't work out. At least you will save money and you won't have a ton of headaches now! Good luck!
  11. Stupid Pacific Northwest! The nice weather was such a teaser! I hope it works out Abbie. Is there alternative place to take them? Like some cool building that would have nice background elements? Or is it a beach or nothing type thing?
  12. Wow what a nightmare. I hope it gets straightened out in the next few months. I hope the resorts can start feeling the pressure from brides fighting back. So ridiculous.
  13. Cute pictures. I bet they will miss Elsie too. I love her sneaky kiss. My boy dog tries to do that to my girl dog all the time. She won't have it though.
  14. I think these are cute and an original idea. I agree to push the names down so it's not cut off, but other than that I think you have nothing to worry about. Don't be so hard on yourself. Have a good time picking things out and planning. You only get to do it once. Trust your instincts- it looks good!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild This is officially my favorite bridal groove shot ever!!! Work it, girl!!! I knew you were a partier. You have to come to the LC reunion/vow renewal (whenever that is!) because I want to dance with you! haha unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I didn't have a drop of alcohol that night since I was struggling with my sickness so I have no excuse for that picture. If I was drunk, it would have showed though. I would have looked like I was seizing instead. I'd LOVE to go back and have a few drinks and get down on the beach. It was so fun so I could only imagine how much more fun it would be if I weren't trying to forget I was sick. I totally just put on my happy face and forced myself to have a great time. I'm glad I did and didn't allow myself to be a whiney baby like I normally am when sick.
  16. Crap- I forgot to record this I think. Anyways- I almost think he has an obsession with American girls. I think he even talked about it during his interview- about how excited he was to get to choose an American girl cause they aren't as "stuffy" as the British girls or something to that extent. I think he's not really into any of them for who they are but rather his stereotype of American girls.
  17. Just make sure you do research on it before you buy it too. I don't know anything about electronics- DH is helpless too. Anyways, I bought a nano on ebay and thought I was buying a 2gb (or insert what I meant to say here) and bought a 1gb instead. I was pissed at myself because I paid the price for a 2gb one! The lady that sold it probably laughed at me for being such an idiot. UGH! Frustrates me all over again.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Yup, my resort said they will clean them up for me and not to worry about it. They wer trying to charge me $150/bag and she said I would need at least 2 bags. No fricking way was that going to happen. Rose petals dipped in gold huh? Sweet! lol At least they will pick up the petals. Could you imagine what PIA that will be! Use LOTS since the resort has been such jackasses and charging insane amounts for everything.
  19. Oh I want to see Hairspray. Lucky girl. Cute picutes and awesome mommy!
  20. What a tiny little guy! Not shocking cause Anny looked so tiny herself. I had a c-section when I had my ruptured appendix removed (ok so it wasn't a c-section, but close! I have scars to prove it!) I feel you on the pain Anny. The nurse constantly bugging me to get up and walk. Ugh- I wish you days of relaxation once you leave the hospital! Congrats!
  21. Welcome to the fourm. Make a list of things that are important to you for the wedding, ie AI, price, benefits of MX vs PR and vice versa. Once you narrow down the location, finding a resort should be a breeze with all the information here. Good luck!
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